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Ag Associate #3

What is another name for business name or manufacturer's name? trade name
What material is preferred for footwear due to strength, durability safety and comfort? leather
What health concern is there surrounding genetically modified foods? allergies
What percent of jobs in the U.S. are in agriculture? 2 percent
What is selective breeding? Mating adults who have characteristics desired in their offspring
What is meiosis? cell division that results in the formation of gametes
What is mitosis? simple cell division for growth
What does the reflective triangle on the back of most tractors mean? slow moving vehicles
What are the part of plant? Leaf , stem, roots
What are the parts of a leaf? tip, margin , base
What are 3 nutrients needed for plants to grow? Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium
Where is the subcutaneous injection given? under the skin
Where is an intramuscular injection given? in the muscle
What is a young male chicken called? cockerel
What are young male bovine called? bull calf
What are young female bovine called? heifer
What is a young female chicken called? pullet
What are mature male swine called? boar
What is a young female horse called? filly
What is a young male horse called? colt
What are newborn cattle called? calves
What are newborn sheep called? lambs
What are newborn swine called? piglets
What is a newborn horse called? foal
What are newborn goats called? kids
The process in which cattle give birth is known as calving
The process in which sheep give birth is known as lambing
What is term used when referring to swine giving birth? farrowing
The process in which equine give birth foaling
What are castrated cattle called? steers
What are castrated sheep / goats called? wether
The term used when referring to castrated swine barrow
Term used for female bovine cow
Term used to identify mature female swine sow
What is a mature female equine? mare
What is a mature female chicken called? hen
What is the first milk of any mammal that has given birth? colostrum
What is parliamentary produce? a system of guidelines or rules for conducting a business meeting
How do you amend a motion? I moved to amend this motion by (striking or adding the words)
What does 1 tap of the gavel mean? sit down
What does 2 taps of the gavel mean? means the meeting will come to order
What does 3 taps of the gavel mean? to stand up
What is the person called who takes notes during parliamentary procedure? secretary
Who is the member who runs the meeting? chairman
What is the term used when a member is not using the correct parliamentary procedure? point of order
What motion do you use when ending a meeting? I move to adjourn
What is the name of the motion used to have the committee vote the ruling of the chair motion to appeal
What is the minimum number of members who must be present for business to be transacted? quarum
Agriscience college graduates are most often employed in what area? sales and marketing
What technology allowed the southwest to transform from a desert to irrigated lands that are now a great place to cultivated crops? water management
How do we select PPE gloves? working with liquids
What determines food spoilage non-characteristic smell
what quality are all eggs sold in stores grade A
Using PPE, what parts are essential to cover? face and eyes
What agency regulates hardhats OSHA
What is the definition of a cell? a unit of protoplasmic material with distinct structures
What are the steps in the scientific method observation, questions, hypothesis, conduct an experiment, analyze data, form a conclusion
What is turgor Pressure inside a plant cell
What is terracing? planting on the side on hills
The process by which radiation from a planet's atmosphere warms the planet's surface to a temperature above what it would be without its atmosphere Greenhouse effect
What is the most abundant element found in the air? nitrogen
Which method of asexual plant reproduction involves using a small part of a plant to grow another in a sterile environment tissue culture
Define the earth's crust top layer of the earth's surface that is suitable for plant growth
What is the best place to take an animals temperature? the rectum
What is a CDE? career development event
What agency approves food packaging food and drug administration FDA
What is needed for a fire to exist? oxygen, fuel, and heat
What is respiration process in which living cells take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide
What is a herbicide a chemical that kills plants
What unit of measurement is used for nails inch
What is the key to having a suitable food supply for the new millenium? agriculture research
Which event resulted in developing countries being able to produce higher- yielding, disease-resistant and insect-resistant varieties of small grain? the Green revolution
What packaging type prolongs shelf life, preserves meat, food flavors and retards bacterial growth? vacuum packaging
What factors are considered by the manufacturer in determining food quality dates? length of time and temperature food is held during distribution, characteristics of the food and type of pelisagney
What agency inspects animal slaughterhouses? USDA United States Department of Agriculture
Created by: 3turnshome79
Popular Agriculture sets




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