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Clin Path

What types of cells are considered to be 'exfoliative cytology'? Those from body fluids or from the body's surface
What is the primary purpose of cytology evaluation? differentiate inflammation from neoplasia
What is the evaluation of cellular architecture? histopathology
What is the evaluation of individual or small groups of cells? cytology
Why are ear cytology slides heat fixed? melts the wax and fixes the cells
Scrapings are useful for collection of cells from _________________. firm lesions
Imprints are done to collect what 2 things? yeast and bacteria
What is the norma flora on the body? staph intermedius
Is staph OR strep found in clusters? staph
Is staph OR strep found in chains? strep
What type of preparation involves preparing 4-6 slides? Tzanch Prep
True or false. Fine Needle biopsies are a sterile procedure. false (Not usually)
What size needle is used for an aspiration? 21-25g (The smaller the better)
What size syringe is used for an aspiration? 3-20ml
True or false. The smaller a syringe, the less vacuum pressure is has. False
What is a non-aspirate procedure? Aspirate minus the syringe (No vacuum pressure)
What is another name for the non-aspirate procedure? capillary technique or stab technique
What gauge needle is used for non-aspirate procedures? 22g
True or false. Non-aspirate procedures are used for small masses. true
What type of aspirate almost never dries completely and is diagnostic for this trait? Lipomas
True or false. The animal does not need to be under anesthesia for tissue biopsy collection. False
What should never be done before collecting a tissue biopsy? scrubbing the lesion or disrupting the surface
What is the preservative of choice for histopathology? 10% formalin
What is used to flush biopsy specimens once collected? endoscope with sterile saline
How are elliptic specimens commonly obtained? scapel
What term refers to the sample collected via a wedge biopsy that includes a cross section of the normal and the affected tissue? transition zone
What is the most common type of biopsy punch? keyes cutaneous
What are the 3 sizes available for the keyes cutaneous punch? 4, 6, and 8mm
How many sutures are required for a 6 or 8 mm keyes punch biopsy? 1-2 sutures
How many punch biopsies should be collected of various lesions? 2-3
What is another name for a paracentesis? abdominocentesis
What is the most commonly used needle gauge when performing a centesis? 21g
Where is the needle inserted for a thoracocentesis? between the 7th or 8th intercostal
What postion must an animal be in for an abdomincentesis? standing or lateral
What term refers to thick, colored/cellular fluid from the body? exudate
What term refers to clear, thin, watery fluid that is often amber colored and from the body? transudate
What are the 4 methods of collecting mucus from the respiratory tract? percutaneous, orotracheal, nasal flush, and bronchoalveolar lavage
What type of mucus collection technique involves insertion of a needle into the trachea to infuse saline until the animal coughs? percutaneous
What type of mucus collection technique involves placing an ET to collect fluid via the jugular or urinary cath? orotracheal
What is the best technique used for collecting samples from the lower respiratory tract? bronchoalveolar lavage
What is the best collection technique for upper respiratory tract? nasal flush
What is the preferred method for bronchoalveolar lavage? bronchoscopy
True or false. Mucus samples should be centrifuged at a low speed. True
What is another name for "Squash Prep" slide technique? compression preparation
What slide technique produces a slide with a compression, a smear and an untouched center? combination technique
What type of slide technique is formed with a needle but requires a thicker layer of cells/tissue? starfish
What is the preferred fixative for cytology specimens? 95% methanol
How long should cytology slides remain in fixative? 2-5 mins
What type of stains are used for cytologies? romanowsky stains
What type of tubes should cytologic samples be collected into? EDTA
What type of cytologic smear has a straight abrupt edge? line smear
What type of cytologic smear has a feathered edge similar to a blood smear? wedge smear
What 3 things influence selection of cytologic smear technique? cellularity, viscosity and homogeneity
What are the 2 primary WBCs seen in cytologic samples involving inflammation? neutrophils and macrophages
What type of inflammation involves large numbers of neutrophils (>85%)? Suppurative (Purulent)
What type of inflammation involves more than 15% macrophages? granulomatous
What type of inflammation contains phagocytized material? septic inflammation
How many abnormal nuclear configurations are required to be identified as malignant? 3 or more
What type of tumors are highly cellular such as carcinomas? epithelial cell tumors
What type of tumors are usually less cellular and have wispy spindles such as sarcomas? mesenchymals
What type of tumors are mast cell tumors and histiocytomas? round cell tumors
What type of lymphocyte is a normal response to antigenic stimulation? reactive lymph node
Created by: fadedfaithless
Popular Veterinary sets




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