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Endoparasite Review

Parasite an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense.
Common methods of transmitting parasites: insect bites • animal feces • raw meat and fish • eating raw or undercooked pork, beef or fish • eating contaminated raw fruits and vegetables • drinking contaminated water
Endoparasites live inside the body of the host it infects. -Examples include heartworm, tapeworm, roundworm, and hookworm
Ectoparasites live on the body of the host. -Examples include ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes.
Routine medications (often given monthly) that greatly reduce the likelihood of contracting both internal and/or external parasites populations. True or False True
These can be applied topically, ingested, or possibly worn (how they work is varied) True or False True
What do pets often need? multiple preventatives for maximum protection
Where do Tapeworms live? Live in small & large intestine where the worm attaches with its suckers
How are Tapeworms Diagnosed? The shed proglottids can pass out of the dogs’ anus and will look like rice or cucumber seeds
How do Tapeworms Reproduce? Each proglottid has its own reproductive organs with eggs contained in each segment
What is beginning of the Life Cycle of a Tapeworm? The proglottids will pass in the feces and break open liberating the eggs inside. The flea/mite (or other host) will ingest the eggs where it will develop into an immature tapeworm.
What is the end of the Life Cycle of a Tapeworm? The animal eats the flea, and the tapeworm continues to develop into an adult and the life cycle is complete!
What are the signs of Tapeworms? poor hair coat, abdominal discomfort, proglottids in the feces.
How else can Tapeworms be diagnosed? Actual parasite eggs are not often seen since they are contained in the proglottid, but you should know that they look like. Diagnosis is often through seeing proglottids.
Can Humans get Tapeworms? Humans can get this parasite, and some go undiagnosed for years, but will often exhibit GI symptoms
What preventative is there for Tapeworms? External parasite to control fleas (Frontline!)and rodent control
Created by: 1409105
Popular Veterinary sets



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