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VTNE Practice 1

VTNE Animal Care/Nursing Terminology

Which of the following suffixes refers to crushing or grinding? -tripsy
The prefix chondro- refers to which of the following? cartilage
The term aberrant refers to which of the following? Abnormal, deviating from the usual or ordinary
The blood cells that carry oxygen to body cells are known as: red blood cells
The term melena refers to which of the following? Passing of dark, tarry feces containing blood that has been acted on by bacteria in the intestines
_______________ is defined as the release of an egg from the ovary. ovulation
Which of the following terms describes a substance produced by one tissue or by one group of cells that is carried by the bloodstream to another tissue or organ to affect its physiological functions such as metabolism or growth? hormone
Which of the following correctly defines kaliopenia? Presence of a less than normal amount of potassium
Skeletal muscle is also known as: Striated muscle
The auditory canal is also referred to as the: Eustachian tube
A benign tumor that is composed of newly formed blood vessels is known as: Hemangioma
A rare benign tumor derived from striated muscle is known as: Rhabdomyoma
Difficulty in eating or swallowing is termed: dysphagia
The term azotemia refers to: The buildup of nitrogenous waste material in the blood
The _________________ is described as a fringelike structure found in the infundibulum. fimbria
An atypical heart sound associated with a functional or structural valve abnormality is known as: murmur
The suffix -ac refers to which of the following? pertaining to
Red blood cells that remain pale after staining indicates which of the following? hypochromic
Becoming progressively worse, recurring, and/or leading to death refers to: malignant
______________ is the surgical removal of testicles. Orchectomy
The prefix eu- refers to which of the following? good
Blood leaking from a ruptured vessel into subcutaneous tissue is known as: ecchymosis
Hypokalemia is defined as: low potassium level
The downward displacement of the kidney is referred to as which of the following terms? Nephroptosis
A vascular membranous organ in the womb between a mother and her offspring is known as the: placenta
A surgical fixation of the stomach of a ruminant to the body wall is referred to as which of the following? Abomasopexy
The word root brachii refers to which of the following? upper foreleg
Which of the following terms means within a living body? in vivo
A generalized wasting of the body as a result of disease is known as: cachexia
The last breath taken near or at death is referred to as: agonal breathing
A false pregnancy is known as: Pseudocyesis
________________ describes an increase in urine production. diuresis
The prefix cox- refers to which of the following? hip
The term bradycardia refers to: a slower than normal heart rate
Crushing of a stone into fragments that may pass through natural channels is known as: lithoclasty
Which of the following terms pertains to the upper and lower chambers of the heart? atrioventricular
Inflammation of the vulva is referred to as which of the following? vulvitis
An abnormal presence of tissue cells in the blood is known as: histiocytosis
Pain felt in the ureter is termed: Ureteralgia
The _________ is the second largest portion of the brain. cerebellum
Pain affecting half of the body is known as which of the following? hemialgia
The suffix -ptosis refers to which of the following? downward placement
A surgical incision into the windpipe is defined as: tracheotomy
An infection of the common bile duct is known as: Cholangitis
A blood cell that has both pale red and blue granules visible in the cytoplasm is known as a/an: neutrophil
Inflammation of the penis is referred to as a: priapitis
The pathological condition that results from a stone is referred to as: lithiasis
The term corpus refers to the: body
An abnormally slow or difficult birth is referred to as which of the following? dystocia
Clonic spasm refers to: Alternating spasm and muscle relaxation
Crushing of a stone is referred to as which of the following terms? lithotripsy
A young female pig that has not yet given birth is referred to as: gilt
The movement of white blood cells into an area of inflammation in response to chemical mediators released by injured tissue or other white blood cells at the site is referred to as: chemotaxis
Which of the following is the largest artery in an animal's body? Aorta
A pathological softening of any of the structures of the mouth is known as: Stomatomalacia
A connective tissue membrane that surrounds each muscle fiber is referred to as: endomysium
The excretion of an abnormal amount of sodium in the urine is referred to as: Natriuresis
An increase in arterial blood pressure is defined as: hypertension
Which of the following refers to a species that has two estrous cycles per year? Diestrous
The bicuspid valve is also known as the __________ valve. Mitral
Pertaining to the eyes and the skin is referred to as which of the following? Oculocutaneous
A disease of the nerves is known as: neuropathy
The initial secretion of the mammary gland before milk is produced is known as: colostrum
Which of the following statements correctly describes a pheromone? A liquid substance released in small quantities by an animal, which causes a specific response if it is detected by another animal of the same species
Which of the following suffixes refers to a blood condition that is usually abnormal? -emia
The lack of normal muscle tone is known as: atony
Total parenteral nutrition is correctly defined as which of the following? Nutrition must be administered by means other than the mouth
An _______________ is a substance that prevents blood from clotting when it is added to the blood. anticoagulant
Which of the following refers to an overdistention of the reticulorumen as a result of rumen gas being trapped in the rumen when the ruminant is unable to eructate? Ruminal tympany
An inflammation affecting both the optic nerve and the retina is known as: Neuroretinitis
The surgical removal of the penis is: penectomy
The recognition by the nervous system of an injury or painful stimulus is known as: nociperception
A stone found in the stomach is a: gastrolith
A disease that is transmitted from animals to humans is defined as: zoonotic
An abnormal dilation of the pupil of the eye is defined as: Corectasis
The act of urination is referred to as: Micturition or voiding
Which of the following correctly defines the term drake? an intact male duck
_________ is defined as pertaining to the study of cells. Cytology
Pain within the testicle is termed: Orchialgia
Which term is defined as the incomplete development or underdevelopment of an organ or tissue? hypoplasia
When an animal is not able to produce offspring it is referred to as: sterile
A stone found within the artery is referred to as which of the following? arteriolith
_____________ is known to be the thickest layer of the uterine wall. Myometrium
The surgical removal of the eardrum is: Myringectomy
Painful urination as a result of muscle spasms in the urinary bladder and urethra is referred to as: stranguria
___________________ is known as the destruction of the rod-shaped muscle cells Rhabdomyolysis
The rupture of an artery is known as: Arteriorrhexis
A group of turkeys is referred to as which of the following? rafter
The destruction of a blood clot is known as: thrombolysis
An ear flap is also known as a: pinna
A male donkey that has not been castrated and is capable of breeding is referred to as a: Jack
Osteomalacia is known as the: softening of bones
A young male chicken between 10 and 32 weeks of age is referred to as: cockerel
Palpebration is defined as: An abnormal contraction of the eyelid
The term tetraparesis refers to the: Muscular weakness in all four limbs
A surgical puncture of the vagina is referred to as which of the following? Colpocentesis
Inflammation of the lymph vessels is known as: Lymphangitis
____________ are short, fine-branching fibers that extend from the cell body. Dendrites
Hydremia refers to which of the following? Disorder in which there is an excess of fluid in the blood
What is the correct term for an intact male cat? Tom
The term avascular refers to which of the following terms? without a blood supply
The prefix atel- refers to which of the following? incomplete
A cystocentesis refers to the: Collection of urine directly from the bladder through a surgical puncture
A diseased condition of pus within the ureter is defined as: Ureteropyosis
Inflammation of all bones or inflammation of every part of one bone is known as: Panosteitis
A small opening or perforation is referred to as which of the following? Foramen
The term buccal refers to which of the following? Pertaining to toward the side of the mouth or cheek
The demarcation line that separates the left and right ventricles of the heart is termed as an: Interventricular groove
Which of the following terms refers to feeding on animals? zoophagy
The wasting away of the brain tissue is referred to as which of the following? Cerebroatrophy
The suffix -itis refers to: inflammation
The measure of the percent of red blood cells in a volume of blood is known as: hematocrit or packed cell volume
A collection of blood in the cranial portion of the ventral cavity is known as: hematothorax
Which term refers to the capability of producing offspring? fecund
A lack of digestion is referred to as which of the following? apepsia
The increased destruction of RBCs within the vascular system is known as: hemolytic anemia
A bridge that forms as part of the healing process across the two halves of a bone fracture is known as a: Callus
Chondro- refers to what structure? cartilage
The term atrophy refers to: wasting away
An immature goose of either sex is referred to as which of the following? Gosling
When the amount of glycogen in the liver is depleted, it is known as: Ketosis
The prefix blephar- refers to which of the following? Eyelid
A painful response to a normally nonpainful stimulus is defined as: allodynia
Tube feeding through a stomach tube is known as which of the following terms? gavage
Which vessel carries blood to the lungs? pulmonary artery
Enlargement of the heart is termed: Cardiomegaly
_____________ is defined as the extensive loss of blood resulting from bleeding. Exsanguination
The process of giving birth to pigs is referred to as: Farrowing
The act of spitting up blood is known as: hemoptysis
The term amyoplasia refers to the: Lack of muscle formation or development
What is the correct term for the resting phase of a heartbeat that occurs between filling of the lower chamber of the heart and the start of contraction? Diastole
_______________ is a primitive blood cell. Hematoblast
The presence of four digits on one foot is known as: Tetradactyly
A head that is abnormally small or thin is referred to as which of the following? Leptocephaly
The prefix cephal- refers to which of the following? Head
The prefix dys- refers to which of the following definitions? painful, defective
The prefix myring- refers to which of the following? Eardrum
Ovariohysterectomy is correctly defined as which of the following? Surgical removal of the uterus and oviducts/ovaries
Spermaturia refers to which of the following? presence of sperm in the urine
The dorsal shell of turtles and tortoises is the: carapace
Which type of muscle attaches the limb to the body? Extrinsic muscle
The suffix -rrhage refers to which of the following? Excessive flow
Hematopoiesis is defined as: formation of blood cells in the body
Which of the following terms correlates with bleeding from the ovary? Oophorrhagia
Which of the following hormones is responsible for testosterone production in males and estrogen production and ovulation in females? Luteinizing hormone
The accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity is defined as: Ascites
The excess dilution of urine is defined as: Hydruria
The term abrasion refers to which of the following descriptions? A skin scrape
The prefix onych- refers to which of the following? Claw, nail
Normal digestion is described by the term: Eupepsia
A nephroblastoma refers to which of the following? A rapidly developing tumor the of the kidney that is most often malignant
A lower respiratory tract infection affecting the lining of the larger air passageways in the lungs is known: Bronchitis
The inside surface of the chamber of the heart is lined by a thin membrane known as the: Endocardium
A group of cats is also referred to as: Clowder or Cluster or Pounce
An abnormally low white blood cell count is referred to as: Leukopenia
The lack of voluntary urination or defecation is referred to as: Incontinence
A progressive wave of contraction and relaxation of the smooth muscles in the wall of the digestive tract that moves food through the digestive tract is known as: Peristalsis
A higher than normal blood level of nitrogen-containing compounds in the blood is described as: Azotemia
The surgical removal of an animal in the early stages of development in the womb is known as: Embryectomy
The term denude refers to which of the following? The loss of epidermis, caused by exposure to urine, feces, body fluids, drainage, or friction
The bare area of the skin of birds where feathers do not originate is referred to as what? Apteria
An intact male ferret is known as a: Hob
An equine that is about to turn one year old is referred to as a: Yearling
An overgrowth of scar tissue at the site of injury is known as: Keloid
An increased amount of carbon dioxide in the blood refers to: Hypercapnia
The term idiopathic refers to: a disease that has an unknown cause
_______________ refers to redness of the skin. Erythematous
The term circumduction refers to which of the following? A joint motion whereby the distal end of an extremity moves in a circle
Which of the following prefixes refers to bone? Osteo-
The surgical removal of the thyroid gland is a(n): Thyroidectomy
An abnormal new growth of plasma cells is known as: Plasmacytoma
A female calf (usually sterile) born twin to a bull calf is referred to as a: Freemartin
The prefix hyster- refers to which of the following? Uterus
The transverse plane correctly divides the body into which parts? Cranial/Caudal
The prefix hetero- refers to which of the following? Different
Prolonged constriction of the pupil of the eye is referred to as which of the following? Miosis
The prefix ultra- refers to which of the following definitions? Beyond, excess
The injection of semen into the vagina or uterus by the use of syringe is termed: Artificial insemination
A concretion is correctly described as: A solid or calcified mass formed by disease found in a body cavity or tissue
What is the correct term for an intact male horse older than 4 years? Stallion
Which of the following correctly defines the prefix poly-? Many
The destruction of skeletal muscle is referred to as which of the following? Rhabdomyolysis
Which of the following provides a smooth joint surface, allowing the bones to move freely over one another? Cartilage
A freely moveable synovial joint is known as a: Diarthrosis
Karyoclastic refers to which of the following definitions? the breaking up of a cell nucleus
Which of the following definitions correctly describes incisor teeth? The most rostral teeth that are used for grasping food
Which of the following terms correctly corresponds with the phrase toward the median plane? Medial
The word root digitorum refers to which of the following? Digit
The term apnea refers to which of the following? Absence of breathing
What structure connects muscles to bones? Tendons
The prefix sarc- refers to which of the following? Flesh
Phimosis is defined as a/an: Inability to extend the penis
The process of shaping or trimming a bird's beak is referred to as: Coping
The term aponeurosis refers to which of the following definitions? Sheetlike dense fibrous collagenous connective tissue that binds muscles together or connects muscle to bone
The term rostral refers to which of the following definitions? Toward the nose when referring to the head
The term ipsilateral refers to which of the following? Located on or affecting the same side of the body
Neoplasm refers to which of the following? Any new and abnormal growth
An abnormally low number of neutrophils refers to: Neutropenia
The term __________________ pertains to the skin of animals. Zoodermic
The term excoriate refers to: scratching the skin
The term myodysplasia refers to which of the following? An abnormal development of muscles
The term bipara refers to what? A female that has given birth twice in two separate pregnancies
A syrinx refers to which of the following? A pathological tube-shaped lesion in the brain or spinal cord
Pruritus refers to: Itching
Hair loss is referred to as which of the following? Alopecia
Which of the following prefixes refers to the chest? Steth-
The process by which white blood cells leave the blood vessel and enter tissue by squeezing through the tiny spaces between the cells' lining is defined as: Diapedesis
Which of the following definitions correctly defines the term wether? A castrated/neutered male ovine
The study of the cause of disease correctly corresponds to which term? Etiopathology
Pericardiocentesis refers to which of the following definitions? The removal of fluid via a needle inserted into the pericardial sac
An egg-type chicken more than 32 weeks of age is referred to as a: Layer
The term acardia refers to which of the following? Absence of the heart
The number of animals within a population that become sick can be defined as: Morbidity
A protein manufactured by the liver that maintains the osmotic fluid balance between capillaries and tissues is referred to as which of the following? Albumin
Which of the following defines neutropenia? An abnormally low number of neutrophils in the blood
The disease of a gland is referred to as: Adenopathy
Myofibrosis is correctly defined as which of the following? Abnormal condition of muscle fibers
The term uremia is defined as: Urine constituents that are found in the blood
A large amount of fat in the feces is known as which of the following? Steatorrhea
A circumscribed craterlike lesion of the skin or mucous membrane is known as: Ulcer
Slipping or telescoping of one part of a tubular organ into a lower portion, causing the type of obstruction typically seen in the intestines, is known as what? Intussusception
Nephrolithotomy refers to the: Surgical incision into the kidney to remove a stone
What term is defined as a joint dislocation when the joint is displaced or goes out of alignment? Luxation
What is the term for the inflammation of a vein? Phlebitis
____________ is defined as a nosebleed. Epistaxis
A rough projection on a bone is known as a: Tuberosity
Chondrology correctly corresponds with which definition? The study of cartilage
A whelp is referred to as which of the following? A young canine
Any human disease that may be transmitted from an animal is referred to as which of the following? Zoonosis
Created by: Smgregory235
Popular Veterinary sets




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