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Health and Safety

What Are Some Hazards Of Working In The Vet Practice? -Handling and restraint of patients, lifting. -Handling and administration of drugs. -Waste disposal. -Anaesthetic gases and ionising radiation. -Chemicals. -Zoonoses. -Work equipment. -Long hours, stress and emotional factors.
Who Are At A Higher Risk Of Hazards In The Vet Practice? -Asthma. -Pregnancy. -Age. -Musculoskeletal conditions/injuries. -Allergies.
What Are The Individual Costs Of Accidents/Occurrences? -Serious injury/disability/death. -Development of disease/ill health. -Loss of ability to work (or work at previous levels). -Loss of earning capacity. -Poorer employment prospects. -Impact on family and social life. -Prosecution costs.
What Are The Business Costs Of Accidents/Occurrences? -Sickness payments. -Recruitment and training for new staff. -Loss of output, key staff absent, replacement staff not as effective. -Damage to machinery, equipment, etc. -Administrative costs. -Insurance costs, legal, adverse publicity, prosecution.
How Is Health And Safety Enforced? -Health and safety inspections from the local authority.
What Are The Criminal Sanctions For Not Following Health And Safety Guidelines? -Improvement/prohibition order for place of work. -Fines for either business or individual (unlimited in crown court). -Imprisonment (max 2 years, life for manslaughter). -Disqualification for up to 15 years for directors or companies.
What Legislation Is Relevant For Health and Safety? -Health and Safety At Work Act 1974. -Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. -COSHH 2002. -Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992. -RIDDOR 2013. -Electricity at Work Regulations. -Fire Precautions Act 1971.
Who Does The Health and Safety At Work Act 1974 Apply To? -Employers. -Employees. -Visitors.
When Must A Practice Have A Written Health and Safety Policy? -When the practice has five or more employees.
What Are Some Legal Employer Responsibilities Under The Health And Safety At Work Act 1974? -To have employer liability insurance. -Health and safety policy. -Health and safety law poster displayed. -Have an appointed competent person to manage health and safety. -RIDDOR.
What Are Some Legal Employee Responsibilities Under The Health And Safety At Work Act 1974? -To take reasonable care for your own health and safety as well as others. -To co-operate with your employer so far as is necessary to enable the legal requirements to be met. -Not to intentionally/recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided.
What Are The Main Points Of The Management of Health and Safety At Work Regulations (amended) 1999? -Health and safety requirements need to be monitored, ensuring that arrangements in place remain adequate. -Following steps need to be in place: planning, organisation, control, monitoring, review. -Use of a risk assessment.
How Do Risk Assessments Work? Examine what in the practice could cause harm to people, so that decisions can be made as to whether there are suitable precautions in place, or if improvements are required.
What Should Risk Assessments Include? -Where activity takes place. -Potential hazards. -Risks and identify who is at risk. -What control measures are already in place. -What training is needed. -What to do in an emergency. -When the risk assessment needs to be reviewed.
Define Hazard Something that has the potential to cause harm.
Define Risk The likelihood of the hazard to cause harm.
What Are The Main Points Of COSHH 2002? -Management of risks associated with hazardous substances. -Includes all pharmaceutical products and chemicals in the practice. -Assessments must be made of all potential hazards and risks and adequate control measures must be put in place.
How Should Hazards Be Assessed? -The nature of the hazard. -The route of exposure. -First aid required. -Preventative measures. -Members of staff at greater risk. -Correct recording of an exposure.
Name Some COSHH Rules For When Working With Chemicals? -Never eat, drink. -Adequate ventilation. -Use the necessary PPE. -Ensure the chemical is appropriate for use. -Correct concentrations. -Keep the chemicals in their original containers, labels intact and legible. -Store and dispose of correctly.
What Is Manual Handling? Lifting, carrying, putting down, pushing, pulling, moving or supporting a load by hand or using other bodily force.
What Are The General Provisions Of The Manual Handling Regulations 1992? -Avoid hazardous manual handling as far as is reasonably practical. -Assess any hazardous manual handling that cannot be avoided. -Reduce the risk of injury as far as reasonably practical. -Take into account persons loading capacity.
How Do X Rays Cause Harm? -X-rays = EM spectrum. -Produce biological changes in living tissues by altering the structure of atoms or molecules or by causing chemical reactions. -Can be harmful to normal tissues and thus a safety hazard.
What Are Some Potential Harmful Effects Of Radiation? -Inflammation. -Blood disorders. -Death of tissue. -Death or mutation of developing foetus. -Damage to gonads. -Infertility. -Production of tumours.
Why Is The Danger Of X-Rays Often Underestimated? -They are painless. -They are invisible. -The effects are not evident immediately. -Their effects are cumulative.
Where Are The Sources Of Radiation Exposure On An X-Ray Machine? -Tube head. -Primary beam. -Secondary radiation (scatter).
What Causes Secondary (Scatter) Radiation? Produced when particles of energy from the primary beam hit a surface, (such as tissue or inanimate object) and ‘bounce’ off the surface at random and like x-rays travel in straight lines.
How Can We Reduce Secondary (Scatter) Radiation? -Tight collimation of the primary beam. -Use of appropriate exposure factors. -Lead lined table. -Stand a minimum of two metres away from the primary beam when an exposure is taken (controlled area). -Use of PPE and lead screens.
What Are Some Provisions Of The Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017? -People involved with radiography must be protected. -Follow specific guidelines set out. -Radiography must only be taken if there is a clinical justification. -Exposure should be kept to a min and dose limits not exceeded. -HSE visits, records kept.
Under The Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017, What Two People Must The Practice Appoint? RPS = Radiation protection supervisor (vet or rvn in practice). RPA = Radiation protection advisor (SQP not employed by practice, will inspect practice).
What Are Some Provisions For The X Ray Controlled Area? -Must be large enough to allow people to stand at least two metres from the primary beam. -If not possible a lead screen must be used. -Must be clearly labelled with a red warning light displayed. -On light and exposure light.
When Might Conscious X-Rays Be Taken? If sedation or the induction of anaesthetic would prove life threatening.
What Equipment Can Be Used To Aid Patient Positioning For X-Rays? -Ties. -Sandbags. -Troughs. -Foam Wedges. -Sticky Tape.
What Information Should Be Present On A Radiograph? -Patient identification. -Date of radiography. -Left/right markers where indicated. -Other relevant detail e.g. contrast media information.
Are There Any Age Restrictions On Staff Taking X-Rays? -People aged 16-18 years have restrictions on radiography work. -They have a lower MPD (maximum permitted dose) and should not be allowed in the controlled area. Their bodies are still developing and so at a slightly greater risk.
Who Else May Be Restricted From Taking X-Rays? Pregnant women.
Where Should Personal X-Ray Dose Meters Be Worn? On the trunk beneath the lead apron.
What Are The Two Different Forms Of Dose Meter? Film Badge = Contain a small piece of x-ray film and usually blue. Thermoluminescent Dosemeters = Contain radiation sensitive lithium fluoride crystals – usually bright orange or purple.
How Do X-Ray Dosemeters Work? -Supplied by the NRPB. -Changed periodically - old meters returned to NRPB. -Report forwarded indicating exposure of staff. -Reports must be kept for at least 2 years.
What Is The Maximum Permissible Dose? This is the amount of radiation that can be received by the body or a specific part of it without causing harm.
What Is Radiation Measured In? Millisieverts (mSv).
What Protective Lead Clothing Is Available For X-Ray? -Aprons. -Gloves or sleeves. -Thyroid guards. -Eye protection (not always used in practice).
Why Must Lead Aprons Not Be Folded? Can lead to undetected cracks in the materials.
What Are The Minimum Requirements Of The Health And Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981? -Access to a suitably stocked first-aid box. -Appointed person to take charge of the first-aid situation.
What Equipment Should Be Stored In A First Aid Box? -Leaflet with general advice on basic first-aid. -20 x individually wrapped adhesive dressings, assorted sizes. -Two sterile eye patches. -Four triangular bandages. -Six safety pins. -Un-medicated wound dressings, various sizes. -Disposable gloves.
What Is The Role Of The Appointed Person For First Aid? -Someone to take charge of a first-aid situation where no trained first-aider is needed. -Takes charge when someone is injured, or falls ill; to include phoning for an ambulance. -Look after first-aid equipment; to include restocking.
How Often Must A Practice's Qualified First Aider Update Their Training? Every three years.
What Information Must Be Included In An Accident Book? -Full name, address and occupation of person injured. -Signature of person completing the accident book and date of occurrence. -When and where the accident happened. -Details of what happened and injuries sustained.
What Are The Steps In Which An Accident Should Be Dealt With? -Assess the situation. -Decide what’s wrong. -Respond to what you find. -Say goodbye to the casualty. -Tidy up the scene. -Record in the accident book.
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