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Drugs: Pt I and II

AMPT TH inhibitor
reserpine VMAT2 inhibitor
apomorphine direct DA receptor agonist
amphetamine indirect DA receptor agonist
propanolol B1/B2 receptor blocker
atenolol B1 receptor blocker
phentolamine a1/a2 blocker
prazosin a1 blocker
haloperidol D2/D3 blocker, treats mania and depression
SCH-22390 D1 blocker
raclopride D2 blocker
cocaine inhibits CA and 5-HT reuptake and stimulates D1 receptors to induce locomotion in rats
desipramine CA reuptake inhibitor
nortriptyline CA reuptake inhibitor
ropinirol DA receptor agonist
phenelzine MAO inhibitor
6-OHDA Destroys DA neurons
hemicholinium-3 inhibits choline uptake causing exponential decrease in Ach levels
vesamicol VAchT inhibitor
botulinum toxin inhibition of Ach release via proteolytic cleavage of synaptobrevin
alpha-latrotoxin increases Ca2+ entry and Ach release and causes salivation and ab muscle cramping
curare nicotinic receptor blocker; NO CNS entry
mecamylamine nicotinic receptor blocker; CNS entry
atropine muscarinic receptor blocker; CNS entry
scopolamine muscarinic receptor blocker; CNS entry
methscopolamine muscarinic receptor blocker; NO CNS entry
2-PAM regenerates AchE
endrophonium (Tensilon) short acting AchE inhibitor used to diagnose myasthenia gravis
neostigimine AchE inhibitor; NO CNS entry
physostigimine AchE inhibitor; CNS entry
aricept AchE inhibitor; CNS entry, used to treat Alzheimer's
PCPA inhibits tryptophan hydroxylase (which decreases 5-HT synthesis)
fenfluramine stimulates 5-HT release and inhibits reuptake
MDMA stimulates 5-HT release and causes nerve damage in the neocortex of squirrel monkeys
busipirone 5-HT1A agonist used to treat anxiety
sumatriptan 5-HT1D agonist used to treat migraines
ketanserin 5-HT2 blocker that antagonizes LSD induced motor effects
odansetron 5-HT3 antagonist that is used as an antiemetic for cancer patients
amitriptyline tricyclic antidepressant that inhibits 5-HT reuptake
fluoxetine (Prozac) SSRI and antidepressant
setraline (Zoloft) SSRI and antidepressant
5,7-DHT selectively destroys 5-HT neurons
thiosemicarbazide inhibits GAD which inhibits GABA synthesis
tetanus toxin inhibits GABA release
muscimol GABA agonist that produces hallucinations
barbiturates (pentobarbital/nembutal) increase duration of Cl- channel opening and are used as anti-epileptics
benzodiazepines increase frequency of Cl- channel opening and are used as anti-anxiety and anti-epileptic drugs
diazepam binding inhibitor (DBI) opposite effect of BDZ's, producing anxiety
RO15-4513 alcohol antagonist that blocks the effect of ethanol on Cl- permeability and blocks the ataxic effects of alcohol
allopregnanolone GABAa potentiator and neurosteroid
bicuculline competitive GABAa antagonist
pentylenetetrazol (metrazole) noncompetitive GABAa antagonist used to create seizures in lab animals
baclofen GABAb agonist used as muscle relaxant
phaclofen GABAb antagonist
tiagabine GAT-1 inhibitor used as antiepileptic
vigabatrin inhibits GABA-T and is used as antiepileptic
GABA-T converts GABA to succinate
cocaine inhibits CA and 5-HT reuptake
morphine stimulates opiate receptors
marijuana stimulates cannabinoid receptors
LSD/psilocybin stimulate 5-HT receptors; LSD=5-HT2
alcohol potentiation of GABA receptors
naltrexone opiate antagonist that might help to treat alcoholism
bromocriptine DA receptor agonist
methadone opiate receptor agonist used to treat addicts
buprenorphine partial agonist at opiate receptors
SB-277011-A D3 receptor antagonist
rimonabant (Acomplia/SR141716) CB1 receptor antagonist
disulfiram (antabuse) cause buildup of acetaldehyde if alcohol is consumed and is used to treat alcoholism
abstem (tempsoil) cause buildup of acetaldehyde if alcohol is consumed and is used to treat alcoholism
acamprosate (campral) activation of GABAb receptors and inhibition of glu release. Also prevents increase in glu from withdrawal
oxymorphine opiate receptor agonist
naloxone opiate receptor antagonist
enkephalin NT which inhibits primary sensory afferent pain neurons from sending a signal to the spinal cord; can be considered an endogenous opiate
nalmefene opiate receptor antagonist
LAAM opiate agonist
BP 897 DA partial agonist that inhibits cocaine reinforcement
methylphenidate (Ritalin) amphetamine related compound that treats ADHD
R-PIA A1 agonist
NECA A2 agonist
DMPX A2 antagonist
pentolinium nicotinic receptor antagonist; NO CNS entry
bupropion (Zyban) sustained release tablets used to quit smoking and treat depression. Reuptake inhibitor of CAs and 5-HT
marinol appetite stimulant
cannador THC+cannabinoids; antispasmodic under testing
anandamide, 2-AG endocannabinoids
D-cycloserine partial agonist at glycine site on NMDA receptor
nitrous oxide "laughing gas"
toluene inhalant
GHB potentiation of direct activation of GABAb receptor that can produce sedation, analgesia and anterograde amnesia; used as a date rape drug and treat loss of muscle control in narcolepsy
flunitrazepam (Rohypnol) date rape drug
CGP 35348 GABAb antagonist
nandrolone and THG anabolic steroids
iproniazid MAO inhibitor that treated TB in 50's
imiparmine tricyclic antidepressant
tranylcypromine MAO inhibitor
lithium May dampen PI second messenger system and cause behavioral stimulation. Used as long term bipolar treatment
NBQX competitive kainate and AMPA antagonist
CPP competitive NMDA antagonist
MK-801 noncompetitive NMDA antagonist
PCP noncompetitive NMDA antagonist
ketamine noncompetitive NMDA antagonist
licostinel (ACEA1021) competitive antagonist on glycine site of NMDA receptor
memantine low affinity NMDA antagonist used to treat Alzheimer's
Created by: brienne.donovan
Popular Neuroscience sets



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