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Terminology chap 11

Functions of endocrine system

pituitary gland gland known as the master gland that helps maintain the appropriate levels of hormone in the body
hypothalamus repsonse stimuli, regulator of the endocrine system
oxyotcin chemican substance secreted by the posterior pituitary gland that stimulates uterine contractions during parturition
prolactin augments milk secretion
ACTH blood analysis for cristol levels
calcitonin thyroid hormone promotes absorption of calcium from blood into bones.
thyromegaly enlargment of the thyroid gland
lobectomy surgical removal of a well-defined portion of an organ
gland an aggregation of cells specialized to secrete/excrete materials not related to their function
hormone excrete/inhibit motion/action
Addison's disease hypoadrenocorticism, a disorder caused by deficient adrenal cortex production of glucocorticoid
insulinoma tumor of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas
melatonin chemical substance that helps control circadian rhythm
gynecomastia excessive mammary development in males
function of the thyroid gland secretes triiodothyronin, thyroxine, and calcitonin
adenohypophysis another name for the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland
insulin decreases blood glucose, hormone that transports blood glucose to the cells
antidiuretic hormone hormone that maintains water balance in the body by increasing water reabsorption in the kidney
epinephrine increases heart rate, blood pressure, and blood glucose
assay laboratory technique used to determine the amoun of a particular substance in a sample
hypoglycemia abnormally low blood glucose level
euthyroidism condition of normal thyroid functin
thyrotoxicosis life threatening condition of excess
thyromegaly enlargement of the thyroid gland
adrenal cortex secretes glucocorticoids
what does the pituitary gland act in response to stimuli from the hypothalamus
crine word part thta means to secrete/separate
adrenals two small glands located on top of each kidney
thyroid butterfly-shaped gland on either side of the larynx
thymus gland located dorsal to the sternum
pancreas contains specialized cells that secrete hormones that affect sugar and starch metabolism
pituitary small gland at the base of the brain
parathyroid secretes hormone that reduces bone calcium levels and regulates phosphorus
pineal secretes melantonin
gonads gamete-producing glands
thyoidectomy surgical removal of the thyroid gland
hyperthyroidism condition of excessive thyroid hormone
diabetes mellitus insufficient anitdiuretic hormone
adrenopathy disease of the adrenal gland
acidosis abnormal condition of low pH
glucagon hormone that increases blood glucose
hypocalcemia abnormally low blood calcium levels
insulinoma tumor of the islet of Langerhans cells of the pancreas
hypercrinism condition of excessive thyroid hormone
combining form for thyriod thyr/o thyroid/o
combining form for adrenal glands adren/o adrenal/o
-trophic means having an affinity for
combining form for yellow lute/o
combining form for body somat/o
equilibrium state of balance
vertigo sense of dizziness
pinna separates the middle ear from the outer/external ear
cerumen earwax
sclera white of the eye fibrous tissue that maintains the shape of the eye
canthus corner of the eye
iris colored muscular layer of the eye that surrounds the pupil
nystagmus involuntary, constant, rhythmis movement of the eyeball
ophthalmopathy a group of eye disorders resulting from increased intraocular pressure
cataract opacity of the lens
refraction process of the lens bending the light ray to help focus the rays on the retina
cornea fibrous layer if clear tissue that extends over the anterior portion of the eye and is continuous with the white of the eye
optic disk region of the eye where nerve endings of the retina gather to form the optic nerve
lens eye structure is transparent and focus light on the retina
what does tonometry diagnose glaucoma
otalgia ear pain
vertigo sense of dizziness
ablation removal of a part
miosis pupillary constriction
mydriasis pupillary dilation
lacrimation condition of normal tear production
acuity shaprness/acuteness, used for vision
otoscope instrument used to visually examine the ear
cochlea name of the spiral-shaped passage that leads fro the oval window to the inner ear
palpebra eyelid
orbit bony cavity of the skull that contains the eyeball
cilia eyelashes
cornea transparent anterior portion of the sclera
conjunctiva mucous membrane that lines the underside of each eyelid
tarsus platelike frame w/in the upper and lower eyelids
uvea iris, ciliary body, choroid
ampulla dilated area in the semicircular canals
otoliths small stones in the saccule and utricle
tympanic bulla osseous chamber at the base of the skull
incus auditory ossicle known as the anvil
stapes auditory ossicle known as the stirrup
malleus auditory ossicle known as the hammer
eustachian tube narrow duct that leads from the middle ear to the nasopharynx
external auditory canal tube that transmits sound from the pinna to the eardrum
distichiasis double row of eyelashes
glaucoma groups of disorders resulting from elevated intraocular pressue
uveitis inflammation of the iris, ciliary body, choroid
opaque blocking the passage of light
sclera (white of the eye ) outer layer of the eye
synapse junction between two neurons/ between a neuron and a receptor
stupor impaired consciousness w/ unresponsive stimuli
tonometry procedure using an instrument to measure intraocular pressure indirectly
paraplegia paralysis of the lower body bipeds/or of hindlimbs in quadrupeds
nystagmus involuntary, constant, rhythmic movement of the eye
neuroglial supportive cells of the nervous system
myoclonus repetitive, rhythmic contraction of limb/facial muscles
myelin protective covering over some nerve cells
meninges connective tissue brain and spinal cord are encased in
melatonin controls cardiac rhythm and reproductive timing
lacrimation condition of normal tear secretion
dacryocyst (lacrimal sac) collects tears at the upper portion of the tear duct
cerebellum 2nd largest part of the brain, and it coordinates muscle activity for smooth movement
ataxia w/o coordination, "stumbling"
analgesia w/o pain
Created by: Marilyn:)
Popular Veterinary sets




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