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Ch 4 art of com

Is the transfer information from one party to another Communication
Exclamation being shared as fax feelings ideas opinions and thoughts takes place between two individuals Sender and receiver
Basic elements of the communication cycle include Sender, message, channel,receiver, feedback
Person who has an idea or information and wants to convey it Sender
Content that needs to be communicated Message
Method of sending the message to the receiver Channel
Recipient getting the message and interpreting it Receiver
In the communication cycle who is an active listener Receiver
Response from the receiver used to decide whether clarification is necessary and to determine whether the message you sent is the message received Feedback
In the communication cycle who is reflective listening The person giving feedback
Three ways humans communicate messages are Body language, tonality,spoken word
A patient's symptoms are referred to as Subjective information
Symptoms that can be measured example height, weight, blood pressure Objective information
Studied human behavior and developed a theory that states people are motivated by needs and that their basic needs must be met before the process to fill other needs Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Basic needs are survival needs that include water, air, sleep, hygiene, etc. Physiological needs
Safe and varmint feeling secure and living without fear or anxiety Safety needs
Emotionally face relationships such as feeling of belonging and being connected to your roots, friends, family, neighborhood, and so forth Love and belonging needs
Need to respect from others, recognition, acceptance, status, appreciation, and the need for self-respect. People need to engage in activities that give a sense of contribution and self value Esteem needs
Highest level of need, a person reaching for his or her potential by making the most of unique abilities. Creativity spontaneous interested in objective and a general appreciation for life Self actualization needs
Methods of communication Verbal and non-verbal
Involves the use of language or spoken words to express transmit messages Verbal communication
Are based on awareness or ups Sumption that people make an on their point of view as they the Discern what is being said Perception
To speak clearly enunciate
Slang or informal words Colloquialism
Sending a message without words Nonverbal communication
Movements that are sometimes unconscious and unintentional Body language
What is considered the comfort zone 3 to 4 feet
Being patient while the message is spoken and giving the speaker you're undivided attention Active listening
To dwell on, mole over, even study or away what has been said Reflective listening
Exploratory questions to encourage the patient to open up you need to ask Open ended questions
Asking questions that begin with dead or do after result in a short answer is Closed ended questions
What are communication barriers Language, bias, senses, prejudice, discrimination
Defense mechanisms Regression repression aggression denial apathy projection displacement rationalization
Racial backgrounds and culture origins who bring with them believes and values that may differ from your own Ethnic
To hold an attitude that all people from the same ethnicity are the same Stereotype
Add judgment that is form prior to gathering all facts Prejudice
Means to treat an individual or a group on file based on the category into which they fall Discrimination
Your opinion is one sided and your judgment is negatively influenced Bias
If a patient makes up a reason to justify unacceptable actions or behavior in order to avoid something the defense mechanism is known as rationalization
When communicating you use eyes face and hands, gestures are utilized, it is referred to as body language, touch can send signals is what kind of communication Nonverbal communication
Questioning, requesting examples, and paraphrasing iMessage are Types of feedback
Verbal descriptions are needed when communicating with Visually impaired patients
Some of the most difficult communication problems exist communicating with a 1 coworker 2 family
The first child at a list in the United States and developed a theory involving eight different stages in which a healthy developing human should pass through from infancy to end of life Ericksons human development life cycle
Trust versus miss trust Stage 1 birth to 1year (infancy)
Autonomy versus shame and doubt stage 2 1to 3 years (early childhood)
Initiative versus guilt Stage 3 3-6yrs ( Play age)
Industry versus inferiority Stage 4(5-12yrs) School age
Identity versus confusion Stage 5 (9-18) lessons
Intimacy versus isolation Stage 6 (18-40yrs) Young adult
Generosity versus stagnation Stage 7(30-65yrs) adulthood
Integrity versus despair Stage 8 (50+) mature age
The first person to discuss dreaming and psychology and correlated with the ID ego and super ego Freud
Pleasure principle ID
Reality principle, defense mechanisms Ego
Morality principal Super ego
Focused on themselves, their own thoughts, feelings, experiences, ideas Poor communicators
Focuses on others, paying attention to everything other person is trying to communicate Good communicators
Speak their part and think that the cumin Acacian is finished Poor communicators
Knows that they have said is only the beginning of the communication Good communicators
Perceptions, annunciate, colloquialisms , voice toneexamples of Methods of communication
Sending a message without words body language, eyes, mouth, posture are examples of Nonverbal communication
Patient say one thing but show a completely different response with their body language this is referred to as Double message
And Atwood bearing or behavior Demeanor
Controlled silence is a well-placed pause that can be used to get someone's attention and for size a message earlier reiterate or restate thoughts and additional information Silent pause
Stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination, bias, language are all examples Communication barriers
Unconscious reaction in which a person serves to experience in Asia in order to block the problem from the mind Repression
Withdrawing from an unpleasant circumstances by reverting to earlier, more secure a time in life. Regression
Belligerent, combative, attitude, such as lashing out by verbally attacking in order to avoid or diminish their role and Rhonda Aggression
Language, cultural, differences, economic status, age, gender, or also examples of communication barrier
Taking an acceptable desires, thoughts or impulses and falsely attributing them to others instead of admitting that they are connected to help a person feels Projection
Unconscious transfer away direction of unacceptable emotions, feelings, I thought from self to someone or something else Displacement
Demonstrating this interest or indifferent as to what is happening Apathy
Refusing to except painful information or an unpleasant situation Denial
Created by: Georgia1984
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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