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Histology of Muscle

Skeletal, Cardiac and Smooth

What contractile protein components make up muscle? Actin and myosin
Myoepithelial cells surround secretory glands
Pericytes surround blood vessels
Myofibroblasts contract and secrete collagen
Three types of muscle tissue Skeletal, Cardiac and Smooth
In what staining is Skeletal m. visible and what characteristic is visible or not visible? Visible striations with H&E staining.
In what staining is Cardiac m. visible and what characterisitc is visible or not visible? Visible striations with H&E staining
In what staining is Smooth m. visible and what characteristic is visible or not visible? No visible striation with H&E staining
What are the components of Skeletal m.? Individual cells or fibers.
What muscle do long, cylindrical multinucleated cells belong to? Skeletal m.(up to 100 peripherally placed nuclei)
What is the connective tissue that groups muscle fibers into bundles? Muscle fascia
Epimysium Sheath that encapsulates the entire muscle. Continuous with the muscle tendon.
Perimysium Arises from epimysium and divides the muscle into bundles.
Can nerves and vessels run through perimysium? Yes between the fascicles.
Endomysium Partition that surrounds each muscle fiber and is contiuous with the perimysium.
Microfibrils are made up of repeating units called? Sarcomeres
What makes up myofibrils? Myofilaments
Skeletal m. layers Muscle -> Fascicle -> Fiber -> Myofibrils (sarcomeres) -> Myofilaments (actin & myosin)
Z disc Insertion point
Myoepithelial cells surround secretory glands
Pericytes surround blood vessels
Myofibroblasts contract and secrete collagen
Three types of muscle tissue Skeletal, Cardiac and Smooth
In what staining is Skeletal m. visible and what characteristic is visible or not visible? Visible striations with H&E staining.
In what staining is Cardiac m. visible and what characterisitc is visible or not visible? Visible striations with H&E staining
In what staining is Smooth m. visible and what characteristic is visible or not visible? No visible striation with H&E staining
What are the components of Skeletal m.? Individual cells or fibers.
What muscle do long, cylindrical multinucleated cells belong to? Skeletal m.(up to 100 peripherally placed nuclei)
What is the connective tissue that groups muscle fibers into bundles? Muscle fascia
Epimysium Sheath that encapsulates the entire muscle. Continuous with the muscle tendon.
Perimysium Arises from epimysium and divides the muscle into bundles.
Can nerves and vessels run through perimysium? Yes between the fascicles.
Endomysium Partition that surrounds each muscle fiber and is contiuous with the perimysium.
Microfibrils are made up of repeating units called? Sarcomeres
What makes up myofibrils? Myofilaments
Skeletal m. layers Muscle -> Fascicle -> Fiber -> Myofibrils (sarcomeres) -> Myofilaments (actin & myosin)
Z disc Insertion point of thin filaments (actin), move closer together during contraction.
A band Darker band; thick myosin filaments.
H band Central, lighter portion. I band and H band narrows during contraction.
M line Darker line in the A band.
Where is the myosin fiber central attachment in skeletal m.? M line
I band The light zone between A bands.
Sliding filament theory an AP depolarizes the cell membrane, realeasing Ca2+, thin filament shape changes to expose myosin-head bindng sites, myosin heads bend, pull actin toward center of sarcomere, the thick & thin filaments slide over one another, sarcomere shortens
What muscle cells are electrically and mechanically isolated? Skeletal muscle cells
True or False: Skeletal muscles communicate with each other. FALSE: skeletal muscle cells do not communicate with each other.
Neuromuscular Junctions (motor end plate) specialized region of the plasma membrane in which the nerve terminal lies
Transverse (T) tubules Tubular extentions of the cell membrane. Extend into muscle cells and surround each myofibril.
What structure carries an action potential into a cell? T tubules
What allows all sarcomeres of a muscle fiber to contract in a synchronized fashion? T tubules
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Membrane system arising from smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
Where does the sarcoplasmic reticulum lie? Surrounding each myofibril between T tubules.
What is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum to activate filament sliding and muscle contraction? Calcium released when the membrane is depolarized.
What muscle cell fibers are branching and cylindrical? Cardiac muscle cells.
How many nuclei per cell in cardiac muscle cells? One to two centrally located nuclei.
Intercalated discs Intercellular junctions at the ends of cardiac muscle cells, coupling the cells together.
Cardiac m. mechanical attachments Transmit forces of contraction (desmosome)
Cardiac m. electrical attachments Allows spread of action potential (gap junction)
Purkinje fibers Modified cardiac muscle cells. Conduction system.
Cardiac m. vs Skeletal m. Fewer T-tubules due to less well-developed sarcoplasmic reticulum (dyads) also allowing for continued leakage of Ca2+ causing automatic contractions.
Smooth muscle morphology(visceral muscle) Small, fusiform cells with single, centrally located nuclei. Irregularly branching bundles. No striations. Collagenous tissue between individual cells.
Locations of smooth muscle Around hollow organs (blood vessels, intestines, uterus, respiratory tract)
True or False: Smooth m. is under voluntary control. FALSE: contracts independent of neurological innervation, hormones and local metabolites modulate contractions.
Smooth m. cells are specialized to produce what type of contractions? Slow, low-force, long lasting contractions. Peristalsis
Do smooth m. cells have any communication? Yes, electrical communication between cells.
Layers of smooth muscle include? Inner circular and outer longitudinal
Gap Junctions of smooth m. Found in smooth m. allowing AP's to move between cells (electrical communication)
Caveolae of smooth m. Invaginations of plasma membranes that function as T tubules
Dense bodies of smooth m. Anchor points for thin filaments, on plasma membrane and in cytoplasm
External lamina of smooth m. Extracellular glycoprotein coat
Created by: Jacque1417
Popular Veterinary sets




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