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Test 3

Basic Crop Science

In a germinating dicot seedling, if the end of the radical or primary root dies, what type of root system results? Fibrous
In the soil profile, we discussed 4 “horizons” or zones. Which two horizons contain most of the roots, moisture, and nutrients? A and O horizon
Fibrous no central root system but a shallower system made up of roots about the same size
Fibrous root advantages -More evenly distributed in soil -Shallower distribution where more moisture and nutrients are generally located
Taproot forms from the primary radical and is the central portion of the root system.
Taproot advantages -Can pull water and nutrients from deeper in the soil -Provides an excellent system for dicot crops to survive extended stress like drought -Provides anchorage for upright-growing crops -Provides food storage for dicot perennials to over-winter
Radicle primary root that emerges first from the embryo in the seed
Seminal roots seed roots that emerge from the embryo
Adventitious roots roots that originate from tissue other than root tissue
Brace roots above-ground roots in grasses that originate at the nodes
Epidermis protects the root
Cortex food storage area
Endodermis becomes pericycle, phloem, and xylem
Pericycle develops the branch roots
Phloem transports sugar
Xylem Transports water
Root hair lateral extension of an epidermal cell that functions to increase the root’s surface area for nutrient and water uptake
Root cap protects the apical meristem as the root penetrates the soil
Root cap region cell region at end of root continually replaced by the apical meristem
Region of cell division meristematic region where new cells are produced behind the root cap
Cell elongation zone new cells are not produced but elongate to push the root through the soil
Differentiation zone transition zone where cells start to differentiate
Maturation zone cells become more specialized in function to form tissues
Causes of light intensity high plant population, weed competition, extreme cloudy weather, anything that decreases light to the plant
Primary soil zone for root activity in the upper zones O and A where most of the nutrients and water are located
Transport tissue in the roots Xylem tissue moves water and nutrients up to the stems; Phloem moves photosynthesis products downward to the growing points at the root tips
Which part of the root protects the meristematic region as it moves through the soil? root cap
What are the xylem and phloem in the root called? Vascular bundle and Stele
Stem central axis of a plant that supports leaves, branches, and flowers
Leaf flat appendages attached to the stem to increase surface for light interception, photosynthesis, and transpiration
Stalk solid stem of grasses like corn and sorghum
Culm hollow stem of grasses like small grains (wheat, barley, oats, etc.)
Nodes compressed tissue where axillary buds, leaves, branches, and flowers originate
Internode areas between the nodes made of elongated cells
Axillary bud located where the branch or leaf meets the stem
The meristem at the top of the plant can suppress axillary buds by hormone (auxin) activity. What is this suppression called? Apical dominance
Soybeans are considered legumes and can produce their own nitrogen. What type of leaf is the first true leaf after the cotyledons? Unifoliate
Stolon above ground horizontal stems that function in asexual reproduction. Example- Crowsfoot grass
Rhizome underground, horizontal stem that sends out roots from its nodes. Example- Johnson grass
Crown compressed stem tissue with no internodes that can produce a stem (dicots) or tillers (small grains). Example- wheat
Tuber enlarged underground stems with a large amount of carbohydrates and nodes. Example- Irish potato
Bulb Compressed modified stem composed mostly of fleshy leaves. Example- Red onion
Corm fleshy underground stem with few nodes and scaly, small leaves composed of stem tissue Example- Timothy grass
Intercalary meristem growing point at the tip of grass stems where growth occurs from the bottom up
Stand density As the density of the stand increases, the thickness and strength of the stem decreases causing lodging
Light intensity As light intensity decreases, stems become spindly and weak, a condition called “etiolation”, due to auxin activity
Each plant has a particular arrangement in which its flowers are developed. This is called the: Inflorescence
Pubescent Covered with tiny hairs
Glabrous waxy, no pubescence
Transpiration occurs in the stomata which have guard cells that open and close based on osmotic pressure (K+ concentration), temperature, and water status of the plant.
What factor(s) can cause corn to lodge High winds, Brace root damage, over-fertilization, high plant populations
Photosynthesis Use of water, carbon dioxide, and light energy to produce energy for plant growth and maintenance
Respiration Oxidative breakdown of organic substances at low temperatures
Light striking the leaf has 3 options: Absorbed, Reflected, Transmitted
Carotenoids Yellow/orange pigments that help protect the chlorophylls from high light intensity
In photosynthesis, there are light and dark reactions. What is the set of dark reactions referred to as? Calvin cycle
Vertical tillage reduce soil compaction. Reduce runoff and erosion
Soil density Increases smaller root system
1 acre=how many ft? 43560 ft^2
1 hectare= how many acres? 2.471 acres
What % of Alabama's land is irrigated? 15%
Stele same as the vascular bundle
Flag leaf top of leaf below flower
nodes of cotton 3-4 days between
Palmer amaranth grows 2-3" per day
1st node on cotton 0 cotyledon
Unifoliolate leaf 1st true leaf in a soybean plant
Thrips Take nutrients out of plants; terminal damage
Planting date for corn 1st February- early April
As density increases... lodging increases
Planting date for cotton 1st April- 1st June
Planting date for peanuts April-last of May
Planting date for soybeans Middle of April- middle of June
Planting date for wheat October-November
Lignin Give support to the plant
What are the 2 primary energy carriers? ATP and NADPH
In respiration, ATP is produced from sucrose + oxygen + ADP + Pi. What is this set of reactions referred to as? Kreb's cycle
Created by: klr0021
Popular Agriculture sets




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