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VETT 118 - Week 3

Skeletal and Muscular System

Ossification The formation of bone from fibrous tissue
Osteoblasts Immature bone cells that produce bony tissue.
Osteoclasts Phagocytic cells that eat away bone tissue from the medullary cavity of long bones.
Osteocytes Mature bone cells.
Hematopoietic Describes red bone marrow where RBCs, WBCs, and clotting cells are formed.
Medullary Cavity The inner space of bone in a long bone and contains yellow bone marrow
Cartilage Connective tissue that is more elastic than bone.
Articular Cartilage Covers the joint surfaces of bones.
Meniscus A curved fibrous cartilage found in some joints such as the canine stifle. It cushions the force applied to the joint.
Joints or Articulations Connections between bones
Synarthroses A joint that allows no movement usually united with fibrous connective tissue like a suture
Amphiarthroses A joint that allows slight movement (semimovable), like a symphysis. Ex: the mandibular symphasis
Diarthroses A joint that allows free movement
Suture A jagged line where bones join and form a nonmovable joint. Typically found in the skull
Fontanelle A soft spot remaining at the junction of sutures that usually closes after birth
Symphasis A joint where two bones join and are held firmly together so that they function as one bone. Cartilaginous joint
Mandibular Symphasis Where the halves of the mandible have fused to form one bone
Pubic Symphasis Where the halves of the pelvis have fused to become whole.
Synovial Joints A type of diarthroses
Enarthrosis Ball-and-socket or spheroid joint. Allow a wide range of motion in many directions. Ex: hip and shoulder
Arthrodial/Condyloid Joints with oval projections that fit into a socket. Ex: carpal joints
Trochoid Pulley-shaped joints. Ex: connection between atlas and axis
Hinge Joint that allows motion in one plane or direction. Ex: Stifle and elbow
Gliding Joints that move or glide over each other. Ex: radioulnar joint or the articulating process between successive vertebrae
Saddle Joints that primates have that allows the thumb to flex, extend, abduct, adduct, and circumduct.
Ligament Band of fibrous connective tissue that connects one bone to another bone to help stabilize joints.
Tendon Band of fibrous connective tissue that connects muscle to bone to help the animal move.
Bursa Fibrous sac that acts as a cushion to ease movement in areas of friction. Ex: in the shoulder there is a bursa where the tendon passes over bone
Synovial Membrane Inner lining of Bursae and synovial joints that secretes synovial fluid.
Synovial fluid Acts as lubricant to make joint movement smooth.
Axial Skeleton The framework of the body that includes the skull, auditory ossicles, hyoid bones, vertebral column, ribs, sternum.
Appendicular Skeleton The framework of the body that consists of the extremities, shoulder, and pelvic girdle
Tibia The larger long bone of the distal hind limb. More weight-bearing
Fibula The smaller long bone of the distal hind limb.
Crus The area of the rear limb between the stifle and the hock.
Tarsus/Hock Similar to the joint of the ankle in humans. Tarsus is SA, Hock is LA
Calcaneus The long, lateral tarsal bone located in the proximal row of tarsal bones.
aperture opening
canal tunnel
condyle rounded projection (that articulates with another bone)
crest high projection or border projection
crista ridge
dens toothlike structure
eminence surface projection
facet smooth area
fissure deep cleft
foramen hole
fossa trench or hollow depressed area
fovea small pit
head major protrusion
lamina thin, flat plate
line low projection or ridge
malleolus rounded projection (distal end of tibia and fibula)
meatus passage or opening
process projection
protuberance projecting part
ramus branch or smaller structure given off by a larger structure
sinus space or cavity
spine sharp projection
sulcus groove
suture seam
trochanter broad, flat, projection (on femur)
trochlea pulley-shaped structure in which other structures pass or articulate
tubercle small, rounded surface projection
tuberosity projecting part
arthrocentesis surgical puncture of a joint to remove fluid for analysis
arthrography injection of a joint with contrast material for radiographic examination
arthroscopy visual examination of the joint using a fiberoptic scope (called an arthroscope when used in the joint)
densitometer device that measures bone density using light and x-rays
goniometer instrument that measures angles or range of motion in a joint (goni/o means angle or seed)
radiology study of internal body structures after exposure to ionizing radiation; used to detect fractures and diseases of bones.
ankylosis loss of joint mobility caused by disease, injury, or surgery ankyl/o means bent or stiff
arthralgia joint pain
arthrodynia joint pain
arthropathy joint disease
bursitis inflammation of the bursa
chondromalacia abnormal cartilage softening
chondropathy cartilage disease
discospondylitis inflammation of the intervertebral disc and vertebrae
epiphysitis inflammation of the growth plate
exostosis benign growth on the bone surface
gouty arthritis joint inflammation associated with the formation of uric acid crystals in the joint (seen more commonly in birds)
hip dysplasia abnormal development of the pelvic joint causing the head of the femur and the acetabulum not to be aligned properly.
avulsion fracture broken bone in which the site of muscle, tendon, or ligament insertion is detached by a forceful pull
callus bulging deposit around the area of a bone fracture that may eventually become bone
closed fracture broken bone in which there is no open wound in the skin; also known as a simple fracture
comminuted fracture broken bone that is splintered or crushed into multiple pieces
compression fracture broken bone produced when the bones are pressed together
crepitation cracking sensation that is felt and heart when broken bones move together
displaced fracture bone fracture parts are out of line
greenstick fracture bone that is broken only on one side and the other is bent
oblique fracture broken bone that has an angular break diagonal to the long axis
open fracture broken bone in which there is an open wound in the skin; also known as a compound fracture
pathologic fracture broken bone in an area of bone weakened by disease
Created by: MeganNichols1027
Popular Veterinary sets



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