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AFAA group

AFAA Group Questions

SMR self- myofascial release
SAQ speed agility quickness
ROM range of motion
OTS over training syndrome
LPHC lumbo-pelvic-hip-complex
ADA Americans w/ disabilities act
PNS Peripheral nervous system
SV stroke volume
SA Sinotrial node (pacemaker)
AV Atrioventricular node
SAID principle of specificity
RPE rating of percieved exertion
POS posterier oblique Subsystem
RPE Rating of perceived exertion
SL Semilunar valves
AOS Anterior Oblique subsystem
DTL Deep longitudinsl subsystem
GTO golgi tendon organ
LS lateral subsystem
LDL low-density lipoprotein
TTM the transtheoretical model
SMART smart measurable attiainable realistic timely
positioning a body during a moment Dynamic posture
When did group fitness become popular? 60's and 70's
Teaching a method consist of designing' developing and delivering movement to group fitness instructors own personal preferences' skill set and knowledge of exercise selection? frestyle
which of the following is a benefit for participants who attend pre-designed classes? the ability to see and visualize long term progress
why did the term group fitness replace dance in the 1990's ? forms of group exercise emerged that did not requires dance skills
which statement best describes the difference between pre- choro, pre-designed, and freestyle method? pre- choro is specificity th exact move; pre-designed provides direction and a class template: Freestyle is based on type instructors personal preference
how dose movement prep compare to traditional warm up? movement prep considers common movement IMPAIRMENTS
bck of the body posterier
where is the sternum in relation to the shoulder in the body? medial
what is the bio mechanics the study of? how forces affect the living body
what is of the sagittal plane? bicep curl
what is a isolated function of the quad muscle group? concentrically accelerates knee extansion
which of the following refers to the down stroke of the cycle? knee extension
the front of the body anterior
what refers to the position away from the center of body or the point of reference? Distal
residtance training 125-135 bpm
HIIT 150-160 bpm
BOOT camp 130-140 bpm
step 128-132 bpm
Barre, Pilates 124-128 bpm
kickboxing 140-150 bpm
aqua/water/seniors 122-128 bpm
what is a hybrid workout? a combo of 2 or more formats
Sagilttal plane right and left ( bicep curl, running)
frontal plane front and back (side to side lunges)
transverse plane upper and lower (twisting, bicycle crunches)
abduction taking away from the body
Adduction towards the body
everison walking on the big toe side
inverison walking on the pinky toe side
ankel dorsiflexion heel down
Plantar flexion toes down
neurons are composed of which of the following? cell body, axon, tissue
characteristic of synovial joints? composed approximatly 80% of all joints and high mobility
what muscle that is over active in head and neck? deep cervicle flexors
the muscle that is commonly underactive in LPHC? Hamstrings
if participipent is want is wanting a free month at his/her gym, what is that called? Extrinsic Motivation
person is thinking how good they are going to feel after they are done what would that be called? intrinsic motivation
music that will support boot camp dubstep, alternative, indie rock
what is the speed and pace of music? tempo
what would webbed grove help with in a aquatic class? increase drag
a pattern or repeated movement or sound rhythm
Which type of music makes it easier to track repetitions, time, match choreography, and create patterns that resonate both physically and emotionally with participants? 32 count phrase
A class vision helps Group Fitness Instructors identify the components needed to support which of the following? outcomes
Which of the following is associated with diverting the mind from feelings of fatigue and lowering the perception of effort? dissociation
Created by: aprilmj
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