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VET 111- sm. animal

Cardiovascular Diseases

Cardiovascular System Function to maintain homeostasis by regulating blood flow through miles of vessels and capillaries.
Capillaries transport nutrients into body cells and transport waste from the cells.
Pump the heart
Pipes the blood vessels
"Closed" System this means change in one portion affects other portions of the system.
Heart Failure Causes -myocardial dysfunction (pump failure) -circulatory failure (lack of circulating fluid volume)
Myocardial Dysfunction
Circulatory Failure
Congestive Heart Failure heart failure that allows fluid congestion and edema to accumulate in the body, most heart failures become this type as the pump progressively fails.
Cardio- heart
-Myo muscle
-Pathy disease
Cardiomyopathy heart muscle disease
Canine Dilated Cardiomyopathy one of the most common acquired cardiovascular diseases of dogs, typically older male large breed dogs, rare in dogs weighing less than 26 lbs.
DCM Pathology dilation of all heart chambers, result is decreased cardiac output and increased cardiac after load, cause is unknown but often follows myocardial insult.
Canine DCM (CS) CS: weakness, shock, exercise intolerance, right heart failure, left heart failure
Right Heart Failure (CS) CS: ascites, weight loss, abdominal distension
Left Heart Failure (CS) CS: coughing, syncope (temporary loss of consciousness caused by a fall in blood pressure).
Canine DCM (Dx) Dx: ultrasound or radiograph
Canine DCM (Tx) Tx: no cure. Diuretics to decreases fluid accumulation, positive inotropes to strengthen heart contractions and output, blood pressure medications.
Canine DCM (Info) Info: always a fatal diseases, potention sudden cardiac arrhythmia, is progressive, prognosis is usually 6 months-2 years.
Feline Dilated Cardiomyopathy this disease has significantly decreased since the taurine supplement, CS and Dx is similar to dogs. Common in older mixed breed cats.
Feline DCM (Tx) Tx: this is similar to dogs treatment, except the taurine supplement is added.
Feline DCM (info) info: good prognosis if pet survives the first 2 weeks and responds to taurine supplementation.
Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) disease where the left ventricular muscle hypertrophies (thickens) and decreases filling capacity of the ventricle. Most common cardiomyopathy seen in cats. Has a heritable cause.
Hypertrophy/Hypertrophic the enlargement of an organ or tissue from the increase in size of its cells.
-trophy nourishment, feeding, growth
Feline HCM (CS) CS: soft systolic murmur, gallop rhythm or other arrhythmia, acute onset heart failure, acute onset of thromboembolism.
Systolic relating to the phase of the heartbeat when the heart muscle contracts and pumps blood from the chambers into the arteries.
Feline HCM (Dx) Dx: radiographs (shows a "valentine" heart shape) and/or an ultrasound (shows increased left ventricular wall thickness and dilated left atrium.
Feline HCM (Tx) Tx: low-dose heparin or low-dose aspirin, diuretics, blood pressure meds (ACE inhibitors +/- B-Blockers)
ACE Inhibitors medications that help relax the veins and arteries to lower blood pressure.
B-Blockers a common type of heart medication used in both human and veterinary medicine for heart disease and for blood pressure regulation
Feline HCM (info) info: median survival time is 732 days, cats may experience heart failure arterial embolism, and sudden death.
Embolism obstruction of an artery, typically by a clot of blood or an air bubble.
Dilated Cardiomyopathy- relation to the heart this causes a bigger lumen of the chambers
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy- relation to the heart this causes bigger ventricular wall thickness
Thromboembolism common and serious complication of myocardial disease in the cat. As the atria dilate, endothelial lining becomes damaged which releases clotting enzymes. 90% of emboli lodge is distal trifurcation of aorta causing a saddle thrombus.
Thromboembolism (CS) CS: acute onset of rear leg pain, paresis, cold bluish foot pads, lack of palpable pulse in rear limbs. Dx is the clinical signs.
Thromboembolism (Tx) Tx: try to dissolve the clot, use aspirin.
Thromboembolism (info) info: prognosis is guarded to poor, aspirin can cause toxicity, monitor carefully.
Congenital Heart Diseases malformations of heart and great vessels, relatively rare, often genetic but causes can include environmental, infections, nutritional, or drug related.
Congential (of a disease or physical abnormality) present from birth.
Congenital Heart Diseases (CS) CS: failure to grow, weakness, syncope, cyanosis, dyspnea, seizures, heart murmur. May be asymptomatic.
Syncope temporary loss of consciousness caused by a fall in blood pressure.
Cyanosis a bluish discoloration of the skin resulting from poor circulation or inadequate oxygenation of the blood.
Patent Ductus Arteriosus condition where the ductus arteriosus is not closed, blood is shunted from systemic circulation to pulmonary artery.
Patent Ductus Arteriosus (CS + Tx) CS: machinery murmur Tx: surgical correction
Patent Ductus Arteriosus (info) info: excellent prognosis with surgical correction, make sure the dog is not used for breeding.
Atrial and Ventricular Septal Defects defects in the wall separating the atria or ventricles.
Atrial and Ventricular Septal Defects (CS + Tx) CS: murmurs, congestive heart failure before 8 weeks of age Tx: medical management of congestive heart failure
Atrial and Ventricular Septal Defects (info) info: surgical repair requires open heart surgery, do not breed.
Stenotic Valves (Pulmonic and Aortic) malformation of valves causing a narrowing of the outflow tract, leads to hypertrophy of ventricles and ultimately heart failure.
Stenotic Valves (CS + Dx) CS: syncope, tiring on exercise Dx: rads, ECG, ultrasound
Stenotic Valves (Tx) Tx: medical management if congestive heart failure develops, balloon dilation of valves or openings. Mild stenosis may have no affect, do not use these pets for breeding.
Chronic Mitral Valve Insufficiency an acquired valvular disease, most common cardiovascular disorder in dogs. 75% of dogs older than 16 yrs are affected, rare in cats. 95% of cases of congestive heart failure in small breed dogs. Progression is worsened by chronic periodontal disease.
Chronic Mitral Valve Insufficiency (CS + Dx) CS: small-breed or toy-breeds, 10+ yrs old, cough thats worse at night or w/ exercise, dyspnea, tachypnea, systolic murmur. Dx: rads, ultrasound, ECG
Chronic Mitral Valve Insufficiency (Tx) Tx: no cure, diuretics, cardiovascular drugs to improve heart function. Is a progressive disease. Avoid salt in food and table scraps.
Sinoatrial Node this part of the heart generates an electrical impulse, has specialized cells in the right atrium. Spreads across both atria > down the atrioventricular node > Bundle of His > Purkinje FIbers
Cardiac Arrhythmias deviations from normal heart rate or rhythm. Results from abnormal impulse formation and abnormal impulse conduction.
Sinus Arrhythmia alternating periods of slower and more rapid heart rates usually related to respiration. Frequently a normal findings in dogs, no treatment is required.
Atrial Fibrillation numerous disorganized atrial (p) impulses frequently bombarding the AV node, normal p waves are replaced by oscillations (f waves). Treated w/ diltiazem/propranolol/atenolol, and treat underlying cause.
1st Degree AV Block delayed in conduction of a supraventricular impulse through the AV junction and bundle of His, prolonged P-R interval, is treated by treating underlying cause.
2nd Degree AV Block intermittent failure of AV conduction, 1 or more p waves are not followed by QRS-T complexes, treated w/ atropine or glycopyrrolate and also treat the underlying cause.
3rd Degree AV Block cardiac impulse is completely blocked at AV junction, P waves have no constant relationship with QRS complexes, treated with temporary or permanent pacemaker.
QRS Complex A combination of the Q wave, R wave and S wave, the “QRS complex” represents ventricular depolarization.
K9 Heartworm Disease disease caused by a worm called Dirofilaria immitis, female mosquitos are primary host. Microfilia migrate within skin to blood vessels, in pulmonary artery is causes endothelial damage. Can lead to right-sided heart enlargement/pulmonary hypertension.
K9 Heartworm Disease (CS + Dx) CS: most are asymptomatic, cough, dyspnea, exercise intolerance Dx: positive antigen test, rads, ultrasound
K9 Heartworm Disease (Tx) Tx: Adulticide and microfilaricide treatment; Doxycycline. Prevented by a monthly prevention
Feline Heartworm Disease cats are somewhat resistant to this disease, is less common than dogs. Cats will eliminate within 2 years.
Feline Heartworm Disease (CS, Dx, Tx) CS: none in most. Acute death w/ no signs can happen, vomiting is fairly common, cough/dyspnea/pulmonary embolism. Dx: Antigen/Antibody tests, rads, ultrasound Tx: supportive care
Created by: Riley.Scherf
Popular Veterinary sets




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