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VET 114 Week 3

Medical Terminology

Aliment/o To Nourish
Amyl/o Starch
Hydr/o Fluid/Water
Bil/i Bile, Gall
Jejun/o Jejunum
Labi/o Lips
Bucc/o Cheek
Lapar/o Abdomen
Carcin/o Cancerous; Cancer
Lingu/o Tongue
Celi/o Belly, Abdomen
Lith/o Stone
Cheil/o Lip
Cholangi/o Bile vessel, Bile Duct
Cholecyst/o Gull Bladder
Odont/o Tooth
Cib/o Meals
Copr/o Feces
Peritone/o Peritoneum
Cyst/o Urinary Bladder; Cyst; Sac of Fluid
Phag/o Eat or swallow
Decidu/o Shedding
Pharyng/o Pharynx, throat
Proct/o Anus and Rectum
Dips/o Thirst
Py/o Pus
Rug/o Wrinkle or fold
Sail/o Saliva, Salivary
Gloss/o Tongue
Steat/o Fat, Sebum
Stomat/o Mouth
Trich/o Hair
Gnath/o Jaw
Vill/i Tuft of Hair; Thread-like Projection from Membrane
Mega- Large
Ante- Before, Forward
Neo- New
Para- near; beside; abnormal; apart from; along the side of
Post- After, Behind
mal- bad
-ase Enzyme
-ose Pertaining to, full of, sugar
-pepsia digestion
-emesis Vomiting
-Prandial Meal
-Ptysis Spitting
-rrhea Discharge, Flow
-Spasm sudden involuntary contraction of muscles
-stasis stopping; controlling
-stalsis Contraction
-stenosis tightening; narrowing; stricture
-Stomy new opening to the outside of the body
-Tresia Opening
-logy Study of
-megaly Enlargement
ac before meals (ante cibum)
GDV Gastric Dilatation Volvulus
gtt drop
NPO nothing by mouth (nil per os)
PO by mouth (per os)
Balan/o Glans Penis
Priap/o Penis
Crypt/o Hidden
Gen/o Producing
Orch/o Testis; Testicles
Theri/o Beast
Orchid/o Testis; Testicles
Mono- one; single
oligo- Scanty
Bi- Two
-lytic to reduce; to destroy; separate; breakdown
-cele hernia
Nat/i Birth
O/o Egg
Colp/o Vagina
Oophor/o Ovary
Parturit/o Birth, Labor
Hyster/o Uterus, Womb
Salping/o Fallopian Tubes; Uterine Tubes; Auditory (Eustachian) Tubes
Mast/o Mammary Glands
Metr/o Uterus; Womb; Measure
Viv/o Life
nulli- None
primi- First
pseudo- False
-cyesis Pregnancy
-parous To bear, To bring forth
-partum Birth, Labor
-gravida Pregnancy
FSH Follicle-Stimulating Hormone
LH Luteinizing Hormone
prn As needed
qn Every night
qh Every hour
PG Pregnant
SID Once in a day
BID Twice in a day
TID Three times in a day
QID Four times in a day
OHE Ovariohysterectomy (Spay)
EOD Every other day
CM Castrated Male
Created by: keverly22
Popular Veterinary sets




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