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Combining Forms

Medical Combining Forms

aden/o gland, in relationship to a gland
adenoid/o adenoid, pharyngeal tonsil
acous/o hearing
adip/o fat
abdomin/o abdomen
acetabul/o hip socket
acr/o height, extremes, extremities, top
adren/o, adrenal/o adrenal gland
albin/o, alb/o white
albumin/o albumin, protein
aliment/o nutrition
alveol/o alveolus, small sac
ambly/o dim, dull
ambul/o walking
amni/o amnion, inner fetal sac
amyl/o starch
an/o anus
andr/o male
andren/o, adrenal/o adrenal gland
angi/o vessel
ankl/o bent, fused, stiffening
anter/o front
anthrop/o man
antr/o antrum, cavity
aort/o aorta
aphth/o ulceration
aponeur/o tendon type
append/o, appendic/o vermiform appendix, that which is added
aque/o water
arche/o first
arter/o, arteri/o artery
arteriol/o arteriole
arthr/o joint, articulation
articul/o articulation, joint
astr/o star
atel/o incomplete
ather/o fatty plaque
atri/o atrium
audi/o hearing
auricul/o, aur/o ear
aut/o self
axill/o axilla, armpit
az/o, azot/o urea, nitrogen
bacteri/o bacteria
balan/o glans penis
bartholin/o bartholin gland
bas/o base, bottom
bi/o life, living
bil/i bile, gall
bilirubin/o bile pigment
blephar/o eyelid
bol/o to throw, throwing
brachi/o arm
bronch/o, bronchi/o bronchus
bronchiol/o bronchiole
bucc/o cheek
bunion/o bunion
burs/o fluid-filled sac, bursa
calc/o, calc/i calcium
calcul/o calculus, stone
cali/o, calic/o, calyc/o calyx
capit/o head
capn/o carbon dioxide
carcin/o cancer
carp/o carpals, wrist bone
cardi/o heart
caud/o tail
cauter/o, cauter/i burn, burning
cec/o cecum
celi/o abdomen
cellul/o cell
cephal/o head
cerebell/o cerebellar peduncles, cerebellum
cerebr/o cerebrum
cerumin/o cerumen, ear wax
cervic/o neck, cervix
cheil/o lips
chir/o, cheir/o hand
chlor/o green
chol/e gall, bile
cholangi/o bile vessel, bile duct
cholecyst/o gallbladder
choledoch/o common bile duct
cholester/o cholesterol
chondr/o cartilage
chori/o, chorion/o chorion, outer fetal sac
choroid/o choroid
chromat/o, chrom/o color
chym/o juice
cirrh/o orange-yellow
claustro/o a closing
clavic/o, clavicul/o clavicle, collar bone
coccyg/o, coccig/o coccyx, tailbone
cochle/o cochlea
col/o, colon/o colon
colp/o vagina
con/o cone
condyl/o condyle, knob
coni/o dust
conjunctiv/o conjunctiva
cor/o pupil
cord/o cord
cordi/o heart
corne/o cornea
coron/o heart, crown
corp/o, corpor/o body
cortic/o cortex, outer portion
cost/o rib
crani/o cranium, skull
crin/o secrete, to secrete
crur/o leg
cry/o extreme cold
crypt/o hidden
culd/o cul-de-sac, rectourine pouch
cutane/o skin
cyan/o blue
cycl/o recurring, round, ciliary body
cyst/o bladder
cyt/o cell
dacry/o tear
dacryocyst/o pertaining to the lacrimal sac
dactyl/o fingers, toes
dent/i tooth
derm/o, dermat/o skin
dextr/o right, right side
diaphragm/o, diaphragmat/o diaphragm
digit/o digit (finger or toe)
dipl/o double
dips/o thirst
disc/o intervertebral disc
dist/o distant, far, intervertebral disc
diverticul/o diverticulum, pouch
dors/o back of body
duoden/o duodenum
dur/o hard, dura mater
electro/o electricity
encephal/o brain
endocardi/o endocardium
endometri/o endometrium
enter/o small intestine
eosin/o rosy, dawn-colored
epicondyl/o epicondyle
epididym/o epididymis
epiglott/o epiglottis
episi/o vulva
epitheli/o epithelium
erythr/o, erythem/o red
erythrocyt/o red blood cell
eschar/o scab, necrotic tissue
esophag/o esophagus
essi/o, esthesi/o sensation, feeling
estr/o female
faci/o face
fasci/o fascia
femor/o femoral, thighbone
fet/o fetus
fibr/o fiber
fibrin/o fibrous substance
fibul/o fibula
flex/o to bend, bending
fluor/o to flow, flowing
follicul/o follicle
front front
galact/o milk
gangli/o, ganglion/o ganglion
gastr/o stomach
gen/o origin
ger/o aging
gingiv/o gum
glauc/o gray bluish-green
gli/o glue, glial cell
glomerul/o glomerulus
gloss/o tongue
gluc/o, glyc/o, glycos/o sugar, glucose
gnos/o knowledge
gonad/o gonad, sex organ, ovaries and testes
goni/o angle
granul/o small grain
gravid/o pregnancy, gestation
gyn/o, gynec/o female
halit/o breath
hedon/o pleasure
hemat/o, hem/o blood
hemorrhoid/o hemorrhoid
hepat/o liver
herni/o hernia, herniation
heter/o different
hiat/o an opening
hidr/o sweat
hidraden/o sweat (sudoriferous) gland
hil/o hilum
hist/o tissue
home/o same, constant
hormon/o hormone
humer/o humerus (upper arm bone)
humor/o liquid
hydr/o water, fluid
hymen/o hymen
hypophys/o hypophysis, pituitary gland
hyster/o uterus
iatr/o treatment
ichthy/o dry, scaly, fishlike
ile/o ileum
ili/o ilium (upper pelvic bone)
immun/o immune, safety, protection
inguin/o groin
interstit/o, interstit/i space between
ir/o, irid/o iris
intestin/o intestines
is/o equal
isch/o to hold back
ischi/o to hold back, to suppress, to restrain, ischium (posterior pelvic bone)
jaund/o yellow
jejun/o jejunum
kal/i potassium
kary/o nucleus
kerat/o hard, cornea
ketone/o ketones
kinesi/o movement
klept/o to steal
kyph/o hump-back, round-back
labi/o labia, lips
labyrinth/o labyrinth, inner ear
lacrim/o tears
lact/o milk
lamin/o lamina
lapar/o abdomen
laryng/o larynx, voice box
later/o side
leuk/o white
leiomy/o visceral, smooth muscle
leukocyt/o white blood cell
lex/o word, speech
ligament/o ligament
ligat/o tying, to tie
lingu/o tongue
lip/o lipid, fat
lith/o stone, calculus
lob/o lobe, section
lord/o swayback, curve
lumb/o lower back,
lumin/o lumen
lute/o yellow
lymph/o, lymphat/o lymph
lymphaden/o lymph gland
macul/o macula, spot
malleol/o malleolus
mamm/o breast
man/o scanty, pressure
mandibul/o mandible (lower jawbone)
mast/o breast
mastoid/o mastoid process
maxill/o maxilla, (upper jawbone)
meat/o meatus, an opening
medi/o middle
mediastin/o mediastinum
melan/o black, dark, melanin
men/o, menstru/o menstruation, menses, month
mening/o, meningi/o meninges
menisc/o, menisci/o meniscus
ment/o mind
metacarp/o metacarpals, hand
metatars/o metatarsals, foot
metr/o, metri/o uterus, measure
mon/o one
morph/o shape
muc/o mucus
my/o, muscul/o, myos/o muscle
myc/o fungus
myel/o bone marrow, spinal cord
myocardi/o myocardium
myring/o ear drum
myx/o mucus
narc/o sleep, stupor
nas/o nose
nat/a, nat/i, nat/o birth, born
natr/o sodium
necr/o death
nephr/o kidney
neur/o nerve
neutr/o neutral
noct/i night
nod/o knot
nuch/o neck
nucle/o nucleus
nyct/o night
o/o ovum
occipit/o occiput
ocul/o eye
odont/o tooth
olecran/o olecranon, elbow
olig/o few, scanty
omphal/o umbilicus
onc/o tumor
onych.o nail
oo/o egg
oophor/o ovary
ophthalm/o eye
opt/o, optic/o eye, vision
or/o mouth
orch/i, orchi/o, orch/o, orchid/o testicle, testis
organ/o organ, organic
orth/o straight, upright
osm/o sense of smell
ossicul/o ossicle, tiny bones
oste/o, oss/i, osse/o bone
ot/o ear
ov/o egg
ovari/o ovary
ovul/o, ov/i ovulation, ovum, egg
ox/i, ox/o, oxy/o oxygen
pachy/o thick
palat/o palate
palpebr/o eyelid
pancreat/o pancreas
papill/o optic nerve, papilla, nipple, optic disc
papul/o papule, pimple
parathyroid/o parathyroid gland
pariet/o parietal bone, wall, partition
patell/o, patell/a patella, kneecap
path/o disease
pector/o pectoral muscles, chest
ped/o child
pelv/i pelvis, hip
pericardi/o pericardium
perine/o perineum
peritone/o peritoneum
petr/o stone
phac/o, phak/o lens of the eye
phag/o eat, swallow
phalang/o phalanx, phalanges, finger or toe
phall/o penis
pharyng/o pharynx, throat
phas/o speech
phil/o attraction
phleb/o vein
phon/o sound, voice
phor/o to bear, to carry
phosphat/o, phosph/o phosphorus
phot/o light
phren/o diaphragm, mind
phys/o growing
pil/o hair
pituitar/o pituitary gland
plas/o formation
plast/o formation
pleur/o pleura
plic/o fold
pneum/o, pneumat/o lung, air
pneumon/o lung
pol/o pole
poli/o gray matter
polyp/o polyp
pont/o pons
por/o passage
poster/o back
prax/o purposeful movement
preputi/o prepuce
presby/o old age
proct/o rectum and anus
prostat/o prostate gland
prosthes/o, prosthet/o addition
proxim/o near
psych/o mind
pub/o pubis
pulmon/o lung
pupill/o pupil
purpur/o purpura (literally "purple")
pustul/o pustule, pimple
py/o pus
pyel/o renal pelvis
pylor/o pylorus
pyr/o fire, fever
pyrex/o fever
quadr/i four
rachi/o spine, spinal column, backbone
radi/o radius (lower arm), x-rays
radic/o, radicul/o nerve root
rect/o rectum, straight
ren/o kidney
retin/o retina
rheumat/o watery flow
rhin/o nose
rhiz/o spinal nerve root
rhythm/o, rrhythm/o rhythm
rhytid/o wrinkle
rube/o red
sacr/o sacrum
sagitt/o arrow, separating the sides
salping/o fallopian tube, uterine tube, eustachian tube
sarc/o flesh
scapul/o scapula, shoulder blade
scler/o sclera, hard
scoli/o bent, curvature
scot/o darkness
scrot/o scrotum
seb/o sebum, oil
semin/i semen
sept/o septum
ser/o blood serum
sial saliva
sialaden/o saliva gland
sider/o iron
sigmoid/o sigmoid colon
sinistr/o left, left-sided
sinus/o, sin/o sinus
som/o, somat/o body
somn/o sleep
son/o sound
sperm/o, spermat/o sperm, spermatozoon
sphenoid/o sphenoid
sphygm/o pulse
spin/o spine, spinal column
spir/o breath, breathing
splen/o spleen
spondyl/o vertebra, backbone, spine
squam/o scaly, dry
staped/o stapes, middle ear
staphyl/o clusters
steat/o fat
ster/o, stere/o solid, having three dimensions, three dimensional
stern/o sternum, breast bone
steth/o chest
sthen/o strength
strept/o twisted chain
stom/o, stomat/o mouth
syndesm/o ligament
synovi/o synovial joint membrane
system/o system
tars/o tarsal, ankle bone
tax/o order, arrangement
tel/o, tel/e end, complete, far
tempor/o temporal bone
ten/o, tendin/o tendon, connective tissue
test/o, testicul/o testicle
thalam/o thalamus
thel/e nipple
therm/o heat, temperature
thorac/o thorax, chest
thromb/o clot
thrombocyte blood clot, platelet
thym/o thymus gland
thyr/o, thyroid/o thyroid gland
tibi/o tibia, shin bone
toc/o labor, delivery
tom/o cutting, slice, section
ton/o tension
tonsill/o tonsil
top/o place
tox/o, toxic/o poison
trache/o trachea, windpipe
trich/o hair
trigon/o trigone
trop/o to turn, turning
troph/o development, nourishment
tympan/o eardrum, drum
uln/o ulna, lower medial armbone
umbilic/o umbilicus, naval
ungu/o nail
ur/o, urin/o urine, urinary system
ureter/o ureter
urethr/o urethra
uter/o uterus
uve/o uvea
uvul/o uvula
vag/o vagus nerve
vagin/o vagina
valv/o, valvul/o valve
varic/o varices, swollen twisted vessels
vas/o, vascul/o vessel, vas deferens
ven/o, ven/i vein
ventr/o bellyside
ventricul/o ventricle
vesic/o bladder
venul/o venule
vertebr/o vertebra, backbone
vesic/o urinary bladder
vesicul/o seminal vesicles
vestibul/o vestibule
vir/o virus
viscer/o viscera, organ
vitre/o vitreous body, glass, glassy
vomer/o vomer
vulv/o vulva
xanth/o yellow
xen/o foreign
xer/o dry
zo/o life (animal)
zygomat/o zygoma, cheekbone
Created by: Laura Duncan
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