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Health Exam

Physical Health refers to the way your body functions- eating right, getting regular exercise, being at your recommended body weight, avoiding drugs and alcohol, free of diseases and sickness.
Mental Health is the ability to recognize reality and cope with demands of daily life
Social Health is the quality of your relationship with friends, family, teachers, and others
Emotional Health it involves coping with your feelings and expressing your emotions in a positive, nondestructive way
Environmental Health keeping your air and water clean, your food safe, and the land around you enjoyable and safe
Spiritual Health involves having spiritual direction and understanding
Compensation making up for a weakness in one area by achieving in another
Daydreaming imagining pleasant things that take your mind off the unpleasant reality
Denial Refusing to accept reality
Displacement Shifting feelings about one person or situation to another person or situation
Projection seeing your own faults or feelings in someone else
Rationalization making excuses for or justifying behavior
Regression Reacting to emotions in a childlike or immature fashion
Repression Blocking out painful thoughts or feelings
Sublimation redirecting impulses into positive behavior
Depression Feelings of hopeless and sadness that last for more than a few days inability to take part in daily activities
ADHD Difficulty concentrating Difficulty completing tasks Difficulty following instructions Impulsive and Hyperactive
Panic Disorder Sudden feelings of terror that strike without warning putting oneself in danger by desperately trying to escape the situation
Phobias excessive or persistent fear of something that may or may not cause real danger, such as spiders, elevators, or giving a speech possible panic attack
OCD repeated, disturbing, and unwanted thoughts ritual behaviors that are perceived as impossible to control
PTSD avoidance of experiences that could trigger memories of a traumatic experience
Eating Disorders obsessive behaviors and thoughts about weight control starvation of ones self consumption of large amounts of food following vomiting
Hypochondria belief of illness when none is present
Biopolar Disorder Uncontrollable of extreme happiness then depression
Schizophrenia false perception of reality
Benefits of Self Esteem Increased respect for yourself Increased ability to reach goals Increased willingness to try new things Increased feeling of Value
Risk of Low self Esteem More likely to make unhealthy decisions More critical to self and others Risks depression and suicide Vulnerable to peer pressure
You can improve your self esteem by... Positive Self Talk Act with Integrity Choose Supportive Friends Accept yourself
Positive Stress Stress that energizes you and helps you reach goals
Negative Stress stress that makes you sick or keeps you from reaching a goal
In the fight or flight response your body releases epinephrine
Breathing speeds up helps get more oxygen throughout the body
Heartbeat increases the flow of blood to carry more blood to your muscles
Muscles Tense Up prepares you to move quickly
Stress related disorders Cold and Flu Stroke High Blood Pressure Heart Disease
Behaviors of an abuser 1-5 1.pushes for quick involvement 2.Jealous 3.Controlling 4.Unrealistic Expectations 5.Isolation
Behaviors of an abuser 6-10 6.Blames other for mistakes/Problems 7.Making other responsible for his/her feelings 8.Hypersensitivity 9.Cruelty to animals and children 10.Playful use of force for sex
Behaviors of an abuser 11-15 11.Verbal Abuse 12.Rigid Sex Roles 13.Sudden Mood Swings 14.Past Battering 15.Threats of Violence
Stage 1 Of Grieving Process Denial
Stage 2 Of Grieving Process Anger
Stage 3 Of Grieving Process Bargaining
Stage 4 Of Grieving Process Depression
Stage 5 Of Grieving Process Acceptance
Stage 1 Of Abusive Relationship Tension Building Phase
Stage 2 Of Abusive Relationship Violent Episode Phase
Stage 3 Of Abusive Relationship Honeymoon Phase
Created by: vmfrance18
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