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H+D Lecture 6

Louis Pasteur developed a way to neutralize bacteria in food (pasteurization); developed vaccine for rabies by using an attenuated rabbit rabies virus
vaccines antigenic preparation used to produce active immunity; are not cure-alls or forms of treatments
qualities of a good vaccine provides lasting immunity, free from adverse side effects (mild ones are acceptable), stable over long periods of time, inexpensive to produce, easy to administer
live attenuated/modified live vaccine produced by using a weakened preparation of the organism, one vaccine may be effective for life, storage and stability more difficult than other vaccines
killed/inactivated vaccine consists of either whole or fractions of pathogen that have been killed, produces a weaker response that MLV, can't cause disease in patient, more stable for storage than MLV
subunit vaccine made from a piece of a pathogen, cannot create disease in patient, more expensive to produce
adjuvants substance added to a vaccine to increase the immune response in a patient given a killed vaccine; may contain a slight irritant so antigen will be recognized, associated with vaccine-associated sarcomas
mRNA vaccines contains RNA that induces patient to produce a specific type of protein that is unique to the virus, can be produced quickly, will not cause disease in patient
viral vector vaccine use a harmless virus to deliver genetic code of the antigen you want the immune system to fight; produces a strong immune response, cannot produce disease
toxoid/antitoxin vaccine uses inactivated toxins to target the toxic activity created by the pathogen; toxoid: produces artificial active immunity, antitoxin: produces passive active immunity
monovalent immunizes against a single antigen or pathogen
multivalent/polyvalent immunizes against several diseases or against several strains of a virus
autogenous bacterin custom vaccines that consist of herd-specific antigens
vaccine administration injection, intranasal, oral, aerosol, food/water
when to vaccinate newborns small animals 6-8 weeks, livestock not until 6 months
apparent vaccine failure animal was already incubating the disease, animal is immune compromised
real failure improper handling, improper storage, improper administration, outdated vaccine
hypersensitivity reactions under certain circumstances, hosts's protections mechanisms can be harmful; mast cells release histamine (causes redness, itchiness, hives, swelling)
anaphylaxis extreme allergic reaction, mild allergic reactions are usually treated with steroids or antihistamines; anaphylactic reactions may require epinephrine
Created by: mkroon26
Popular Veterinary sets




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