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NUT: Protein


Structure of Amino Acids Nitrogen, Carboxyl Group, Hydrogen, Side Chain
The body needs ____ amino acids to function 20
How many non-essential amino acids are there? 11
How many essential amino acids are there? 9
Transmination transfer of an amino group from 1 amino acids to another
Deamination losing an amino acid group without transferring it to another carbons skeleton
Source of complete amino acids Animal Proteins: meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, soy, Quinoa
Source of incomplete animo acids Plant Proteins: Beans, Grains, Gelatin
Gold Standard of Protein Egg Whites
Primary Structure Strong peptide bonding of the amino acids in a polypeptide chain
Secondary Structure Weak chemical bonds form between amino acids near each other to stabilize
Tertiary Structure Unique three-dimensional folding of a protein that determines its shape and function
Quaternary Structure 2 or more separate polypeptides interact to form a large new protein
3 things that can denature proteins Alkaline solutions, enzymes, and heat
How long does it take to digest proteins 2-4 hours
How much protein is normally consumed in a diet 65-100g
70% of dietary protein comes from where in a North American Diet Meat, Poultry, Fish, Milk, Cheese, Legumes, and Nuts
____% of dietary protein comes from animals, worldwide 35%
Ways to add more protein to your diet Veggie burger, sprinkle sunflower seeds on salad,chopped pecans, peanut butter instead of butter, black beans
Protein intake should be ___% total calories 10-20%
Positive Nitrogen Balance Growth, pregnancy, athletes
Nitrogen Equilibrium Healthy Adults
Negative Nitrogen Balance Bed rest, sick, inadequate protein intake
RDA of protein (normal) .8g protein / kg of body weight
RDA of protein (endurance) 1.2-1.4g/kg body weight
RDA of protein (strength) 1.6-1.8g/kg body weight
Functions of Proteins Structure, Fluid Balance, Forming Hormones, Enzymes, Immune Function, Transporting nutrients, Provide energy
Anthropometric way to tell if there is a lack of protein BMI < 18.5
Biochemical way to tell if there is a lack of protein Pre-albumin and albumin in blood
Clinical way to tell if there is a lack of protein Fatigue, hair falling out, sunk in temporal fat pad
Diet way to tell if there is a lack of protein Look at dairy, and meats
Kwashiokar Sever protein deficit, edema, weight loss, growth impaired, fatty liver
Marasmus Server energy and protein deficit, severe weight loss, wasting muscle and fat, short stature
High Protein Diets Puts kidneys at risk and pulls calcium from bones
Lacto-ovo-vegetarian includes eggs, but avoids meat
Vegans only eat plant foods
Lacto-vegetarian includes dairy but no meat of eggs
Concerns for babies and children Deficiencies of iron, B-12, Vit D, and Calcium
Created by: cruseb1
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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