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Radiograph Equipment

Radiography for Veterinary Technicians

How are milliamperage and time linked together? mA is the # of electrons being released, and time refers to the amount of seconds it takes for the anode to receive the electrons-- these go hand in hand to produce a clear image (Short time, but high mA results in less blurring)
Describe the purpose of grids and how their use affects radiograph quality Grids are used to decrease scatter radiation while increasing the contrast of the radiograph
List the parts and function of intensifying screens Intensifying screens are white layers of plastic that line the inside of the cassette. The plastic is made up of microscopic crystals that glow and produce light when x-rays hit them.
How do milliamperage and kilovoltage affect contrast and density? When mA is decreased, density is lightened. Contrast involves cooperation from both mA and kV. A lower kV and higher mA setting are needed for sharper differences such as in extremities
Describe the differences between standard radiography and fluoroscopy? With standard radiography, a one time exposure is taken and evaluated. With fluoroscopy, x-rays are continuously producing during the entire procedure, to create a real-time montage of images
Why are intensifying screens necessary? Because the crystals the screens contain are what emits light when x-rays hit them, thus making the image visible to the human eye
What does the mAs setting on the X-ray machine control? how many electrons are released
What features do portable X-ray units possess? easily moved from one place to another, commonly used in large animal medicine, & has a lower mA capability
What structure is the tungsten plate located on in the x-ray machine? anode
What device is used to control the primary beam? collimator
Why is it important in veterinary radiology to keep the mA setting as high as possible? When the mA is kept as high as possible, the exposure time can be as low as possible. The biggest issue in getting a quality image in veterinary radiology is movement. Shorter exposure times also decrease exposure to radiation
What factors are included in the term "technique" Kilovoltage (kV), milliamperage (mA), and time (s)
List 3 functions of the cassette. Holds intensifying screens, keeps film clean, and keeps light away from film
Created by: BrianaPenn
Popular Veterinary sets




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