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Anesthesia ch 6 Qs

Anesthesia ch 6 questions from the book.

A neighbor brings in an animal scheduled for surgery, you should: Have the neighbor sign the consent form and ensure that the owner is called before the procedure is initiated.
In preparation for an anesthetic procudure you draw up 2 syringes and get them mixed up. You should: Discard both syringes, label some new syringes, and start over.
The flowmeter is working, but the pressure gauge on the oxygen tank reads close to zero. The best thing to do is: Change the oxygen tank.
While monitoring a patient during anesthesia you notice the oxygen tank has become empty. the best thing to do is: Leave the patient connected and put on a new oxygen tank, if the reservoir bag is full.
If the pop-off valve is inadvertently left shut, it will: Cause a significant rise of pressure within the circuit.
The oxygen tank has 1000 psi of pressure left in the tank, but the flowmeter now reads zero and you cannot obtain a flow by twisting the knobs. The best thing to do: The animal is not getting oxygen, you need to remove the animal from the circuit until a new machine is found or the problem is corrected.
A geriatric patient is considered to be one that: Has reached 75% of its life expectancy.
Brain damage may occur when there is inadequate oxygenation of the tissues for longer than _____ minutes. 4
When a technician is performing CPR alone, the ratio of cardiac compressions to ventilation should be: 10:2
To ensure that the benefit an animal obtains from CPR is not lost, one should not discontinue CPR for longer than: 30 seconds.
Respiratory arrest is always fatal. True or False? False!
One may suspect that the endotracheal tube is malfunctioning even if it is in the trachea because: Compression of the reservoir bag does not result in the raising of the chest; The animal is dyspneic; The animal cannot be kept at an adequate plane of anesthesia; The reservoir bag is not moving or is moving very little.
One may suspect that the pop-off valve has been closed or that it is malfunctioning if the: Reservoir bag is distended with gas; Patient has difficulty exhaling
Administration of the normal rate of fluids 10ml/kg/hr during an anesthetic procedure may result in overhydration in the: Patient with cardiac disease; Pediatric patient
Brachycephalic dogs may be an increased anesthetic risk because of their: Excess tissue around the oropharynx; Increased vagal tone; small trachea in comparison with their physical body size.
To decrease the anesthetic risk associated with a brachycephalic dog, the anesthetist may choose to: Use atropine as part of the anesthetic protocol; Preoxygenate the animal before giving any anesthetic; Use an injectable anesthetic to hasten induction rather than masking; Intubate as soon as possible after induction.
Animals that undergo cesarean section are at increased risk during anesthesia because of: Decreased respiratory function; Increased chance of aspiration vomitus; Possibility of hemorrhage from the uterus; Increased workload of the heart.
Anesthetic drugs to avoid in animals with cardiovascular disease include: Halothane; Xylazine
An animal that has liver dysfunction may be hypoproteinemic and therefore requires _____ for induction compared with that needed for a normal dog. Less barbiturate.
Too light a plane of anesthesia may be a result of: Endotracheal tube cuff not inflated; Incorrect vaporizer setting; Incorrect placement of endotracheal tube.
Tachypnea may result from: Increased levels of arterial CO2; Too light a plane of anesthesia.
Created by: pritykity22
Popular Veterinary sets




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