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VTI Tech 4: RabbitDZ

Conjunctivitis, rhinitis, S+, mucopurulent discharge, bronchopneumonia are all clinical signs of ... pasteurellosis
EPEC Enteropathogenic E. Coli Infection
Most common neoplasia in young rabbits male and female Lymphosarcoma
"Hutch Burn" Moist dermatitis
This will predispose bunnies to heatstrokes and hypothermia >85 F and >70% humidity
Clostridia perfringens, difficil and spiroforme are ... bacteria that disrupts the normal flora causing enterotoxemia
Causative agent of pasteurellosis (snuffles) in rabbits Pasturella multocida
Thought to be a copathogen in "snuffles" (facilitates pasteurella infection) Boardatella bronchispeca
Fortunately, not a common problem in rabbits (causative agent is clostridium piliforme) gerbils are used as the sentinel Tyzzer's DZ
Baytril, chloramphenicol and metronidazole are... antibiotics used in rabbits that are less harmful
Lactobacillus preparations prevent and treat enterotoxemia and replaces the normal flora
Treatment not recommended due to potential zoonotic transmission (D+, septicemia, rapid death) this is relatively uncommon in rabbits. salmonellosis
"Blue breast" in rabbits (caused by lactation, pseudopregnancy, pasturellosis) mastitis
Causative agent of "vent dz" and "rabbit syphilis" Treponema cunicut/ venereal spirochetosis (non-pathogenic to humans)
Affects mostly hunters and wildlife personnel from contact with wild rabbits (arthropod vectors). This is a potentially fatal zoonotic dz tularemia caused by francisella tularenosis
One of the most common causes of conjunctivitis, may be seen in a number of forms such as spticemia, dermatitis, and abscess formation. may cause mastitis in does STAPH aureus
Erythromycin, lincomycin and antirobe are... antibiotics that should be avoided in rabbits
the natural host is the cottontail, but the vector is the mosquito for this poxvirus myxomatosis (CS: SQ masses, conjunctivitis and edema)
The rabbit ear mite, head shaking Psoroptes cuniculi
The rabbit dandruff mite (a fur mite) zoonotic (thinning of fur, scaly lesions) Cheyletiella poristovorax
The most common neoplasia in does (85% over the age of 5) prevention is OHE Uterine adrenocarcinoma
Inherited form of glaucoma in rabbits, enucleation can be done Buphthalmia
Gastric hairballs, prevention is a high fiber diet, CS are no fecal production but normal appearance otherwise (in most cases) Trichobezoar
Sudden onset of posterior paralysis is the clinical sign (unfavorable prognosis) may be caused by improper handling Lumbar fractures / dislocations (L7 - S1)
Eimeria magna, perforans, media, irresidua (few if any CS) Intestinal coccidiosis
"Sore hocks" in rabbits (affects ventral metatrasal region) Pododermatitis
High calcium excretion by the kidneys causes this relatively common problem in rabbits. Urolithisis
CS are acidosis and clear urine (common in obese, pregnant rabbits) treatment is difficult, but LRS, reduced carb diet are some things that can be done. Ketosis
Short upper jaw, may be inherited causing dental problems Prognathic jaw
"Head tilit" may be a CS of pasteurellosis in rabbits or ear infection Torticollis
This agent of hepatic coccidiosis that normally shows no CS in adults but may affect young rabbits Eimeria steidae
Created by: jmorley3
Popular Veterinary sets




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