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vet tech term review

3-vt-11 terminology midterm review

a- without, lack of, not
an- without, lack of, not
ab- away from
ad- toward, to, near
ambi- both
amphi- both
ampho- both
ana- up, toward, apart
ante- before, in front of, forward
anti- against, opposing
apo- separation from, derived from
auto- self
bi- two, double, twice
cata- down, under, lower, against
circum- around
co- with, together
com- with, together
con- with, together
contra- opposed, against
de- reverse, remove
di- two, twice
dia- between, through, apart, across, completely
dis- apart from, free from
dys- difficult, painful, abnormal
e- out of, from, away from
ec- out of, from, away from
ex- out of, from, away from
ecto- outer, outside, situated on
exo- outer outside, situated on
em- in
en- in
endo- within, inner
ep- upon, on, over, above
epi- upon, on, over, above
eu- normal, good, well, happy
extra- outside of, beyond
hemi- half
hyper- excessive, above, beyond
hypo- under, deficient, beneath
im- in, into, within, not
in- in, into, within, not
infra- below, beneath
inter- between
intra- within
intro- into, within
mes- middle
meso- middle
meta- change, beyond, after
micro- small
mult- many
multi- many
neo- new, recent
pan- all, entire
para- beside, beyond
per- through, excessive
peri- sround
poly- many, much, excessive
post- after, behind
pre- before, in front of
pro- before, in front of
pseudo- false
re- again, backward
retro- backward, behind
semi- half
sub- under, beneath
super- above, superior, excess
supra- above, superior, excess
sym- together, with
syn- together, with
trans- across, through
ultra- beyond, excess
-ac pertaining to, relating to
-al pertaining to, relating to
-ic pertaining to, relating to
-ous pertaining to, relating to
-algia pain
-cele protrusion, hernia
-centesis surgical puncture to remove fluid
-ole small
-ule small
-cyte cell
-ectomy cutting out
-emesis vomit
-emia blood condition
-ent person or agent
-ist person or agent
-esis state or condition
-ia state or condition
-iasis state or condition
-form resembling, shaped like
-oid resembling, shaped like
-genesis development, origin
-gram recording, written record
-graphy recording, written record
-graph instrument for recording
-ible capable, able
-ile capable, able
-itis inflammation
-logy science, study of
-oma tumor
-penia lack of, deficiency of
-pexy fixation
-phage eating
-plasia forming, growing, changing
-plastic forming, growing, changing
-plasty forming, growing, changing
-pnea breathing
-rrhaphy suturing in place
-rrhea flow or discharge
-rrhexis rupture
-scope instrument for examining
-scopy act of examining
-stomy surgical opening
-tome instrument for cutting
-tomy cutting, incision
blephar/o- eyelid or eyelash
brachi/o- arm
bucc/o- cheek
canth/o- corner of the eye
capit/o- head
carp/o- wrist
cephal/o- head
cervic/o- neck
cheil/o- lip
cili/o- eyelash of small hairlike process
cor/o- pupil of eye
dactyl/o- digit, toe
dent/i- tooth or teeth
dent/o tooth or teeth
derm/a- skin
derm/o- skin
dermat/o- skin
dors/i- back
dors/o- back
faci/o- face
gingiv/o- gums
gloss/o- tongue
gnath/o- jaw
irid/o- iris of eye
labi/o- lip
lapar/o flank; abdomen
later/o- side
lingu/o- tongue
mamm/a- mammary gland
mamm/o- mammary gland
mast/o- mammary gland
nas/o- nose
occipit/o- back of the head
ocul/o- eye
odont/o- tooth or teeth
omphal/o- naval or umbilicus
onych/o- nail or claw
ophthalm/o- eye or eyes
or/o- mouth
ot/o- ear
papill/o- nipple
phall/o- penis
pil/o- hair
pod/o foot
rhin/o- nose
somat/o- body
steth/o- chest
stom/o- mouth
stomat/o- mouth
tars/o- ankle
thorac/o- chest of thorax
trich/o- hair
ventr/i- belly
ventr/o- belly
aden/o- gland
angi/o- vessel
arteri/o- artery
arthr/o- joint
bronch/i bronchus
bronch/o bronchus
cardi/o- heart
chondr/i- cartilage
chondr/io- cartilage
chondr/o- cartilage
colp/o- vagina
cost/o- ribs
cyst/i- bladder
cyst/o- bladder
cyt/o- cell
encephal/o- brain
enter/o- intestine
fibr/o- fibers
gastr/o- stomach
hepat/ico liver
hepat/o liver
hist/o- tissue
hyster/o uterus
ile/o- ileum (intestines)
ili/o- ilium (hipbone)
kerat/o- horny tissue
laryng/o- larynx
metr/a uterus
metr/o uterus
myel/o- bone marrow or spinal cord
my/o- muscle
nephr/o- kidney
neur/o- nerve, nerves, nervous system
orchi/o- testes
oss/eo- bone or bones
oss/i- bone or bones
ost/e- bone or bones
ost/eo- bone or bones
ovari/o- ovary
phleb/o- vein or veins
pneum/a- lungs
pneum/o- lungs
proct/o- rectum or anus
pulm/o- lungs
rect/o- rectum
sarc/o- flesh
splend/o- spleen
spondyl/o- vertebra, spinal column
tend/o- tendon
ten/o- tendon
ureter/o- ureter
urethr/o- urethra
vas/o- vessel or duct
ven/e- vein or veins
ven/i- vein or veins
ven/o- vein or veins
viscer/o- viscera
audi/o- hearing
bio- life
caus- burn
caut- burn
-clas- break
-clast break
duct- lead
-ectas- dilate
-edem- swelling
-esthes- sensation
gen/o- producing
-purulent pussy discharge (lol)
-iatr/o- treatment
kin/e- movement
kin/o- movement
-lysis breaking down
-lys/o- breaking down
-lytic breaking down
-morph/o- form, structure, shape
-op/ia vision
-ops/ia vision
-opsy vision
-path- disease
-pathy- disease
-phil love for, affinity
-plegia paralysis
-poiesis formation, production
schist/o- split, cleft, division
spasm/o- spasm
-statis standing still, stoppage
troph/o- food, nourishment
brachy- short
brady- slow
cry/o- cold
crypt/o- hidden
dipl/o- double, twice
dolich/o- long
glyc/o- sugar, sweet
gluc/o- sugar, sweet
heter/o- other, different
hom/eo- same, alike
hom/o- same, alike
hydr/o- wet, water, fluid
is/o- equal, alike
lept/o- slender, small, thin
macr/o- large
mal- ill, bad
malac/o- soft, soften
meg/a- large, oversized
meg/alo- large, oversized
meg/aly- large, oversized
necr/o- death
olig/o- few, little
orth/o- straight, normal, correct
poikil/o- irregular
-scler/o- hardness
sten/o- narrow, contracted
tachy- rapid, fast
therm/o- heat
chyle milky fluid-product of digestion
chyl/o- milky fluid-product of digestion
dacry/o- tears
lacrima tears
hem/a- blood
hemat/o- blood
hem/o- blood
lymph/o- lymph
mucus mucus
muco- mucus
ptyal/o- saliva
py/o- pus
sangui- blood, bloody
sanguin/o- blood, bloody
ser/o- serum
sial/o- saliva, salivary glands
ur/e urine or urea
ur/ea urine or urea
ur/eo- urine or urea
ur/in- urine or urea
ur/ino- urine or urea
ur/o- urine of urea
adip/o- fat
cerumen earwax
cerumin/o- earwax
gluco- sugar
glyc/o- sugar
sacchar/o- sugar
sacchar/i- sugar
heme hemoglobin
lip/o- fat or fatty acids
lipid fat or fatty acids
lith/o- stone or calculus
albus white
alba white
alb- white
chrom/o- color
chromat/o color
cirrhos orange-yellow
cyan/o- blue
erythr/o- red
leuc/o- white
leuk/0- white
melan/o- black
Created by: fmnewby
Popular Veterinary sets




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