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VET 1055 CH 11

The Great Communicator

composed of ductless glands that secrete chemical messengers, called hormones, into the bloodstream endocrine system
tissues and organs on which the hormones act target organs
these may excite or inhibit a motion or action hormone
located at the base of the brain just below the hypothalamus; also called hypophysis because it is a growth ventral to the hypothalamus; master gland because it secretes many hormones that control or master other endocrine glands pituitary gland
hypothalamus is connected to the pituitary gland via this stalk infundibulum
what are the two lobes of the pituitary gland adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis
thyroid-stimulating hormone augments growth and secretions of the thyroid gland (TSH)
adrenocorticotropic hormone augments the growth and secretions of the adrenal cortex (ACTH)
follicle stimulating hormone augments the secretion of estrogen and growth of eggs in the ovaries and production of sperm in testes FSH
luteinizing hormone augments ovulation and aids in maintenence of pregnancy in females LH
interstitial cell stimulating hormone stimulates testosterone secretion ni males ICSH
prolactin augments milk secretion and influences maternal behavior (also known as lactogenic hormone or luteotropin)
growth hormone accelerates body growth GH
melanocyte stimulating hormone augments skin pigmentation MSH
antidiuretic hormone maintains water balance in the body by augmenting water reabsorption in the kidneys ADH
oxytocin stimulates uterine contractions during parturition and milk letdown from the mammary ducts
butterfly shaped gland that regulates metabolism, iodine uptake, and blood calcium levels thyroid gland
four glands located on surface of thyroid gland that secrete parathyroid hormone to regulate blood calcium and phosphorus levels parathyroid glands
located cranial to each kidney; regulates electrolytes, metabolism, sexual funtions, and the body's response to injury adrenal glands
adrenal cortex hormones steroids
group that regulates electrolyte and water balance by affecting ion transport in kidney mineralocorticoids
group that regulate carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism; resistance to stress; immunologic functioning glucocorticoids
group of corticosteroids that aid in the development and mainenence of male sex characteristics androgens
aggregation of cells located near teh proximal duodenum that has both exocrine and endocrine functions pancreas
secrete the hormones that help regulate blood glucose islets of Langerhans
hormone that decreses blood glucose levels by transporting blood glucose into body cells or into storage as glycogen insulin
hormone that increases blood glucose levels by breaking down glycogen glucagon
gland predominant in young animals located near midline in the cranioventral portion of the thoracic cavity; has an immunologic function through its role in maturation of T-lymphocytes thymus gland
functions not fully understood; secretion of hormones that affect circadian rhythm pineal gland
gamete-producting glands gonads
blood analysis for cortisol levels after administration of synthetic adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTH stimulation test
laboratory technique used to determine the amount of a particular substance in a sample assays
blood analysis for cortisol levels after administration of synthetic glucocorticoid ; used to differentiate pituatary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism from adrenal-dependent hyperadrenocorticism dexamethasone suppression test
analysis of thyroid function after induction of radioactive iodine has been given orally or IV radioactive iodine uptake test
blood analysis for thyroid hormone levels after administration of synthetic thyroid stimulating hormone thyroid stimulation test
enlargement of the extremeties caused by excessive secretion of growth hormone after puberty acromegaly
disorder caused by deficient adrenal cortex function Addison's disease; hypoadrenocorticism
disease of the adrenal glands adrenopathy
disorder caused by excessive secretion of aldosterone by the adrenal cortex; reulting in electrolyte imbalance aldosteronism
disorder caused by excessive adrenal cortex production of glucocorticoid, resuling in increased urination, drinking, and redistribution of body fat Cushing's disease; hyperadrenocorticism
insufficient antidiuretic hormone productin or the inability of the kidneys to respond to ADH stimuli diabetes insipidus
metabolic disorder of inadequate secretion of insulin or recognition of insulin by the body; resultin gin increased urination, drinking, and weight loss diabetis mellitus
abnormal condition of low pH acidosis
disease of the hormone producing system endocrinopathy
condition of excessive mammary development in males gynecomastia
condition of excessive gland secretion hypercrinism
abnormally elevated blood glucose hyperglycemia
abnormal condition of excessive hormone secretion by sex glands hypergonadism
disorder of excessive hormon that transports blood glucose to body cells hyperinsulinism
abnormal condition of excessive parathyroid hormone secretion resulting in hypercalcemia hyperparathyroidism
condition of excessive secretion of the pituitary gland hyperpituitarism
condition of excessive thyroid hormone hyperthyroidism
condition of deficient gland secretion hypocrinism
abnormally low blood glucose hypoglycemia
abnormal condition of deficient hormone secretion by the sex glands hypogonadism
abnormal condition of deficient parathyroid hormone secretion resulting in hypocalcemia hypoparathyroidism
inflammation of the pituitary gland hypophysitis
condition of thyroid hormone deficiency hypothyroidism
tumor of the islet of Langerhans of the pancreas insulinoma
inflammation of the pancreas pancreatitis
tumor of the adrenal medulla resulting in increased secretion of epinephrine or norepinephrin pheochromocytoma
disorder of the pineal gland pinealopathy
disorder of the pituitary gland pituitarism
tumor of the thymus thymoma
enlargment of the thyroid gland thyromegaly
abnormal life-threatening condition of excessive, poisonous quantities of thyroid hormones thyrotoxicosis
surgical removal of one or both adrenal glands adrenalectomy
administration of radioactive iodine to suppress thyroid function chemical thyroidectomy
surgical removal of the pituitary gland hypophysectomy
surgical removal of a love or a well defined portion of an organ lobectomy
surgical removal of the pancreas pancreatectomy
surgical removal of one or more parathyroid glands parathyroidectomy
surgical removal of the pineal gland pinealectomy
surgical removal of the thymus thymectomy
surgical removal of all or part of the thyroid gland thyroidectomy
Created by: maiken
Popular Veterinary sets




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