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Combining Forms


Arthr/o Joint
Carcin/o Cancer
Cephal/o Head
Cis/o To cut
Col/o; colon/o Colon; large intestine
Cyst/o Urinary bladder; cyst; sac of fluid
Cyt/o Cell
Encephal/o Brain
Enter/o Small intestine
Erythr/o Red
Glyc/o Sugar
Gnos/o Knowledge
Hepat/o Liver
Hist/o Tissue
Iatr/o Treatment
Leuk/o White
Nephr/o Kidney
Neur/o Nerve
Opthalm/o Eye
Path/o Disease
Ren/o Kidney
Sarc/o Connective tissue
Sect/o To cut
Aden/o Gland
Adip/o Fat
Anis/o Unequal (in size)
Anter/o Front
Bol/o To cast (throw)
Caud/o Tail
Cervic/o Neck
Chondr/o Cartilage
Chrom/o Color
Coccyg/o Tailbone
Carni/o Skull
Crin/o To secrete
Dist/o Far; distant
Dors/o Back of body
Duct/o To lead or carry
Inguin/o Groin
Kary/o Nucleus
Later/o Side
Lumb/o Lower back
Medi/o Middle
Path/o Disease
Poster/o Back; behind
Prot/o First
Proxim/o Nearest
Thel/o Nipple
Thorac/o Chest
Acetabul/o Acetabulum
Ankyl/o Stiff
Articul/o Joint
Calcane/o Calcaneus
Carp/o Carpus
Chondr/o Cartilage
Cost/o; costal/o Rib
Dactyl/o Toes; digits
Erg/o Work
Fibros/o Fibrousconnective tissue
Ischi/o Ischium
Kinesi/o Movement
Kyph/o Humpback; bent; bump
Lacrim/o Tear; tear duct
Leiomy/o Smooth (visceral) muscle
Lord/o Curve; swayback; bent backwards
Oss/e; oss/i Bone
Pariet/o Side
Ped/o Child; foot
Perone/o Fibula
Rhabdomy/o Striated (skeletal) muscle
Rheumat/o Watery flow
Sphen/o Wedge
Spondyl/o Vertebra
Ten/o Tendon
Ton/o Tension
Acu/o Sudden; sharp; severe
Aliment/o To nourish
Amyl/o Starch
An/o Anus
Bil/i Bile; gall
Bucc/o Cheek
Carcin/o Cancerous; cancer
Celi/o Belly; abdomen
Cheil/o Lip
Chol/e Bile; gall
Cholangi/o Bile vessel; bile duct
Cholecyst/o Gallbladder
Choledoch/o Common bile duct
Chron/o Time
Cib/o Meals
Copr/p Feces
Decidu/o Shedding
Dips/o Thirst
Faci/o Face
Gingiv/o Gums
Gloss/o Tongue
Gnath/o Jaw
Inguin/o Groin
Labi/o Lips
Lapar/o Abdomen
Lith/o Stone
Odont/o Tooth
Or/o Mouth
Phag/o Eat; swallow
Proct/o Anus; rectum
Prote/o Protein
Py/o Pus
Pylor/o Pyloric sphincter; pylorus
Rug/o Wrinkle; fold
Sial/o Saliva; salivary
Sialaden/o Salivary gland
Steat/o Fat; sebum
Stomat/o Mouth
Trich/o Hair
Colp/o Vagina
Episi/o Vulva
Galact/o Milk
Gynec/o Woman
Hyster/o Uterus; womb
Metr/o, Metri/o Uterus; womb; measure
Nat/i Birth
O/o Egg
Obstert/o Midwife; one who receives
Oophor/o Ovary
Ov/o, Ov/i Egg
Ovul/o Egg
Part/o Birth; labor
Parturit/o Birth; labor
Salping/o Fallopian, uterine, or auditory tubes
Viv/o Life
Angi/o Vessel
Ather/o Plaque (fatty substance)
Capn/o Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Coron/o Heart
Isch/o To hold back; back
Ox/o Oxygen (O2)
Phleb/o Vein
Sphygm/o Pulse
Steth/o Chest
Vascul/o Vessel
Vas/o Vessel; vas deferens; duct
Ven/i, Ven/o Vein
Furc/o Forking; branching
Onc/o Tumor
Pector/o Chest
Phragm/o Wall
Phren/o Diaphragm
Pneum/o, Pneumon/o Lung; air; gas
Spir/o To breathe; breathing
Tel/o Complete
Tuss/i Cough
Eosin/o Red; rosy; dawn
Home/o Sameness; unchanging; constant
Is/o Same; equal
Lip/o Fat
Morph/o Shape; form
Myel/o Bone marrow; spinal chord
Neutr/o Neutrophil; neutral; neither
Poikil/o Irregular; varied
Sider/o Iron
Axill/o Armpit
Chem/o Drug; chemical
Lymphaden/o Lymph node (gland)
Lymphangi/o Lymph vessel
Staphyl/o Clusters; uvula
Strept/o Twisted chains
Tox/o Poison
Acr/o Extremities
Andr/o Male
Cortic/o Cortex (outer region)
Estr/o Female
Kal/i Potassium
Natr/o Sodium
Phys/o Growth; growing
Somat/o Body
Ster/o Solid structure
Toc/o Childbirth
Caus/o Burning
Caust/o Burning
Cerebr/o Cerebrum
Comat/o Deep sleep; coma
Contus/o Bruise
Dur/o Dura matter
Esthesi/o Nervous sensation
Gli/o Neurological tissue; glue
Gyr/o Folding
Narc/o Sleep; stupor; numbness
Pont/o Pons
Radicul/o Nerve root
Sulc/o Groove
Syncop/o To cut off; cut short; fainting
Tax/o Coordination; order
Thec/o Sheath
Ambly/o Dim; dull
Blephar/o Eyelid
Canth/o Corner of the eye or eyelid
Choroid/o Choroid layer of the eye
Cor/o, Core/o Pupil
Cycl/o Ciliary body of the eye; cycle; circle
Dacry/o Tear
Dacryoaden/o Tear gland; tear duct
Dacryocyst/o Tear sac; lacrimal sac
Dipl/o Double
Glauc/o Gray
Goni/o Seed; angle
Kerat/o Cornea; horny; hard
Mi/o Smaller; less
Mydr/o Wide
Palpebr/o Eyelid
Phac/o Lens of eye
Tars/o Edge of eyelid; tarsus
Vitre/o Glassy
Vitr/o Vitreous body
Azot/o Nitrogen
Olig/o Scanty
Pyel/o Renal pelvis
Created by: cbearss
Popular Veterinary sets




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