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Unit 2 PE study

What are the 6 dimensions of Wellness? occupational, physical, social, intellectual, spiritual, and emotional.
Occupational wellness when you have a job that reflects your values and is rewarding to you as a person. Try to use your occupation to help learn real transferable skills.
Emotional wellness to be aware and accept your emotional state rather than to deny them. Try to have a positive outlook on life.
Spiritual wellness the human search for meaning and purpose. You should ponder the question yourself and be tolerant of others beliefs. You should live your day to day life in a way that consists with your values and feels true to yourself.
Intellectual wellness the state of being intellectually or creatively stimulated. It is better to stretch your mind and continue to improve your mind instead of becoming underestimated.
Social wellness encourages you to give to your community. You will be more fulfilled if you give back to the community instead of just thinking about yourself. Try to live in harmony with the people around you.
Physical wellness the need for physical activity. Physical development helps you learn about sleep, fitness, and nutrition. It is better to consume foods and beverages that are good for your body instead of bad. Sleep is important to repair your body.
SMART goals Specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable, and timely
How much sleep should you get each night? 8-9 Hours
Sleep Enviroment You want it to be cold in your room, in the 60s. Have it dark. Have it quiet, you can use white noise. No TV or computer in bed. Invest in bedding.
Sleep Hygiene Take a warm shower, pre bed snack, Shut down electronics 1 hour before, do some stretching and reading.
What is a growth mindset The ability to change and adapt to better yourself
What will this class focus on? Sleep, Mindfulness, Nutrition, and Fitness
Mindfulness Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present and you can use this to not be stressed.
Benefits of good nutrition. Increase in energy production, work capacity, skeletal muscle, recovery time, healing. Decrease inflammation. Improve body composition, hormonal function, immune function, cognitive function and overall health.
Created by: Case Porter
Popular Fitness sets




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