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A&P 1 Ch 6 part 1

The Skeletal System 1

immovable fibrous joints in skull sutures
only movable bone of skull mandible
external cranium bones occipital, parietal, interparietal, frontal, temporal
external facial bones incisive, nasal, maxillary, zygomatic, mandible
large hole where medulla oblongatta and arteries enter cranium foramen magnum
c1 also called this atlas
cats and horsesa are only ones with these cranium bones interparietal bones
temporal bones form what joints with the mandible TMJ joints
paranasal sinuses frontal, ethymoid, sphenoid, maxillary
bones of the ear malleus, incus, stapes
most rostral bones, house upper incisors incisive bones
horizontal portion of mandible containing mental foramen shaft
vertical portion, at caudal end where articular condyles forming tmj are located ramus
internal bones of face palatine, pterygoid, turbinates, vomer bone
hyoid apparatus located between caudal end of mandible, helps with swallowing
spinal column order cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrial, coccygeal
vertebral formula dog c7, t13, l7, s3, c 5-23
vertebral formula cat c7, t13, l7, s, c 20-23
2nd cervical vertebrae axis
cartilage discs that seperate adjacent vertebral bodies intervertebral discs
spinous process projects dorsally
transverse precess projects laterally
tall spinous processes thoracic vertebrae
bulky bodies lumbar vertebrae
fuse together to form solid structure sacral vertebrae
number and shape varies coccygeal vertebrae
number of pairs of ribs is usually the same as what number of thoracic vertebrae
costal cartilage meets what sternum
last sternebrae xiphoid process
breastbone sternum
1st sternebrae manubrium
closes the jaw masseter
extend the head and neck trapezius, splenius
extends head and neck, pulls front leg forward brachiocephalicus
flexes head and neck sternocephalicus
inspiratory muscles diaphram, external intercostal muscles
expiratory muscles abdominal muscles, internal intercostal muscles
layers of abdominal muscles external abdominal oblique, internal abdominal oblique, transversus abdominus, rectus abdominus
left and right parts of each come together at the linea alba
flexes the shoulder latissimus dorsi
adduct the front leg pectoral
abducts and flexes the shoulder joint deltoid
flexes the elbow joint biceps
extends the elbow joint triceps
extends the carpus extensor carpi radialis
flexes the digit deep digital flexor
extensor muscles of hip gluteal
main extensor muscle of the stifle joint quadriceps
extends hip joint, main flexors of stifle joint biceps
extensor muscle of hock gastrocnemius
Created by: maiken
Popular Veterinary sets




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