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Muscle groups

What are all of the muscles of head/ muscles of mastication? What function do they allow? Masseter, temporalis, pterygoid, digastricus, mylohyoideus; Chewing
What muscles of mastication close the jaw? Masseter, temporalis, pterygoid
What muscles of mastication open the jaw? digastricus
What muscle of mastication raises the floor of the mouth? mylohyoideus
What are the muscles of the shoulder? what do they do? The deltoid group: flex the shoulder, includes acromiodeltiod and spinodeltoid (also includes omotransversarius, which is not a deltoid, but is found next to them.)
What are the muscles of the cranial back? What do they do? The trapezius group: Elevates and abducts the forelimb. Includes acromitrapezius and spinotrapezius. Also includes latissimus Dorsi (not trapezius muscle, but found near spinotrapezius) and Cutaneous trunci.
What are the muscles of the chest? What do they do? Pectoral group(s): adducts thoracic limb; The superficial pectoral (includes descending and transverse) and deep pectoral.
What are the muscles of the abdominal group? The rectus abdominis, the external abdominal oblique, the internal abdominal oblique, and the transverse abdominis.
What are the three muscle groups of the front leg? Triceps group:, Brachial group, and the thoracic lower limb (thoracic lower limb has an extensor and flexor group)
Describe the triceps group of the front leg Extends the elbow, flexes the shoulder; includes lateral head of triceps, long head of triceps, medial head of triceps, and intermediate head of the triceps.
Describe the brachial group of the front leg Flex the elbow; Biceps brachii and brachialis.
Describe the thoracic lower limb group(s) of the front leg Extensor group (includes common digital extensor) and flexor group
what are the muscles of the caudal back? Epaxial group (includes longisimus dorsi) and Gluteal group; The gluteal group abducts the hind leg and includes middle gluteal, superficial gluteal, and deep gluteal.
What are the muscles groups of the hind leg? What do they do? Quadriceps group: Extends the stifle; Hamstring group; Flexes the stifle joint; Adductor group: moves the limbs in toward the midline of the body; Abductor groups: moves the limbs away from the midline of the body
What are some examples of the muscle groups of the hind leg? (excluding abductor) Quadriceps: Vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, rectus femoris; Hamstring: Biceps femoris, semi-tendinosis, semi-membranosis; Adductor: Pectineus, adductor femoris, gracilis;
What is included in the abductor group of the hind leg muscles? - Gluteals: Superficial gluteal, deep gluteal, and middle gluteal; - Biceps femoris.
What are some intramuscular injection sites of the horse? Hamstrings, Side of Neck (Serratus ventralis, Brachiocephalicus, Trapezius) and Pectoral muscles [Note: DO NOT inject into gluteals]
What are some intramuscular injection sites of cattle? Lateral neck: Seriatus ventralis, Brachiocephalicus, Trapezius. [Note: do not inject into gluteals or hamstrings in animals used for meat]
What are some intramuscular injection sites of sheep and goats? Triceps
What are some intramuscular injection sites of dogs and cats? Quadriceps (especially in emergency situations), triceps, epaxials, and hamstrings
What are the intramuscular injection sites of birds? Pectoral muscles
What are the intramuscular injection sites of hogs? Behind the ear
In what places of animals do we not inject in at manor? Pectoral muscles of horses (they can become sore) and the hamstrings of dogs and cats (could hit sciatic nerve)
what are the muscles of the neck? Brachicephalicus (a. cleidocepalicus or clavocephalicus, b. cleidobrachialis or clavobrachialis), Rhomboideus, serratus ventralis, sternocephalicus, sternohyoideus, and platysma
Attachment The junction of a skeletal muscle to bone (Ex: Tendon, Aponeurosis, and Fleshy)
Tendon Tough cord or band of dense white fibrous CT that unites muscle to bone
Aponeurosis Dense fibrous CT organized into thin sheets of tissue that forms the terminations and attachments of muscles to bones or other structures.
Fleshy The attachment of muscle to bone by very short tendons, appears as if the muscle is attached directly to the bone
Origin The attachment at the less moveable end of the muscle, usually distal in limbs
Insertion The attachment at the more movable end of the muscle, usually distal in limbs
Action The body movement that a concentration of the muscle will produce.
Intrinsic Muscles that attach to bones in the limbs (and not the body)
Extrinsic Muscles that attach a limb to the body
Created by: Haleyjoy08
Popular Veterinary sets




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