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Terminology chapter 10

respiratory system body system that brings oxygen from the air into the body for delivery via the blood to the cells
respiration diffusion of gases between the atmosphere and the cells of the body
ventilation the intake of fresh air (breathing)
upper respiratory tract consists of the nose, mouth. pharynx, epiglottis, and larynx
lower respiratory tract consists of trachea, bronchial tree, and lungs
nose air enters and exits the body through it
combining forms for nose nas/o and rhin/o
nares openings of the respiratory tract
pharynx (throat) common passageway for the, upper respiratory and GI tracts, intake of food and water.
combining form for throat pharyng/o
larynx (voice box) between pharynx and trachea contains vocal cords
combining form for voice box laryng/o
trachea (windpipe) extends from the neck to the chest, passes into thorax through thoracic inlet.
combining form for windpipe trache/o
*tracheal bifurcation divides the trachea into two branches
combining form for bronchi bronch/o
alveoli air sacs in which gas exchange occurs
combining form for small sac alveol/o
where does oxygen diffuse? into the blood
where does carbon dioxide diffuse? across the alveolar membrane
thoracic cavity contained within the ribs
combining form for ribs cost/o
combining form for chest thorac/o
suffix meaning chest -thorax
lung main organ of respiration
lobes divisions lungs are composed of
roles of the skin protecting animals from infection, waterproofing body, preventing fluid loss, providing coloration, and site for vitamin D synthesis
combining form for lung/air pneum/o, pneumon/o, and pneu
combining forms for lung pulm/o and pulmon/o
diaphragm separates thoracic and peritoneal cavities
prefix meaning across dia-
combining form for wall phragm/o
sebum oily substance secreted by sebaceous glands
skin covers the external surfaces of the body
combining forms for skin cutane/o, derm/o, and dermat/o
suffix meaning skin -derma
epidermis most superfical layer of skin
combining form for claw onych/o
hooves horny covering of distal phalanx in ungulates
combining forms for diaphragm diaphragmat/o and phren/o
respiration exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
breathing inhalation and exhalation of air
inhalation drawing in of breath
exhalation release of breath
suffix meaning breathing -pnea
terms referring to breathing apena, dyspena, brodypnea, tachypnea, hyperpnea, hypopnea, hypercapnia, and hypocapnia
apnea absence of breathing
dyspnea difficult/labored breathing
bradypnea abnormally slow respiratory rates
tachypnea abnormally rapid respiratory rates
hyperpnea abnormal increase in the rate and depth of respirations
hypopnea abnormally slow/shallow respirations
pleura membranous sac lung in encased in
combining form for pleura pleur/o
integumentary system consists of skin and its appendages
wall that divides the nasal cavity nasal septum
parts of the respiratory tract contain thin hairs called? cilia
an abnormal condition of blue discoloration is ? cyanosis
inhaling a foreign substance into the upper respiratory tract is? aspiration
hypoxia below-normal levels oxygen
surfactant liquid that reduces alveolar surface tension
sequela condition following as a consequence of disease
antitussive sbustance that works against, controls, or stops a cough
bronchoconstrictor narrow openings in lungs
bronchodilator expand openings in lungs
polyp a growth/mass protruding from a mucous membrane
bronchi tubes that bifurcate from the trachea
pleurisy inflammation of pleura
atelectasis collapse of a lung
stridor snoring, squeaking, or whistling that suggest airway narrowing
percussion tapping various body surfaces with the finger or an instrument to determine sound density
pleural space potential space between the parietal and visceral pleura
epiglottis acts as a lid over the entrance to the trachea
edema abnormally large amounts of fluid in the intercellular tissue spaces
anoxia absence of oxygen
hemoptysis spitting up of blood from the lower respiratory tract
acute occurring over a short course
chronic occurring over a long course
auscultation act of listening
pneumonia abnormal condition of the lung that usually involves inflammation and congestion of the lung
asphyxiation interruption of breathing resulting in lack of oxygen
erythema skin redness
atopy hypersensitivity reaction in animals involving pruritus with secondary dermatitis
infestation occupation an dwelling of parasites on the external skin surface
purulent producing/containing pus
putrefaction foul-smelling decay
vibrissa large tactile hair
seborrhea skin condition characterized by overproduction of sebum (oil)
scale flake
skin paleness pallor
debridement removal of tissue and foreign material to aid healing
abscess localized collection of pus
lipoma benign growth of fat cells
carcinoma malignant neoplasm of epithelia
necrotic pertaining to dead tissue
carbuncle cluster of furuncles
urticaria hive
acute moist dermatitis hot spot
vesicle blister
cicatrix scar
abrasion scrape
furuncle boil
verrucae warts
polled hornless
dermis middle layer of skin
epidermis most superficial layer of skin
collagen protein material found in skin, hair, and nails
comedo buildup of sebum and keratin in a pore
hidrosis production and secretion of sweat
mange common term for skin disease caused by mites
pyothorax pus in chest cavity
cellulitis inflammation of connective tissue
laceration accidental cut into the skin
hypocapnia decrease in carbon dioxide levels in the blood
Created by: Marilyn:)
Popular Veterinary sets




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