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Abbreviations and Symbols in Veterinary Terminology

A/P Anterior/Posterior
P/A Posterior/Anterior
D/V Dorsal/Ventral
V/D Ventral/Dorsal
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
AHT Animal Healthcare Technician
DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
LAT Laboratory Animal Technician
RVT Registered Veterinary Technician
VAOA Veterinary Assisting and Office Administration
AAHA American Animal Hospital Association
AKC American Kennel Club
CKC Canadian Kennel Club
CVMA Canadian Veterinary Medical Association
CVO College of Veterinarians of Ontario
FDA Food and Drug Administration
OAVT Ontario Association of Veterinary Technicians
OSPCA Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
OVMA Ontario Veterinary Medical Association
Ad Lib (Ad Libitum) As much as desired
BID Twice daily
CC Cubic Centimetre (1cc = 1mL)
IM Intramuscular
IU International Units (Insulin)
IV Intravenous
Kg Kilograms
L/l Litre
Lb Pound
mEq Milliequivalent
NPO Nothing by mouth (non per os)
OTC Over the counter
PO By mouth (per os)
PRN As needed
q Every
QID Four times daily
SID/UID Once daily
SaQ/SC/subQ/subC Subcutaneous
Tab Tablet
TID Three times daily
BP Blood Pressure
BUN Blood urea nitrogen
CBC Complete blood count
C&S or C/S Culture and sensitivity
Diff Differential blood count
EDTA Ethylenediaminetetraaccetic Acid
Hb/Hgb Hemoglobin (O2 carrying pigment in RBC)
HCT/Crit Hematocrit (% of whole blood made up of RBC)
HW Heartworm
HWT Heartworm Test
NEO No Eggs Observed
PCV Packed cell volume (volume of packed RBC’s divided by total volume of blood)
RBC Red blood cell
SG/sp. gr./s.g. Specific Gravity (density of quantity of liquid compared to equal amount distilled water)
TNTC Too numerous to count
TP Total protein
UA or U/A Urinalysis
WBC White blood cell
ACL Anterior cruciate ligament
AG Anal glands
BAR Bright, alert, responsive
AI Artificial insemination
BM Bowel movement
Cast./MC/MN Castrated
C sect Caesarian section
CHF Congestive heart failure
CRT Capillary refill time
c/s Coughing/sneezing
d Diarrhea
DLH Domestic long hair
DOA Dead on arrival
DSH Domestic short hair
ECG/EKG Electrocardiogram
F Female
FLUTD Feline lower urinary tract disease
F/S or FS Female spayed
FUS Feline Urological Syndrome
GI Gastrointestinal
HBC Hit by car
HR Heart rate
ICU Intensive care unit
K9/K-9 Canine
M Male
MC/MN Castrated; male neutered
mm Mucous Membrane
NA or N/A Not applicable
NAF No abnormal findings
NSF No significant findings
o Owner
OHE/OVE Ovariohysterectomy
PD Polydipsia
PE Physical exam
PM Post mortem
PU Polyuria
QAR Quiet, alert, responsibe
R/O Rule out
S/R or SR Suture removal
Stat (Statim) Immediately
TPR Temperature, pulse, respiration
URI Upper respiratory infection
UTI Urinary tract infection
v/d Vomiting/diarrhea
wt Weight
Bx Biopsy
Dx Diagnosis
Fx Fracture
Hx History
Rx Prescription
Sx Surgery
Tx Treatment
AD Right ear
AS Left ear
AU Both ears
OD Right eye
OS Left eye
OU Both eyes
L Left
R Right
+/+ve Positive
-/-ve Negative
= Equal
Δ Change
< Less than
> Greater than
@ At or each
Created by: rhysn
Popular Veterinary sets




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