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VetMed SAMS3

SAMS Final - Part 2

Causes of Megaesophagus myasthenia gravis hypoadrenocorticism (Addison's) hypothyroidism lead poisoning polymyositis peripheral neuropathies
Most Common Serious Complication of Esophageal Diseases aspiration pneumonia
Most Common Oral Tumor in Dogs epulides
Most Common Oral Tumor in Cats squamous cell carcinoma
Cheiloplasty removal of mucocutaneous junction at level of P1 or K9 to prevent drooling or tongue hanging out after a total hemimandibulectomy
Anatomical Location of Esophagus cervical / thoracic: L of midline tracheal bifurcation to stomach: R of midline
Dietary Indiscretion too much of a good thing
Dietary Intolerance too much of the wrong thing
Dietary Hypersensitivity a little of the wrong thing
Parasitic Cause of Chronic Vomiting Physaloptera
Most Common Gastric Neoplasia in Dogs adenocarcinoma
Most Common Gastric Neoplasia in Cats lymphoma
Three Types of Gastropexy incisional belt loop circumcostal
Rx Cause of Idiosyncratic Hepatocellular Necrosis carprofen (Rimadyl)
Most Consistent Finding in Acute Liver Disease dramatically increased ALT
Lab Values in Chronic Liver Disease early: dramatically increased ALT late: decreased BUN
Tx for Copper-Associated Hepatopathy low copper diet zinc supplementation ursodiol hepatoprotectants / anti-oxidants +/- prednisolone copper chelators
Causes of Rx-Induced Hepatopathy anticonvulsants: primidone > phenobarbitol glucocorticoids
Lab Values for Rx-Induced Hepatopathy anticonvulsants: dramatically increased ALP; ALT 2-3x glucocorticoids: ALP 100x; ALT 2-4x
"Traiditis" inflammatory liver disease inflammatory bowel disease pancreatitis
Most Common Form of Liver Disease in Cats primary hepatic lipidosis
Lab Values of Hepatic Lipidosis marked increase in ALP near-normal GGT
Rx Contra-Indicated for Tx of Giardiasis albendazole (bone marrow suppression --> neutropenia)
Dx of Histoplasmosis hypoproteinemia in a dog with LI diarrhea
Condition that Mimics Addison's Disease whipworms
Indications for SI FB Sx failure to pass object within 36 hours no movement within 8 hours
Abx for Upper SI 1st generation cephalosporin
Abx for Lower SI 2nd/3rd generation cephalosporin
Dx FB in SI SI loops >2x height of body of L2
Most Common Intestinal Neoplasia in Dogs adenocarcinoma of colon and rectum
Most Common Intestinal Neoplasia in Cats lymphosarcoma of SI
Centroacinar Cells secrete bicarbonate in response to secretin (decreased duodenal pH)
Basophilic Cells secrete digestive enzymes in response to cholecystokinin (protein, fat in duodenum)
Zymogens inactive precursors of digestive enzymes trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen
Prevention of Autodigestion sequestration of proenzymes one-way ducts protease inhibitors
Rx-Induced Pancreatitis chemotherapy rx organophosphates steroids?
XDx of Pancreatitis "ground glass" in right cranial quadrant
Patho of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency Ca: pancreatic acinar atrophy Fe: chronic pancreatitis (inflammation)
Dx of EPI serum TLI
Clinical Approach to GI Complaints verify the problem clarify the problem localize the problem
Decreased Cobalamine (B12) in GI disease in ileum SIBO EPI
Decreased Folate (B9) in GI disease of proximal SI
Increased Folate (B9) in GI SIBO
Examples of Grocery Deficiency insufficient calories unwilling to eat
Examples of Grocery Loss vomiting/diarrhea malabsorption/maldigestion diabetes mellitus
Examples of Increased Consumption of Groceries parasites neoplasia (lymphoma) hyperthyroid (Fe)
Examples of Errors in Grocery Distribution heart failure liver failure kidney failure
Most Common Hepatic Neoplasia in Dogs hepatocellular carcinoma
Most Common Hepatic Neoplasia in Cats hepatocellular adenoma hepatocellular cystadenoma
Most Common Esophageal Neoplasia in Cats squamous cell carcinoma
Organism Linked to Malignant Esophageal Sarcomas in Dogs spirocerca lupi
Most Common Benign Gastric Neoplasia in Dogs and Cats polyps (adenomatous, hyperplastic)
Malignant Neoplasia in Cats that is Responsive to Chemotherapy lymphosarcoma
Neoplasia of Older Female Dogs that Manifests with Hypercalcemia anal sac adenocarcinoma
C/S of Feline PSS ptyalism copper-colored irises
Criteria for Need to Commence Nutritional Support recent weight loss (>10% BW) decreased food intake for >3 days increased IER reduced body weight or poor BCS structural abnormalities that impair food intake likely disease progression
Examples of Symptomatic Therapy for GI Dz replacement fluids antiemetics antidiarrheals GI protectants pain relievers
Examples of Supportive Therapy for GI Dz maintenance fluids nutritional support
Examples of Specific Therapy for GI Dz antibiotics/antifungals/antiprotozoals antihelminthics PG analogs antacids immunosuppressive Rx dietary management
Created by: 26509889
Popular Veterinary sets




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