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Whipworm Review

Endoparasites Types

What is the most common intestinal parasite? Roundworms
What is the species name of Roundworms? Toxocara
Where are Roundworms found? Found in digestive tract & often damages the lining.
What is the first stage of the Roundworm Lifecycle? Puppies/kittens get larvae passed from their mother though milk
What is the second stage of the Roundworm Lifecycle? Both young, and adult animals can get roundworm through the eggs in the feces or tissues of an intermediate host (common ones are cockroaches, birds, earthworms, rodents)
What is the third and final stage of the Roundworm Lifecycle? Once ingested larvae hatch out of the gastrointestinal tract and migrate through the muscle, liver and lungs and after several weeks they return to the intestine to mature and then produce eggs that will pass through the animal's stool
What are the signs of Toxocara? Vomiting, diarrhea, bloated stomach, cough, and visible worms in feces (pasta)
How is Toxocara diagnosed? May see visible worms, but more likely to see ova on fecal analysis
Can Humans get Roundworms? Humans can get this parasite from ingesting trace amount of feces. Practice good hygiene ! Larvae can travel around to various tissues and possibly cause damage.
What is the Prevention of Roundworms? Monthly prevention (heartgard), deworming puppies, and good hygiene
Where did the Whipworm get it's name? Name comes from whip like shape of an adult (front thin & back is thick)
Where do Whipworms live? Live in large intestine
What is the species name for Whipworm? Trichuris vulpis
What is the First Stage of the Whipworm Lifecycle? Animal infected through ingesting food or water that is contaminated with whip eggs.
What is the Next Stage of the Whipworm Lifecycle? Swallowed eggs hatch in less than 3 months and the larvae mature in the cecum/large intestine where they burrow & feed on blood
What is the Third and Final Stage of the Whipworm Lifecycle? Adult worm lays eggs that pass in the feces to the soil where they must remain for at least a month to cause infection. Eggs are hardy & difficult to control
What are the signs of Whipworms? Diarrhea, weight loss, possible blood in feces, and anemia (blood suckers!).
How are Whipworms diagnosed? Not visible in feces and is diagnosed by seeing eggs in a fecal analysis, though false neg is common.
Can Humans get Whipworms? Does not affect humans! Not considered zoonotic
What is the Prevention of Whipworms? Monthly prevention, deworming puppies, and good hygiene.
Created by: 1409105
Popular Veterinary sets




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