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Cats 2

What is the vomcronasal organ? Cat’s have a scent organ in the roof of their mouth called the vomeronasal’s organ which helps determine scent and source
What is the tapetum lucidum? , a layer of reflective tissue behind the retina that sends light back into the eye to increase its intensity—this is what you are seeing when you see a cat’s eye’s glowing !
Why do cats have vertical pupils? Have vertical pupils like many other predators which minimize blurring and offer greater accuracy in gauging distance
Can cats see UV light? Can see significant amounts of ultraviolet light
How high of a frequency can cats hear? Freq. as high as 64kHz (human is at 20kHz)!
Where are whiskers located? Located on muzzle, above eyes, and under the ankles (carpals)
What are whiskers? touch receptors
In what ways do they help the cat? Help them navigate in extreme darkness. Important for navigating tight spaces (muzzle), triggering blinking (above eye), and feeling captured prey (carpal)
What behaviors do you see in cats that are likely instinctual? Sleeping in a tight ball Scratching on furniture Kneading Pawing at litter
Describe a happy cat: Ears up and forward, rubbing against objects or people, relaxed posture and muscles, head high, purring, and meowing
Describe an angry cat: Often intermingled with fear ! Puffed hair, tail flicking, hissing, growling, ears often flattened, eyes wide, pupils dilated, swatting with claws out
Describe a fearful cat: Lowered body position, tail tucked, ears flattened, hair up, hiding, and wide eyed. Fear can lead to aggression very quickly !
What other instinctual behaviors Sleeping in small spaces, like boxes! Getting crazy at night and sleeping the day away Rubbing their faces on things –scent glands! Sitting in high places, like bookshelves! The wait, stalk, and pounce!
What kind of vocalizations might a cat make? Meows, hisses, growls, chatter, chirps, trills, yowls, etc
Why do cats meow? Meowing is only used to communicate with humans in adult cats! Kittens meow when they need mother’s milk but this trait goes away into adulthood in wild and feral cats. Generally a meowing cats wants something.
What is purring? the sound of air passing over the vocal folds of the cat’s larynx as she inhales/exhales
What are some ideas as to why cat’s purr? Sometimes a cat will purr when they are at unease and is usually accompanied by other anxious behavior, that is why it is not uncommon to hear a cat purr at the vet !
What does some research suggest Some research suggests that purring actually helps the cat heal faster! The low frequency has been shown to help heal bones & wounds, lessen pain & swelling, and ease breathing.
A cat spends about _____________ of its awake hours grooming itself! 50%
Can lead to _________________, especially since barbed tongue rakes through hairs Hairballs,
Created by: 1409105
Popular Veterinary sets




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