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VET 114

Instrument used to examine inside or within an area Endoscope
The study of cells Cytology
Electrical recording of the heart Electrocardiogram
Pertaining to within or into the skin Intradermal
Pertaining to the skin Dermal
Pertaining to the study of cells Cytological
Electrical recording of the brain Electroencephalogram
Surgical puncture of the bladder to remove fluid Cystocentesis
Inflammation of the skin Dermatitis
Inflammation of the brain Enchephalitis
A record of the brain Encephalogram
Pertaining to below the skin Hypodermic
Pertaining to the brain Encephalic
The study of the skin Dermatology
Process of recording the brain Encephalography 
To incise or cut into the urinary bladder or cyst Cystotomy 
To record the urinary/ bladder or cyst Cystogram 
Inflammation of the stomach Gastritis 
Excessive/ above normal blood sugar   Hyperglycemia 
Incision/ process of cutting the stomach Gastrotomy 
Inflammation of the stomach and small intestine Gastroenteritis 
Red cell Erythrocyte  
Visual examination of the inside or within an area Endoscopy  
Deficient/ less than normal blood sugar    Hypoglycemia 
The study of the small intestine Enterology 
Increase in the number of red cells    Erythrocytosis  
Pertaining to above/ upon/ on the stomach Epigastric 
Pertaining to the stomach Gastric  
Disease condition of the small intestine Enteropathy 
Removal/ excision/ resection of the stomach Gastrectomy 
Pertaining to the small intestine   Enteric 
Pertaining to below or under the stomach Hypogastric 
Inflammation of the small intestine Enteritis 
Pertaining to the condition of blood sugar Glycemic 
The study of tissue Histology 
Specialist that studies diseases of tissues     Histopathologist 
Abnormal condition of the kidney Nephrosis 
White cell Leukocyte 
Pertaining to across/ through the liver Transhepatic 
The study of blood Hematology 
Produced by/ in treatment   Iatrogenic 
Specialist that studies tissue Histologist 
Painful kidney   Nephralgia 
Tumor/ mass/ fluid collection of blood Hematoma 
Pertaining to the liver Hepatic 
Pertaining to under or below the liver Subhepatic 
Removal/ excision/ resection of the kidney Nephrectomy 
Abnormal condition of white cells Leukocytosis 
Inflammation of the kidney Nephritis 
Record of the kidney Nephrogram 
Tumor/ mass/ fluid collection in the liver Hepatoma 
Inflammation of the nerve Neuritis 
Inflammation of the bone and joint Osteoarthritis 
Produced by or in the bone Osteogenic 
Inflammation of the bone Osteitis 
Pertaining to the nerve Neural 
Tumor/ mass / fluid collection of the kidney Nephroma 
Study of the kidney     Nephrology
Removal/ excision/ resection of the nerve Neurectomy 
Nerve pain Neuralgia
The study of nerves Neurology 
Instrument for visual examination of the eye   Opthalmoscope 
Removal, excision, or resection of bone Ostectomy 
Pertaining to the eye Opthalmic 
Specialist in the study of the eye Opthalmologist 
The study of the eye Opthalmology 
Increase in the number of clotting cells Thrombocytosis 
The study of x-rays Radiology 
Process of recording x-rays   Radiography 
Process of cutting back Resection 
The study of disease Pathology 
The study of bones Osteology 
Pertaining to the kidney Rena 
Instrument for recording x-rays Radiograph  
Inflammation of the nose Rhinitis 
Specialist in the study of disease Pathologist 
The study of urine or urinary tract Urology 
To incise or cut into the bone Osteotomy 
Produced by disease Pathogenic 
Clotting cell Thrombocyte 
Disease condition of a joint Arthropathy 
Cancer producing Carcinogenic 
Specialist who studies life/ living organisms Biologist 
Removal; excision of a joint    Arthrectomy 
Incision; process of cutting a joint Arthrotomy  
State of; condition of a joint Arthrosis 
Pertaining to the heart Cardiac 
Products derived from a living process or living matter Biological 
Study of life/ living organisms Biology 
Instrument for visual exam of a joint Arthroscope 
Surgical puncture to remove fluid/ gas from a joint Arthrocentesis 
Visual exam of a joint Arthroscopy 
Study of a joint Arthology 
Inflammation of a joint Arthritis 
Inflammation of the larynx/ voice box Laryngitis 
Pertaining to the groin Inguinal 
Pertaining to the larynx/ voice box Laryngeal 
Specialist who studies cells Cytologist  
Study of tissues Histology 
Pertaining to the tailbone Coccygeal 
The study of cells Cytology 
Abnormal condition, unequal nuclear size Anisokaryosis 
Pertaining to the study of cells Cytological 
Pertaining to the skull   Cranial 
Process of cutting/ incision into the skull   Craniotomy 
Pertaining to the study of tissues Histological 
Surgical repair of the skull Cranioplasty 
Study of diseased tissues   Histopathology 
Specialist who studies tissues Histologist
Specialist who studies diseased tissues Histopathologist 
Pertaining to the skull and sacrum Cranisacral 
Pertaining to the internal organs Visceral 
Visceral pain Visceralgia 
Pertaining to the vertebrae/ backbone Vertebral 
Cutting/ incision into the thorax/ chest Thoracotomy 
Surgical puncture into the chest// thorax to remove fluid or gas Thoracocentesis 
Pertaining to one side Unilateral 
Pertaining to the trachea/ windpipe Tracheal 
Pertains to the sacrum & tailbone Sacrococcygeal 
Pertaining to the thorax/ chest Thoracic 
Pertaining to the sacrum & pelvis Sacropelvic 
Pertaining to between the vertebrae    Intevertebral 
Cutting into the trachea/ windpipe Tracheotomy 
Pertaining to the spine (backbone) Spinal 
Pertaining to the tail Caudal 
Pertaining to fat Adipose
Surgical puncture to remove fluid or gas from the abdomen Abdominocentesis
Tumor or mass of cartilage Chrondroma
Pertaining to the cartilage Chrondral
Pertaining to change; all chemical processes Metabolic
To cast or throw up Anabolic
Surgical removal/ excision of cartilage Chondrectomy
Pertaining to the abdomen Abdomincal
Cartilage pain Chondralgia
To cast or throw down Catabolic
Pertaining to below the cartilage hypochondriac
Malignant tumor or mass of cartilage Chondrosarcoma
Pertaining to the neck Cervical
Tumor or mass of the cartilage Chondroma
Instrument used to cut into the skull Craniotome
Pertaining to above the clavicle Supraclavicular
"Many fingers" or digits Ploydactyly
Pertaining to the cartilage & ribs Chondrocastal
Abnormally decreased calcium concentration in the blood Hypocalcemia
Malignan tumor or mass of cartilage & connective tissue Chondrosarcoma
Pertaining to the ribs Costal
Fused digits Syndactyly
Pertaining to the femur Femoral
Softening of the cartilage Chondromalacia
Pertaining to the carpus Carpal
Surgical incision into the skull Craniotomy
Painful/ abnormal development or formation Dysplasia
Inflammation of the fascia Fascititis
Pertaining to between the ribs Intercostal
Pertaining to below the ribs Subcostal
Pertaining to the ligaments Ligmentous
Process of recording the electrical activity of the muscle Electromyography
Pertaining to the fibula Fibular
Mass or tumor of the smooth muscle Leiomyoma
Malignant mass or tumor of smooth muscle/ connective tissue Leiomyosarcoma
Surgical excision of muscle Myectomy
Pertaining to the humerus Humeral
Pertaining to the ischium Ischial
Pertaining to the maxilla/ upper jaw Maxillary
Tumor or mass or the connective tissue/ fibrous connective tissue Fibroma
Pertaining to the illium Iliac
Surgical excision of the metacarpals Metacarpectomy
Pertaining to the malleolus malleolar
Pertaining to the mandible/ lower jaw Mandibular
Pain in the metatarsals Metataralgia
Treatment with/ using water Hydrotherapy
The study of movement Kinesiology
Abnormal condition causing death of cells, tissue, & organs Necrosis
Pain in/ of the bone Ostealgia
Surgical puncture of the bone Osteocentesis
Inflammation of muscle Myositis
Abnormal condition of bone & cartilage Osteochondrosis
Softening of bone Ostemalacia
Inflammation +/- infection of the bone & bone marrow Ostemyelitis
Disease condition of muscle Myopathy
Surgical repair of muscle Myoplasty
Formation of bone Osteogenesis
Pertaining to the olecranon Olecranal
Mass or tumor of the bone marrow Myeloma
Inflammation of the bone & joints Osteoarthritis
Process of cutting into muscle Myotomy
Abnormal or painful development of bone Osteodystrophy
New formation of bone marrow Myelopoiesis
Inflammation of the bone Osteitis
Process of recording x-rays/ radiographs Radiography
Pertaining to the fibula or lateral aspect of the calf Peroneal
Inflammation around/ surrounding bone; inflammation of periosteum Periosteitis
Instrument used to cut bone Osteotome
Pertaining to the pubis Pubic
Malignant tumor or mass of bone & connective tissue Osteosarcoma
Surgical repair of bone Osteoplasty
Measurement of the pelvis Pelvimetry
Inflammation of all bone Panosteitis
Pertaining to above the scapula Suprascapular
Pertaining to the phalanges Phalangeal
Abnormal condition of bone death Osteonecrosis
Pertaining to the radius Radial
Abnormal hardening of bone Osteosclerosis
Pertaining to the scapula Scapular
Surgical fixation of bone Osteopexy
Inflammation of the vertebrae Spondylitis
Pertaining to the tibia Tibial
Surgical removal of tendons Tendinectomy
Pertaining to the vertebrae Vertebral
Suturing of tendons Tenorrhaphy
Pertaining to the sternum Sternal
surgical cutting of tendon Tenotomy
Pertaining to the patella Patellar
Surgical excision of the tarsus Tarsectomy
Pertaining to the ulna Ulner
Inflammation of the synovial membrane Synovitis
Inflammation of tendon Tendinitis
Pertaining to below the patella Subpatellar
Abnormal condition of the vertebrae Spondylosis
Abnormal stiffening/ immobility of a joint Ankylosis
Surgical fixation of a joint Arthrodesis
Inflammation of many/ multiple joints Polyarthritis
Surgical repair of a joint Polyarthritis
Pertaining to the acetabulum Acetabular
Instrument used to visually examine within a joint Arthroscope
Process of recording/ making a record of a joint Arthrography
Process of visually examining a joint Arthroscopy
Abnormally elevated calcium concentration in the blood Hypercalcemia
Process of cutting into a joint Arthrotomy
Abnormal condition of blood within a joint Hemathrosis
Abnormal condition of fluid within a joint Hydrathrosis
Pertaining to the calcaneus Calcaneal
Surgical/ puncture of a joint Arthrocentesis
Enzyme which digests protein Protease
After a meal Postprandial
Before a meal preprandial
Record of x-rays/ radiation Radiograph
Involuntary contraction of the pyloric sphincter Plyorospasm
Pertaining to the pylorus Pyloric
Surgical repair of the rectum & anus Proctoplasty
Pertaining to the rectum Rectal, Rectal
Study of x-rays/ radiation Radiology, 
Pertaining to the pharnyx Pharyngeal, 
Discharge of pus/ purulent exudate Pyorrhea,  
Surgical repair of the pylorus Pyloroplasty, 
"Many eating"' increased appetite/ eating Polyphagia, 
Inflammation of the pharnyx Pharyngitis,  
"Many thirst"' increased drinking Polydypsia,  
Study of the rectum & anus Proctology, 
Abnormal narrowing of the pylorus Pyloric Stenosis 
Tumor/ mass of fat Steatoma,  
Hernia/ swelling of the salivary gland
Hernia/ swelling of the rectum Rectocele, 
Study of the mouth Stomatology 
, Inflammation of the oral cavity Stomatitis, 
Break down of fat Steatolysis,  
Abnormal condition of the salivary gland Sialadenosis, 
Inflammation of fat Steatitis, 
Pertaining to the mouth & stomach          Stomatogastric, 
Inflammation of the salivary gland Sialadenitis 
Inflammation of the gall bladder Cholecystitis,  
Inflammation of the bile duct & liver Cholangiohepatitis, 
Abnormal condition of the lips Cheilosis,  
New opening of gall bladder to jejunum Cholecystojejunostomy, 
Pertaining to the cecum Cecal, 
Stretching/ dilation of the gall duct Cholangiectasia, 
Abnormal condition of bile duct stones Choledocholithiasis,  
Pertaining to the gall bladder Cholecystic,  
New opening from bile duct to small intestines          Cholangioenterostomy,   Cholangioenterostomy,  
Abnormal condition of gall bladder stones Cholecytolithiasis, 
Excision of the gall bladder Cholesystectomy, 
Pertaining to the common bile duct Choledochal, 
New opening into the bile duct     Cholangiostomy, 
Pertaining to the abdomen/ abdominal cavity Celiac,  
Malignant tumor of the bile duct  Cholangiocarcinoma, 
Stopping of bile, decrease in bile flow Cholestasis 
Inflammation of small intestines Enteritis, 
Pertaining to eating of feces Coprophagic,  
Inflammation of the colon Colitis,  
New opening from the colon Colostomy, 
New opening into small intestines Enterostomy
Eating of feces Coprohagia
Incision into common bile duct Choledochotomy
Pertaining to the colon Colonic
Pertaining to the duodenum Duodenal
Difficult digestion Dyspepsia
Visual examination of the colon Colonoscopy
Difficulty swallowing Dysphagia
New opening from common bile duct to jejunum Choledochojejunostomy
Pertaining to before meals Antecibum
Pertaining to after meals Postcibum
Difficult elimination of waste Dyschezia
Incision into small intestine Enterotomy
Inflammation of stomach & small intestines Gastroenteritis 
New opening from stomach to jejunum   Gastrojejumostomy
Surgical repair of the esophagus   Esophagoplasty, 
New opening from small intestine to colon    Enterocolostomy,  
Pertaining to the stomach Gastric, 
Excision of the stomach          Gastrectomy, 
Inflammation of the small intestine & colon          Enterocolitis 
, Sudden contraction of esophageal muscle Esophageal spasm, 
New opening in the stomach   Gastrostomy, 
Pertaining to the face Facial, 
Incision into the stomach Gastrotomy,  
Surgical fixation of the stomach Gastropexy, 
Pertaining to the esophagus Esophageal,  
Malignant tumor of the small intestines    Enteric Carcinoma, 
Inflammation of the esophagus Esophagitis,  
New opening from duodenum to stomach     Gastroduodenostomy, 
Pertaining to small intestines Enteric 
Defecation of blood Hematochezia, Hematochezia, 
Pertaining to above normal blood sugar Hyperglycemic, Hyperglycemic,  
Inflammation of the gingiva Gingivitis, Gingivitis, 
Vomiting blood Hematemsis, Hematemsis,
Pertaining to the gingiva Gingival, Gingival, 
Pertaining to blood sugar Glycemic, Glycemic, 
Condition of the jaw Ganthism, Ganthism, 
Bloody effusion within the abdomen/ peritoneum Hemoperitoneum Hemoperitoneum 
, Below normal blood sugar Hypoglycemia, Hypoglycemia, 
Inflammation of the tongue Glossitis, Glossitis, 
Condition of sort/ shortness of the jaw Brachygnathia, Brachygnathia, 
Condition of forward protrusion of the jaw Prognathia, Prognathia, 
Pertaining to below the tongue Hypoglossal, Hypoglossal, 
Pertaining to the tongue Glossal, Glossal, 
Excision of the gingiva Gingivectomy, Gingivectomy, 
Pertaining to below normal blood sugar Hypoglycemic, Hypoglycemic, 
Above normal blood sugar Hyperglycemia Hyperglycemia 
Spitting up blood Hemoptysis, Hemoptysis, 
Suturing of a hernia Herniorrhaphy, Herniorrhaphy, 
Pertaining to the ileum & cecum Ileocecal, Ileocecal, 
Pertaining to the groin Inguinal, Inguinal, 
Pertaining to the tongue Lingual Lingual 
, New opening to the jejunum Jejunostomy, Jejunostomy, 
Inflammation of the ileum Ileitis, Ileitis,  
Liver cell Hepatocyte, Hepatocyte, 
New opening from the ileum to the outside of the body Ileostomy, Ileostomy, 
Mass/ tumor of the liver Hepatoma, Hepatoma, 
Pertaining to below the tongue Sublingual, Sublingual, 
Process of cutting into the liver Hepatomy, Hepatomy,
Removal of water Dehydration, Dehydration, 
Pertaining to the lips Labial, Labial, 
Inflammation of the liver Hepatitis Hepatitis 
, Enlarged liver Hepatomegaly, Hepatomegaly, 
Process of cutting into the abdomen Laprotomy Laprotomy 
Fatty tumor/ mass Lipoma, Lipoma, 
Pertaining to the mouth & nose Oronasal, Oronasal, 
Pertaining to the peritoneum Peritoneal, Peritoneal, 
Enzyme that breaks down fat Lipase, Lipase, 
Pertaining to the mouth Oral, Oral,  
Pertaining to the nose Nasal Nasal 
, Examination of a dead body/ organs Necropsy,
Inflammation of the pancreas Pancreatitis,
Containing, producing, or secreting mucus Mucous,
Surgical repair of the palate Palatoplasty,
pertaining to the mandible Mandibular
, Inflammation of the peritoneum Peritonitis,
pertaining to below the mandible Submandibular,
Death of tissue Necrosis,
Pertaining to the mouth & stomach Orogastric,
Pertaining to the nose & stomach Nasogastric
, Pertaining to the pancreas Pancreatic
The substance which can cause cancer Carcinogen,
Pertaining to prevention/ treatment of vomiting Antiemetic,
Pertaining to the anus Anal,
Fat Adipose,
Pertaining to the abdomen Abdominal,
Pertaining to around the anus Perianal,
Surgical puncture into the abdomen Abdominocentesis,
Surgical repair of the anus Anoplasty,
An elevated concentration of bilirubin on blood Hyperbilirubinemia,
Pertaining to the anus & rectum Anorectal,
Pertaining to the cheek Buccal,
Study of life Biology,
Having to do with gall bladder, bile ducts, or bile Biliary,
Enzyme that breaks down starch Amylase
After birth Postpartem,
Pertaining to new births/ newborns Neonatal,
After death Postmortem,
Surgical removal of the ovaries Oophorectomy,
Absence of ovulation Anovulation,
Before birth Antepartum,
Removal of ovaries & uterus Ovariohysterectomy
, Inflammation of the mammary glands Mastitis,
Inflammation & pus within the uterus Pyometritis,
Abnormal condition of the endometrium Endometriosis,
Inflammation of the endometrium Endometritis,
Eggs/ female gamete Oocyte,
The study of newborns Neonatology,
Excision of the mammary gland Mastectomy,
Pertaining to the ovary(ies) Ovarian
, Inflammation of the uterus Metritis
, Production of eggs Oogensis
False pregnancy Pseudocyesis,
Discharge of pus/ purulent discharge Pyorrhea, 
Inflammation of the vagina Vaginitis
Pertaining to the umbillicus Umbilical, 
Inflammation of the vulva & vagina Volvaginitis, 
Unusually rapid birth Oxytocia, 
Difficult birth Dystocia 
, Suturing of the perineum Perineorrhaphy, 
Process of recording x-rays Radiography 
Surgical puncture of the amniotic sac Amniocentesis, 
Pertaining to mammary glands Mammary, 
Suturing the vagina Colporrphapy, 
Production/ formation of milk Lactogenesis, 
Study of cells Cytology, 
Visual examination of the vagina Colposcopy, 
Excision of uterus Hysterectomy, 
Inflammation of the cervix Cervicitis,  
Pertaining to the cervix Cervical, 
Malignant tumor of mammary glands Mammary Carcinoma,
Surgical repair of mammary glands Mammoplasty, 
Condition of no milk Aglactica,  
Visual examination of the uterus Hysteroscopy, 
Inflammation of the inner layer of the cervix Endocervicitis 
Record of the electrical activity of the heart Electrocardiogram,  
Abnormal elevated CO2 levels in the blood Hypercapnia, 
Inflammation of the heart Carditis,
Abnormal increased heart action/rate Tachycardia, 
Pertaining to the atria & ventricles Atrioventricular,  
Inflammation of the Mitral valve Mitral valvulitis, 
Inflammation of the inside of the heart (endocardium) Endocarditis, 
Disease condition of heart muscle Cardiomyopathy,  
Pertaining to cyanosis Cyanotic,  
Abnormal condition where mucus membranes & skin appear blue Cyanosis, 
Abnormal slow heart action/rate Bradycardia, 
Pertaining to hypoxia Hypoxic, 
Lower than normal concentrations of O2 in the heart Hypoxia, 
Instrument used to record electrical activity of the heart Electocardiograph, 
Elevated concentration of blood cholesterol levels Hypercholesterolemia, 
Enlarged heart Cardiomegaly, 
Abnormal decreased CO2 levels in the blood Hypocapni 
Surgical repair of a valve Valvuloplasty,
Small vein Venule,  
Inflammation of the vein Phlebitis,  
Pertaining to blood vessels Vascular,  
Pertaining to the thorax Thoracic,  
Incision into a valve Valvotomy,  
Abnormal condition pertaining to death of tissues Necrosis,  
Incision into the thorax Thoracotomy, 
Break down/destruction of a clot Thrombolysis,  
Condition of formation of a blood clot in a blood vessel Thrombosis,
Surgical puncture of pericardium Pericardiocentesis,  
Pertaining to the veins → Venous, Inflammation of blood vessels Vaculitis 
Tumor of blood vessels Hemangioma, 
Surgical repair of a vessel Angioplasty,  
Created by: denyce.weaver
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