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Blesi8e Ch15 Terms

[MA1] The Respiratory System [Tier 01]

allergic rhinitis inflammation of the nose caused by an allergy
alveoli microscopic air sacs in the lung
angiography a radiologic study of a artery using a radiopaque medium
apnea the absence of breathing.
arteriography a radiologic study of an artery using a radiopaque medium
asthma an allergic reaction to a substance resulting in wheezing, shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing.
atelectasis lack of air in the lungs caused by the collapse of the alveoli of the lungs
bleb a bubble-like structure from destroyed alveoli
bronchi the primary division of the trachea
bronchiole small terminal branches of the bronchi that lack cartilage
bronchitis inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree
carbon dioxide a gas found in the air, exhaled by all animals; the chemical formula is CO2
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) a syndrome characterized by chronic bronchitis, asthma and emphysema, or any combination of these conditions, resulting in dyspnea, frequent respiratory infections and thoracic deformities from attempting to breathe
cilia hair-like projections from epithelial cells, as in the bronchi
cyanosis a bluish discoloration of the skin caused by lack of oxygen
diaphoresis profuse sweating
dyspnea difficult or labored breathing
emphysema a chronic lung disease characterized by overdistension of the alveolar sacs and inability to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide
empyema exudate (pus) within the pleural space of the chest cavity
epiglotis a cartilaginous lid that closes over the larynx when swallowing
expectorated to spit, to expel mucus or phlegm from the throat or lungs.
expiration the expulsion of air from the lungs in breathing
fibrosis abnormal formation of fibrous tissue
hemothorax blood within the pleural space of the chest cavity
hiccup (hiccough) a result of the spasmodic closing of the epiglottis and spasms of the diaphragm
histoplasmosis a fungal infection caused by an organism found in bird and bat droppings
hypoxia a lack of oxygen
influenza an acute illness characterized by fever, pain, coughing and general upper respiratory symptoms
inspiration to breath in, inhale
intubation insertion of a tube into the larynx for entrance of air
laryngectomy surgical removal of a portion of the vertebral posterior arch
laryngitis inflammation of the vocal cords
larynx the voice box
legionnaires' disease an acute broncho-pneumonia
liter a unit of measure
lung the organ of respiration, located within the thoracic cavity
orthopnea respiratory condition in which breathing is possible on in an erect sitting or standing position
oxygen a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas found in the air; chemical symbol O
perfusion passing of a fluid through spaces
pharynx the throat; that portion of the alimentary canal between the mouth and the esophagus
pleura a serous membrane that covers the lungs and lines the thoracic cavity
pleurisy inflammation of the pleura
pneumonia inflammation of the lung caused primarily by microbes, chemical irritants, vegetable dust or allergy
pneumonoconiosis a respiratory condition caused by inhalation of dust particles from mining or stonecutting
pneumothorax a collection of air or gas in the pleural cavity that displaces lung dissue
pulmonary concerning or involving the lungs
pulmonary edema the presence of interstitial fluid in the lung tissue
pulmonary emboli a blockage in the pulmonary artery or one of its branches
respiratory pertaining to respiration
rhinitis inflammation of the nasal mucosa
septum a membranous wall dividing two cavities, as within the heart of the nose.
sinusitis inflammation of the sinuses
spirometer an apparatus that measures the volume of inhaled and exhaled air
spontaneous involuntary; produced by itself; unforced
sputum substance ejected from the mouth containing saliva and mucus; usually refers to material coughed up from the bronchi
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) the sudden, unexplainable death of an infant
surfactant a fatty molecule on the respiratory membranes
trachea a cartilaginous tube between the larynx and the main bronchus of the respiratory tree
tracheotomy a surgically made opening in the trachea through which a person will breathe
tuberculosis an infectious disease caused by the tubercle bacillus; pulmonary tuberculosis is a specific inflammatory disease of the lungs that destroys lung tissue
upper respiratory infection (URI) inflammatory process involving the nose and throat, may include the sinuses; refers to symptoms associated with the common cold
ventilation refers to a diagnostic test to determine air exchange and presence of an embolism
vital capacity the total volume of air exchanged from forced inspiration and forced expiration
Created by: MaesterRay
Popular Medical sets




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