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Clin Lab 3 - UA


anuria absence of urine
azotemia higher than normal blood levels of creatinine and/or blood urea nitrogen
bilirubinuria the presence of bilirubin in the urine
brownian movement the shifting of cells or particles, with little movement relative to each other
conjugation the act of joining
crystalluria the presence of crystals in the urine
cystitis inflammation of the urinary bladder
cystocentesis insertion of a hollow needle into the urinary bladder, usually to withdraw a urine sample for analysis
cystotomy surgical incision into the urinary bladder
dysuria difficult or painful urination
glucosuria/glycosuria the abnormal presence of glucose in the urine
hematuria the presence of blood in the urine
hemoglobinuria the abnormal presence of hemoglobin in the urine
isosthenuria dilute urine
ketonemia/ketosis the presence of abnormally large amounts of ketones in the blood
ketonuria the abnormal presence of ketones in the urine
lipuria/lipiduria fat in the urine
myoglobinuria the abnormal presence of myoglobin in the urine
nephritis inflammation of the kidneys
nephron the kidney's structural and functional unit that filters blood
oliguria the formation of less urine than is normal
perfusion delivery of oxygen and nutrients, carried by blood, that flows into tissues
peristalsis wave-live muscle contractions
pollakiuria frequent urination
polydipsia excessive drinking
polyuria the production of larger than normal amounts of urine
postrenal pertaining to the structures within the urinary tract that drain urine from the kidneys
precipitate a deposit of solid particles settled out of a solution
prerenal pertaining to something that happens before the kidneys
proteinurina the presence of abnormally large amounts of protein in the urine
pyelonephritis infection of one or both kidneys/inflammtion of the kidney and renal pelvis
pyruia the abnormal presence of pus or WBCs in the urine
refractile/refractive able to bend light
renal threshold the concentration level up to which a substance in the blood is prevented from passing through the kidneys into the urine
sediment the particulate matter that collects at the bottom of a liquid over a period of time or during centrifugation
specific gravity the weight (density) of a quantity of liquid compared with that of an equal amount of distilled water
supernatant the liquid portion of a sample after centrifugation
urolith urinary stone (calculi)
urolithiasis presence of calculi in the urinary tract
void to eliminate waste material from the body
What is the main function of the kidneys? to extract & remove waste from the blood
what is the microscopic unit of the kidney called? the nephron
the inner layer of the kidney is called the medulla
the outer layer of the kidney is called the cortex
what are the three phases involved in urine production? filtration, reabsorption & secretion
What is the flow of urine production? afferent arteriole-->glomerulus-->Bowman's capsule-->PCT-->Loop of Henle-->DCT-->large collecting duct-->renal pelvis-->ureter-->excretion
What are the 4 methods for urine collection? free catch/voided, manual expression, catheterization & cystocentesis
What does the bladder feel like? slippery water balloon
when should you never try to express an animal's bladder? urethral obstruction or fragile bladder wall
which method of urine collection is used to collect a sterile sample and is the best sample to be sent in for a urine culture and sensitivity? cystocentesis
What should you never do with a needle when performing a cystocentesis? redirect it
Created by: jstewartind1
Popular Veterinary sets




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