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ACE Ch 3

Communication and Teaching Techniques

What is the definition of rapport? Relationship of mutual understanding and trust
After rapport has been established, the trainer-client moves into ___ stage of relationship? Investigation stage - review of health and fitness data
Following the Investigation stage, the trainer-client move into __ stage of relationship? planning stage - designing of exercise program
What stage of relationship follows planning? Action - client is ready to begin program
__ is the foundation of the ACE IFT Model Rapport - creating enjoyable exercise experience for client
When a trainer is listening to a client, her hands should be... relaxed and fluid and quiet. Not fidgeting, clenched, abrupt, pointing.
What type of posture gives client confidence? open, well-balanced, erect, lean slightly forward, arms uncrossed
What is effective listening? Listening closely to both words and emotions of client.
Paraphrasing is... restating in a clear and concise way the essence of what client is saying
To reflect back to client is... restate the main points and feelings to move conversation in productive manner.
What are steps 1 and 2 of planning stage? 1. setting goals 2. generating alternatives
What are steps 3 and 4 of planning stage? 3 formulating a plan 4. evaluating exercise program
What is a SMART process goal? something a client does like a certain # workouts per week
What is a SMART product goal? Something achieved like weight loss or resistance goal achieved
What is the ultimate goal for every client? Adherence
What is motivational interviewing? a method of speaking that motivates client to make a decision to change behavior
In what stage of trailer-client relationships are setting up self-monitoring systems important? Action Stage
When a client watches intently and prefers reading, what learning style is this? Visual
When a client touches, holds equipment, prefers to be spotted, this expresses what learning style? kinesthetic
What 3 letters describe how a trainer should introduce new skills? Tell, show, do
Helpful feedback should reinforce what was done well, correct errors, and __ motivate to continue practice and improvement
When is a behavioral contract most effective? When rewards are outlined by and meaningful to client; and when it is used consistently
What is cultural competence as it refers to skill of trainer? Ability to communicate and work with different cultures
What is empathy? When trainer demonstrates understanding and acceptance toward client.
The cognitive stage of learning is... When clients are trying to understand a new skill. Movements are often jerky and uncoordinated
When a client begins to master the basics and ready for more feedback, this is what stage of learning? associate stage of learning
When a client performs motor skills effectively and naturally, and trainer is just monitoring, client is in what stage of learning? autonomous stage of learning
Created by: clfrench
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