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Western Civ

Ch 11

What is the Song of Roland? One of the earliest and best-known epic poems of medieval Europe, describes the death of Roland (a loyal knight) in Charlemagne's army, When they fought the Moors, Roland was fatally wounded
When was the Song of Roland written? ~1100
What was Palestine called by the Christians? The Holy Land because Jesus lived and taught here
Who conquered Palestine in the 600s? Muslim Arabs
If Christians or Jews ____&_____, they could live in Palestine (after Muslims conquered) & practice their religion openly. Paid their taxes & observed other regulations
Who conquered Palestine and attacked Asia Minor (part of the Byzantine Empire) in the 1000s and who were they? Saljuq Turks= a warlike people from Central Asia who adopted Muslim faith
What empire needed help because of the Saljuq Turks? Byzantine
What happened in 1095? Pope Urban II called a great meeting of church leaders and nobles at Clermont, France to urge these nobles to stope the fighting among themselves and help recover the Holy Land from the Muslims for the Christians.
What happened after Pope Urban II's meeting of church leaders? The people traveled through France preaching the cause to regain the Holy Land.
Who are crusaders/Where does this word come from? People who joined the expedition to help regain the Holy Land, they sewed a cross on their clothing/Latin word-cruciata meaning "marked with a cross"
What are crusades? Series of military expeditions to regain the Holy Land
What are some reasons of the crusades? People were inspired by faith, those who died on a Crusade were to go straight to heaven, land in SW Asia, adventure, promising rewards (spiritual/material)
Who led the 1st Crusade and when was it? French and Norman nobles/1096-1099
Where did the French and Norman nobles move in the 1st Crusade? Across Europe to Constantinople
After the crusaders arrived in Constantinople (1st Crusade) where did they head to? Across Asia Minor to Palestine
Did the Byzantine emperor allow the crusaders to pass through Constantinople? Yes, after negotiations
1st- What did the crusaders suffer from? Heat from wool/leather garments, shortage of food & water b/c few pack animals to carry supplies
1st- After the crusaders captured Antioch, where did they march towards? Jerusalem//Palestine
1st- Why did the expedition succeed? The Turks quarreled and were disunited
1st- What did fleets of ships from Italy bring? Reinforcements and supplies
1st- After _____, the crusaders captured Jerusalem. A short battle and slaughtering Muslim (40,000-70,000)/Jewish inhabitants in a terrible massacre
1st- What are the 4 small states the crusaders set up in SW Asia? The County of Edessa, the Principality of Antioch, the County of Tripoli, and the Kingdom of Jerusalem
1st- What was introduced to the 4 states? Feudalism and subdivision of lands into fiefs w/ vassals and lords
When did the 2nd Crusade begin? 1147
After ____, the 2nd Crusade began. The Turks organized their forces and recaptured Edessa and threatened the kingdom of Jerusalem
In the ___ Crusade, King Louis VII of France and the Holy Roman Emperor Conrad III led their armies across Europe to the Holy Land. 2nd
What were the misfortunes of the 2 monarchs on the march to the Holy Land in the 2nd Crusade? Fought separately, did not join forces until they reached Damascus (which the Turks held), failed to capture the city and returned to Europe after 2 years
3rd- What Muslim leader recaptured Jerusalem in 1187? Salan al-Din
What years did the 3rd Crusade last? 1189-1192
3rd-What 3 people were at the head of an army to regain the Holy Land? King Richard the Lion Heart of England, King Philip II of France, and Emperor Frederick Barbarossa of the Holy Roman Empire
How did the European armies fail? Barbarossa drowned and most of his army turned back, Philip and Richard quarreled, Philip took his army home to seize English lands in France, Richards armies could not recapture Jerusalem
3rd- Peace proposals (including marriage alliances) from Salah al-Din were considered and rejected by _____. Richard
3rd- What did Richard settle for with Salah al-Din? A truce the gave crusaders control of a few coastal towns in Palestine and allowed Christians to enter Jerusalem freely.
How did the 4th crusade begin in 1202? Pope Innocent III persuaded a group of French knights& the city of Venice provided transportation
Where did Venice persaude the crusaders to attack in the 4th crusade? Zadar, a Christian city on the Adriatic coast, also a commerical rival of Venice
4th- Did the crusaders capture Zadar? Yes
4th- What did Pope innocent do after the crusaders captured Zadar? Excommunicated the entire army for attacking a Christian city
4th- After the crusaders captured Zadar, what did they do? Planned an attack on Constantinople; in support of one faction of the Byzantine royal family over another; b/c of commercial advantages
4th- When did the crusaders loot Constantinople? 1204
In ____, the Turks seized Constantinople and it collapsed 1453
When did the Children's Crusade occur? 1212
What happened in the Children's Crusade? Untrained leaders w/ no equip. marched to the Holy Land, the Pope turned some of them back, others reached France and were tricked into boarding ships to be sold as slaves
What year did the crusades end? 1291, when the Muslims captured the last Christian stronghold in Acre
From a military standpoint, all the Crusades except the 1st ______ b/c ______ failed b/c the Muslims captured Jerusalem and Palestine
What is a crossbow? A sophisticated bow and arrow held horizontally and fired by pulling a trigger
What seige tactics did Europeans learn from the Byzantines and the Muslims (from the Crusades)? Underminine walls and catapults, gunpowder
Why did the crusades strengthen the kings and middle classes? Departure of nobles and knights
Results of Crusades Enhancement of papal prestige, church more political power, exchange of ideas of crusaders from dif. countries (cultures), Italian cities benefited from their role in transporting armies, Trade w/ SW Asia- rice, sugar, lemons, apricots, melons
What happened after the 400s? Trade nearly died out, manors became increasingly self-sufficient (grew or made nearly everything they used), and towns/cities decreased in population & size b/c they depended on trade and manufacturing
Why did trade 1st revive in Italy? Trade nor towns had declined there as much as other places and the peninsula's location was good for trade (between Europe and Asia-where Europe wanted goods from
______ (Italian City-states) won trading rights in ______ b/c of force and negotiation. Venice, Genoa, and Pisa//Constantinople, Syria, Palestine, and N. Africa
What led to growth and increasing wealth in cities of Italy? Italian ships carried crusaders to the Holy Land and brought rich cargoes from the East, then these goods traveled into central and northern Europe
Besides Italy, where else did trade revive in?Explain. N Europe -Viking traders from Kiev (Ukraine) traded to Black Sea and on to Constantinople to collect goods from the East - They transported these items to cities of Northern Europe
When did Flanders (Belgium), France, and the Netherlands gain importance? Why? 1100s- Meeting point of trade toutes, people wanted woolen cloth of Flanders (it became the textile headquarters of Europe)
What 2 cities became thriving centers of population and wealth? Ghent and Bruges
Which 3 cities were the most important commercial cities on the North and Baltic Seas? Hamburg, Lubeck, and Bremen
Hamburg, Lubeck, and Bremen formed an alliance called ______ b/c Germany lacked a strong central government. Hanseatic League
The Hanseatic League started with only _____ member cities and grew to about ______ 3//100
What 4 cities were the Hanseatics permanent trading posts? Flanders, Scandinavia, England, Russia
How could a Hanseatic member lose trading privelages? by not abiding by league agreements
The Cruades caused a great demand increase of what? Spices, medicines, perfumes, dyes, and precious gems from Asia = silk, cotton, linen, gold, silver, ivory, textiles, rugs, grain, fruit
What did Europe supply in exchange for Asian goods? Fur, timber, fish, grain, wine, oil, leather, weapons, armor, metal goods, glassware, woolen cloth
Where did merchants sell goods? Weekly markets, religious festivals, fairs
How did local rulers earn $ at trade fairs? Fees/taxes on goods
What special services were merchants guarunteed at fairs? Protection from assault, theft, and arrest, armed guards
What is a region in NE France that lays directly along the trade route between Italy and N Europe? Champagne
What were the trade fairs in Champagne like? Most important, 6 fairs each last 49 days, annually
What is a barter economy? Goods and services are exchanged for other goods and services without the use of $
What did & changers at fairs do? Estimated the value of the currency of one region in relation to the currency of another
What did people do at trade fairs? barter, meet people, share news, watched entertainment such as jugglers, clowns, and musicians
What were the 3 important developments that resulted from the revival of European trade? A manufacturing system, a banking system, and the practice of investing capital
What is the domestic system? A new method of production where manufacturing took place in workers' homes rather than in a shop or factory (ex. woolen industry)
How was banking developed in the Middle Ages? Evaluating and exchanging various currencies, lending money, letters of credit
During the early Middle Ages, who did most of the monelyending? Jews
Why did the Jews do a lot of moneylending? The Christian church prohibited usury
What is the charging of interest on loans? Usury
The Christian church _____ usury. Prohibited
Most legal codes related to ______ & the _______ allowed ________ Business transactions//repayment of debt//interest to be collected
What is a letter of credit? the transfer of funds from one place to another by developing special notes
A letter of credit represents our modern day ________. Checking accounts
What is capital? Wealth earned, saved, and invested to produce profits
Investors sometimes formed ________. Partnerships
What is a market economy? An economy in which labor, land, and capital are controlled by individuals
Beginning in the late 900s, existing towns began to __________ Grow larger
As towns grew, how did townspeople make a living? Manufacturing and trade
How did townspeople show that they wanted to control their own government? They won rights by peaceful means, they resorted to violence and war, were granted political liberties by lords, bought charters of liberties from their lords (written statements of their rights)
What were the 4 basic rights of those who lived in towns in Europe? 1Freedom-no matter what, 2Exempt status-inhabitants of towsns were free from having to perform any services on their manor, 3Town justice-each town had their own court, 4Commercial priveleges-can sell goods freely in the market & charge tolls on outsiders
The enemy of the crusades is _______ undefined/ anyone they come in contact with
Why did the crusades start? 1Spread of Islamic Faith-Ariabian penin, holy city, asia minor, Seljaq turks become threat to Constantinople, Spread to N Africa, Spain 2European Population=Bubonic Plague, 3Split of Church 1054, 4Pope calls for crusades
What do the christians fight the crusades for? Spiritual, material gain, to bring the Eastern Orthodox faith back to rome
1st Crusade AKA ____ People's crusade or Peasants Crusade
_____ was lucky during the 1st crusade b/c of ________ Plucking hairs off a donkey//Peter the Hermit
Why were Jews killed? b/c they were different in EAstern Europe and Hungary
What is the story of Peter Bartholemew? He claimed to have found the spear the pierced Jesus, proved it by ordeal by fire, people believed him, dropped dead
Childrens Crusade- Who said that God was telling him to organize a crusade & how big was his army? 12 yr old Nicholas, 30,000 kids
What were the results of the crusades? 1Military Failure, 2Advances in weaponry/siege tactics, 3Decline in feudalism, 4Growth of Trade, esp in Italy w/ benefits of its location
Why did merchants unite in guilds? To travel together for safety
What is a merchant guild? An association in a town that gained a monopoly
What is a monopoly? The sole right to trade in a city
Guilds acted as ________. Charitable organizations by making loans to memebers and looking after those in trouble
What are craft guilds? A guild with skilled workers who manufactured as members, they set regulated wages and set hours and conditions of labor, set standards of quality for goods, disciplined workers, supervised training
Who was a master worker? A man who was a fully accepted member of a guild
A candidate for membership in a craft guild went through __ preliminary stages of training, with lasted years to complete. 2
What is an apprentice? The 1st preliminary stage to become a member of a craft guild, paid a master worker to teach a boy a trade, he lived with his master, who gave him food, clothing, and training, 5-9 yrs
What is a journeyman? the 2nd preliminary stage to becoming a member in a craft guild, a skilled artisan who worked for a master for daily wages
What did a journeyman have to do to open a shop of his own? Submit a masterpiece, or a piece of work to be judged by his master
Who was in the middle class? Merchants, master workers, skilled workers
The members of the middle class were called ___ in England, ____ in Germany, and _____ in France Burgesses/Burghers/Bourgeoisie all from the word Burg/borough = town
Middle class- gov began to _______ consult them &employ them in gov. positions
9/10 towns in N Europe were _____ w/ less than _____ inhabitants. small/2,000
Medieval cities often were placed on a ____ hill or at the bend of a river to be defended easily
Medieval people lived in _____ burrows
As the number of townspeople increased, the number of serfs _____ decreased b/c they could escape the town and become free, they could sell produce for $, they could pay for he use of their land in money rather than labor, landowners did not need shepherds b/c they used fences, The Blck Death
What is vernacular language? Unique to an area, everyday speech
Education//e. guilds//universities//degrees was stimulated b/c_______ people lived together in towns and through conversation
What were living conditions like? No water, sewers, or indoor plumbing; thatched roofs lasted 120 yrs (waterproof reeds tied together, water rolls off, inside dry out/fire; barn-1st level=dirt, animals, then normal house;made of wattle and daub=branches/twigs weaved together + mud, leaves
When was the Black Death//Bubonic Plague in Europe? 1347-1350
During the Black Death, ____ of the population dies 1/3-1/2 depending on area
Was the pneumoic plague deadly? Yes
Was the bubonic plague deadly? Yes , but some survived if it didnt get to their lungs
What were the anti-plague remedies? birds, spiderwebs
What is the Greek word for groin? Bubon
Where did the Black Death originate? Asia//rats
What is a nation? A relatively large area whose people live under one strong central government, share the same background-culture, language, religion, adopted a saint
What is patriotism? A sense of national pride or a feeling of loyalty to a country as a whole, a sense of belonging
Invasions/attempts in England 1Romans 2Anglos/Saxons/Jutes (successful) 3Vikings (successful) 4Normans (successful, William) 5Spanish Armada (fail) 6Napoleon (attempt in 1800s, French, Louisiana, fail) 7Germany (WWI) 8Germany (WWII w/ airplane)
Since 1066, there has never been a successful invasion in _______ England
When was the Magna Carta signed? June 15, 1215
Kings before 100 years war Louis VII, Philip II, Louis IX, Philip IV
When was the 100 years war? 1337-1453
When was the Battle of Crecy? 1346
Who won the Battle of Crecy? English
Where was the 100 years war fought? France
When did the Black Prince die? 1376
What were the 3 stages of the war? Battle of Crecy, Truce/minor battles, final
When was the Battle of Agincourt? 1415
Who won the BAttle of Agincourt? English
What did Joan of Arc do? Had visions/spoken to by the saints
When was Joan of Arc burned to death (age 19) May 30, 1431
What were the effects of the 100 years war? 1Nationalism in Europe, 2Parliament gain power, king less power 3France central gov under king strengthened 4New weapons(gunpowder), 5War of Roses
Who won the 100 years war? France
When does the War of the Roses begin? 1455
What color rose did the landcaster / yorks have landcaster-red, york-white
Who is the War of the Roses between? Landcaster and York families
What are the results of the War of the Roses? Tudor family comes to power
Which 4 countries are on the Iberian Peninsula? Portugal, Navarre, Aragon, Castile
What are challenges to the church power? King develops strong gov & skepticism of church's wealth, method of raising $, worldly lives
Who is the 1st tudor that comes to power? Henry VII
What does unam sanctum mean? Pope is supreme over all secular rulers
When was the Babylonian Captivity? 1309-1377
Where was Pope Clement V from? Avignon, France
When was the Great Schism? 1378-1417
What is the Great Schism? Pope Greg moves back to Rome, dies, vote new pope out, new one in, no i'm still pope--2 popes Urban VI and Clement VII, council wants to get rid of 2 popes, now 3 popes only 1 ppl listen to
What does John Wycliff do? Rewrites Bible in English
Created by: K1
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