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HEHP 160

First Aid/CPR/AED College Class

Why do Victim's of an emergency die? Most often people who arrive first to the scene of the accident do not have sufficient first aid training.
What is First Aid? The temporary and immediate care given to a person who is injured or who suddenly becomes ill.
What are the principle aims of first aid? Recognize life threatening situations, activating EMS or calling 911, Supply artificial ventilation and circulation, control bleeding, minimize further injuries and complications, prevent infections, make the victim as comfortable as possible.
What is the First Aid Plan of Action? Observe the accident scene as you approach it, keep everyone at the scene safe(if necessary have bystanders direct traffic), Activate EMS or call 911, Gain access to victim and determine immediate threat to life, provide basic life support to criticals
What do you do first for an unconscious/unresponsive infant or child? Provide 2 minutes of rescue support before activating EMS or calling 911
What does Duty to Act mean? You have the legal obligation to give aid or perform first aid care.
Reasonable Man Test Burden of proof is on the victim. This is your defense against a charge of negligence. Did you act the same way a normal person with your same background and training?
Implied Consent Victim is unconscious
What do you do if the victim or guardian refuses consent? Call the police. Hopefully they will get them to change their mind.
Infectious Diseases can be transmitted how? From person to person or from animals or the environment to people
How is Hepatitis B spread? Through infected blood
When is it especially important to wash your hands? After providing care. Wash with soap and hot water for 15 seconds.
What does Supine mean? The victim is lying face up or on their back
What does Superficial mean? Near the Surface
What is the Haines Recovery Position? A Modified recumbent position used for spinal injuries
Tendons Connect muscle to bone
Skeletal Muscle Makes walking, smiling, talking, and swallowing possible.(Voluntary)
Arteries Carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the cells of the body
Left Ventricle Pumps Blood Through the Body. It is the strongest and thickest part of the heart.
Central and Peripheral 2 main structural divisions of the nervous system
Sympathetic Regulates heart rate, blood pressure, respiration rate, blood supply to arteries, etc. Responds to stress, pain, injury, and blood loss
Normal Breathing Rate for an Adult, Infant, and Child? Adult-12-20 Breaths Per Minute, Child-15-30 BPM, Infant- 30-50 BPM
What's the first step of victim assessment? Establish Rapport and Control
What is the Primary Survey's Major Goal? To check for Life threatening problems to the airway, breathing, and circulation.
What is the look, listen, and feel technique? Look for any signs of life/breathing; movement, speech, other indications of life.
What should you do if you suspect neck or spine injury? Establish manual spinal stabilization
Tell Me Where You Hurt? The answer is considered the chief complaint. This will reveal likely points of injury.
Vital Signs Pulse, respiration, skin temperature. Should be taken every 5 minutes.
Skin color Blue(cyanosis) means lack of oxygen
Conscious victim pulse Should be taken at the wrist(radial)
Medical Identification Device Such as medic alert tags or bracelets
Secondary Survey/Crepitus Listen for unusual breathing sounds. Crepitus is a sandpaper-like noise made my the ends of broken bones rubbing against each other.
Don't Move the Victim! If you suspect a spinal injury.
SAMPLE History Assess the scene and victim placement(along with objects),ask Yes/No q's if situation is urgent. If not urgent as open ended q's. If victim is unresponsive, confused or a child ask family or friends.
S.A.M.P.L.E.(in SAMPLE history) Stands for... S-Signs and Symptoms, A-Allergies, M-Medication, P-Pertinent Past Medical History, L-Last Time victim ate or drank, E-Events prior to incident
Behavioral Changes that are caused by Physical Problems Low Blood Sugar, Excessive cold, head trauma, excessive heat, lack of oxygen
People statistically most at risk for suicide Divorced male over 40
Highest Risk for Suicide Those that have a formulated plan
Assessment for potential violence Size up the scene, locate the victim and look for weapons, Decide whether you can handle the situation alone, ask victim is he/she has been arrested for violence in the past
What should you do if a victim is obviously dead when you arrive to a crime scene? Do nothing. Don't disturb anything. Call the Police.
First Priority in Managing a Violent Victim Protect Yourself
Your Roommate just cut her wrist with a razor blade. There is a steady flow of blood from the wrist. What should you do? Call 911, Move razor blade,ABC's(Airway, breathing, circulation), control bleeding
Level 3 Triage Tagging Method Critically Injured. Highest Priority because they can recover if treated immediately
How much time should you spend per victim during actual triage? 30-60 seconds
Created by: PalmPalmTree
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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