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Week One Homework

SID Once Daily (Every 24hrs)
BID Twice Daily (Every 12hrs)
TID Three Times Daily (Every 8 Hours)
QID Four Times Daily (Every 6 Hours)
PRN As Needed
PO By Mouth
SQ Subcutaneous
IM Intramuscular
ID Intradermal
IO Intraosseous (Into the bone)
IP Intraperitoneal
SX Surgical
VX Vomiting
DX Diagnosis
DDX Differential Diagnosis
TX Treatment
IVC Inferior Vena Cava
IV Intravenous
EOD Every Other Day
SOAP Subjective Objective Assessment Plan
CRT Capillary Refill Time
LRS Lactated Ringer’s solution
NaCl Sodium Chloride
BCS Body Condition Score
FS Fecal Starch
MN Male Neutered
TRP Temperature Pulse Respiration
CRI Continuous Rate Infusion
Bradycardia Slow Heart Rate
Tachycardia Fast Heart Rate
Auscultate Listening to a patients internal body organs using a stethoscope (Heart and Lungs)
Sinus Arrhythmia Irregular Heartbeat
Pulse Deficit Fewer pulses than heartbeats
Dorsal Pertaining to the back of a patient
Ventral Belly side of the patient
Lateral Side; away from middle of the body
Medial Toward the middle of the body
Proximal Toward the center or point of attachment to the body
Distal Farthest from the midline of the body
V/D Vomiting/Diarrhea
R Lateral Recumbency Right Lateral Recumbency (Laying of Right Side)
L Lateral Recumbency Left Lateral Recumbency (Laying on Left Side)
Schirmer Tear Test Test designed to determine if the eye produces enough tears to keep it moist
Schiotz Tonometry A tonometer used to measure intraocular pressure in millimeters of mercury
Fluorescein Staining A test that uses orange dye (fluorescein) and a blue light to detect foreign bodies in the eye.
Small (Puppy) Canine HR 120-160 BPM
Large (Adult) Canine HR 60-120 BPM
Adult Feline HR 140-220 BPM
Kitten Feline HR 110-140 BPM
Canine/Feline Temp. 101-102.5 F
CRT 1.5-2 Seconds (Canine and Feline)
52.6lb = 23.9kg
15.2kg = 33.44lb
66.2lb = 30.09kg
Clavamox 125mg 1T PO BID x14 Days = 28T Total
Rimadyl 50mg 1T PO SID x7 Days, Then PRN for 1 Month = 7T Total then give 1T as needed for a month
Metronidazole 50mg/ml PO 3.5mLs BID for 10 Days = 285.6 mL Total
Proin 50mg PO 1T q12 for 30 Days, Increase to 1.5T q12 PRN Afterwards = 60T Total, 90T afterwards
50lb Dog 25mg every 8 hours for 1 week medication comes in 10mg tabs or 50mg tabs = Dog will receive 43 1/2 pills of 50mg tab dosage (tabs get cut in half to equal 25mg per dose 3 times daily 75mgs per day)
Created by: Hammie82298
Popular Veterinary sets




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