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VTNE Ch1 Vocab

Mosby's Comprehension review 3ed

Apnea No breathing
Canthis or Canthus The junction of the upper and layer eye lids at either corner of the eye
Articulation Where two or more bones meet; also called a joint
Cornea Transparent covering of the eye
Coronary Circulation Blood circulcation that nourishes the myocardium
Dyspena difficulty breathing
dead space air in the respiratory passageway
eupnea normal respiration
estrous cycle Interval from the beginning of one period of sexual reception to the beginning of the next.
exocrine glands secrete substances through ducts, usually onto an epithelial surface
extracellular outside a cell
hormone chemical substance that has a specific effect on a target area
hypertonic having a higher osmotic pressure than another solution
intercellular between cells
intracellular within cells
isotonic having equal osmotic pressure
lacrimal apparatus lacrimal duct conducts tears from the medial corner to the nasal cavity
laminae thin, flat layer or membrane
meninges protective covering of brain and spinal cord
monotocous producing one offspring at birth
nonspontaneouse ovulator ovulation occurs only when bred
osmotic pressure amount of pressure necessary to stop the flow of water across a membrane
osteology study of bone
physiology study of body functions
polyestrous having more than one estrous cycle per year
polyocous giving birth to more than one offspring at a time
spontaneous ovulator ovulation occurs naturally within the cycle
Residual Volume Air reminding in the lungs after a forced expiration
Tidal Volume Volume of air exchanged during eupnea
Created by: 669003779
Popular Veterinary sets




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