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bio 1100 e-1

tissues are grouped together in functional units called organs
H2S is an example of molecular formula
tissues are a group of cells that serve a common function
the subatomic particles that play the greatest role in cellular chemical reactions are electrons
organelles are compartments within cells
a scientific explanation that is tentative and requires more investigation hypothesis
water is a polar molecule because oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen
the mass within an atom comes from protons and neutrons
12 levels of organization atoms, molecules, organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organism, population, community, ecosystem, biosphere
an atom becomes an ion when it gains or loses electrons
pasteur proves theory of spontaneous regeneration is untrue
hydrophobic repelled by water
hydrophillic water "loving"
the helium atom is inert because its outermost shell is filled with electrons
scientific method observation, hypothesis, experiment, conclusion
covalent bonds form when one atom shares its electrons with another atom
ionic bonds form when one atom transfers its electrons with another atom
atomic number number of protons in the nucleus
atomic weight number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus
H hydrogen
O oxygen
C carbon
N nitrogen
Ca calcium
P phosphorous
K potassium
S sulfur
Na sodium
Cl chlorine
Mg magnesium
I idodine
Fe iron
Zn zinc
Cu copper
Biological molecules monosaccharide, amino acid, nucleotide
Macromolecules carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids
pH the measure of the degree to which a substance is acidic or basic
functional groups unique chemical groups that confer special properties to an organic molecule
glycogen is a polysaccharide used for energy storage by animals
starch, glycogen, cellulose polysaccharides
DNA, RNA nucleic acid
peptide bond connects amino acids to form a chain
indigestiable glucose polysaccharide for humans cellulose
glycogen is used to store______in the____ glucose;liver
triglyceride a lipid made of one glycerol and three fatty acids
phospholipids primary component in cell membranes
cholesterol lipid; keeps the fluidity of the rigidity of the cell
unsaturated fatty acids have one or more double bonds between the carbons
every protein has a unique shape and function because each protein has a unique sequence of amino acids
proteins hormone activity, enzyme activity, serving as transport molecules, serving as structural building materials
nucleotides are the building blocks for ATP, DNA, and RNA
Organelles organized structures that perform a specific function
Prokaryotic cells unicellular; no true nucleus; very small; bacteria and archaea
Eukaryotic cells often multicellular; membrane bound nucleus; much larger; plants, fungus, and animals
Nucleus contains DNA-information for protein produtction
Ribosomes site of protein synthesis
Rough ER "protein processing"
Transport vesicles transport protein to the golgi complex
Golgi complex protein modification, shipping, and sorting
The protein pathway 1. Nucleus 2. Ribosomes 3. Rough ER 4. Golgi Complex 5. Plasma membrane
Transcription DNA is copied onto messenger RNA (mRNA)then transfered to the ribosomes where protein synthesis continues
Translation nucleotides pair with the mRNA to create the protein
octet rule elements react to form compounds in such a way to put eight electrons in their outermost valence shell; 2,8,8
metals lose all their valance electrons forming cations
non-metals gain electrons to gain the noble gas configuration forming anions
polar bonds unequal sharing of electrons
non polar bonds equal sharing of electrons
solutes chemicals added to water
solution chemicals and water
solvent substance that gets added to water
diffusion passive membrane process from a higher concentraion to a lower concentration
osmosis passive movement of water into a solution where the water concentraion is lower
Created by: chop
Popular Veterinary sets




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