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Parasitology I

Quiz Question Review - All quizes up to Blood Parasites (still waiting on grade)

The microscope may function poorly with the accumulation of Biologic contamination, immersion oil, dust
Which of the following is not a type of light microscope? Fluorescence Microscope
Regarding the principle of diffraction, when light passes through small apertures it will cause? Large, diffuse images
What is/are the potential hazard(s) of working with biologic materials in a veterinary laboratory? Parasites, prions, toxins, bacteria, fungus.
Name some parts of a microscope: Condenser, objective, fine focus, coarse focus, stage, iris, eyepiece, nose piece
Electron microscopes utilize the interaction of photons with the specimen to generate an image. False
The purpose of immersion oil is to improve the detail of the image at very high magnification. True
One advantage of the Phase Contrast Microscope over the Bright Field, is the ability to visualize the detailed structures of live micro-organisms. True
In the BTC Vet Tech Lab, culture plates can be disposed of in the regular trash if they are taped shut. False
The condenser should be kept in its ___________position for hematology evaluation (needs the most light). Highest
________________use the coarse adjustment knob for high magnification objectives. Never
______light tends to improve contrast. dim
To increase brightness, open the ________________lever. diaphragm
When the 10x objective is used, the total magnification of the specimen is _______. 100x
Describe proper PPE for working with specimens of biologic hazard potential. Some PPE available for working with specimens of biologic hazard potential include: gloves, lab coats/gowns, goggles/safety glasses, shields, and face masks.
Describe the BTC Vet Tech Lab Safety Protocol for working with specimens of biologic hazard potential. (Do not list the PPE of the previous question) Washing hands at the start and end. Wipe down work surfaces/equipment. Wear appropriate PPE. Dispose of materials in appropriate containers. Report issues to technicians or instructor. Review lab assignment. No cosmetic application, eating/drinking.
An ___________________infects the internal organs of its host. endoparasite
In the scientific name Echinococcus granulosus, Echinococcus refers to the ___________________to which the organism belongs. genus
A ______________________infection is one that can be transmitted between animals and humans. zoonotic
A _______________________ is a carrier object or animal that transfers a parasite without becoming infected itself. vector
Define indirect life cycle.
The time period between infection with a parasite and the appearance of a diagnostic parameter (i.e. ova in feces). Prepatent period
The system of organizing plants and animals based on characteristics taxonomy
Unicellular organisms classified by movement are protozoa
Because the parasite is transferred in the uterus and in milk, virtually all neonate puppies in the USA have Toxocara (ascarids) until treated. True
Ancyclostoma (hookworms) can infect dogs by penetrating the skin. True
The raccoon roundworm (Baylisascaris) can attack the brains of accidental hosts, such as people. True
Flies are common intermediate hosts for flukes. False
Dipylidium (tapeworm) of the dog and cat commonly causes diarrhea and weight loss. False
Heartworm (Dirofilaria) is a nematode. True
Whipworm (Trichuris vulpis) ova can survive in the environment for years. True
There are no parasites contagious from dogs to humans in the state of Washington. False
Effective prevention of internal parasites includes at least 6 recommendations. Name 3. Cooking food to appropriate temperatures and adequate time. Effective hand-washing. Only drink water from safe sources.
Intradermal mites are diagnosed based on adult morphology, this sample is best collected by skin scrape (until capillary blood achieved)
squirrel with CuterebraCuterebra (Rodent Bots) are acquired by cats by inserting their heads into rodent burrows
Which mite has zoonotic potential? Sarcoptes (scabies mite)
When differentiating a biting louse from a sucking louse, the most accurate morphologic feature is: head shape and mouth parts
The process of fly larva developing in the tissues of the host is called_________________. furunculosis
To effectively and safely prevent reinfection of a pet with an ectoparasite the veterinary team should Educate the client on the life cycle of the diagnosed parasite. Place the animal on a preventative medication/treatment schedule. Alter the environment to disrupt the parasite life cycle.
Lice are species specific to their host and are not a zoonotic threat. True
Ear mites (Otodectes) are only a problem in puppies and kittens and will go away within a few months without treatment. False
Follicle mites (Demodex) are considered normal flora in most species and only cause significant clinical disease in immunosuppressed hosts. True
Define sucking louse of the dog:
Define biting louse of the dog:
Sheep keds (Melophagus) are wingless flies that can cause significant economic losses in sheep herds. True
What is Demodex?
When extracting a Cuterebra from the host, damaging the parasite may cause an anaphylaxis in the host animal. True
"Ear canker" of rabbits is caused by Psoroptes cuniculi
Define direct life cycle.
Treatment of an animal for parasitic fly infections is called "Fly Strike." False
Fleas leave behind a small amount of __________, which is an irritant that may cause allergies. saliva
The flea life cycle includes 4 stages of development: adult, egg, larva, pupa
Modern, monthly flea and tick preventives have not eliminated the need for _______________. Owners checking pets for external parasites. Environmental control. Veterinary visits. Client education.
Although some over-the-counter flea products are safe for dogs, they may be toxic to cats. True
Prior to treating the yard for fleas and ticks, the homeowner should__________________. mow the grass
Adult ticks have a 8 legs because they are arachnids. True
The saliva of some ticks is toxic and may cause paralysis of dogs. True
Ticks can only survive 2-3 weeks without a blood meal. False
The most common flea found on dogs and cats in the USA is Ctenocephalides felis. True
Fleas can transmit dangerous diseases, such as bubonic plague and Cat Scratch Fever, to pets and humans. True
The life cycle of the tick has four stages: Egg, larva, nymph, adult
It is essential that the owner understand that flea control is necessary to prevent the recurrence of tapeworms (Dipylidium) in their pet. True
Name three diseases (animal or zoonotic) that can be transmitted by tick bites. Rocky mountain spotted fever. Lyme disease. Tularemia.
Describe one method for diagnosing fleas on a pet when adult fleas are not visible in the exam room. You can inspect the pet, groin/armpit/rump/head/ear area, for flea dirt and redness or irritation. If flea dirt is found, you can reconstitute it with saline or water. It will appear red (blood) against something white (like gauze).
The only known definitive host for Toxoplasma is the cat
To get rid of roundworms that are passed from the mother dog, puppies should be treated at 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks of age
Which parasite can infect the dog via penetration of the skin? hookworm
There were 10 tips to decrease the risk of zoonotic infection that the veterinary team should relate to owners. Use preventative products year round as advised by DVM. De-worm dogs and cats per DVM. Pickup up after dogs daily. Pet owner pregnant, should be advised have others care for litterbox. They should wear gloves and wash hands thoroughly-clean litter daily.
How often should an adult dog have a fecal evaluation by the veterinary team? at least once per year
The Indirect Life Cycle requires an intermediate host for parasite development, before the parasite matures to a reproducing form in its definitive host. True
Roundworms of dogs or cats may cause significant health problems in people (zoonoses). True
According to the ACT video Identifying Intestinal Parasites, which intestinal parasite can infect puppies while still in the uterus or while nursing mother's milk? roundworms (Ascarids)
What is the minimum amount of solid feces to evaluate for accurate test results? 1-2 grams
Which fecal analysis test is likely to yield the most ova recovery? Centrifugal flotation
What is a hydrometer used for in a parasitology setting? Evaluation of specific gravity of flotation solutions
Why is an understanding of relative parasite ova size important? The size of the ova may determine the best test method to use. Size of the ova can determine slide evaluation techniques to use. Ova may appear similar, but can be differentiated based on size.
Another name for feline and canine coccidia? Isospora felis and I. canis
The main indication for performing a Direct Smear evaluation is the suspicion of a motile protozoa or larva. True
It takes less time to spin a swing-arm centrifugal sample than to float ova passively. True
The desired specific gravity of fecal flotation solutions is 1.18-1.2 True
Why are tapeworm ova difficult to recover by fecal analysis and how is this important to client education? Fecal flotation solutions allow parasite ova to float or settle. Sample one gram or more if it's liquid. Put in container. Mixed with flotation solution. Can centrifuge, or fluid can add liquid to form a miniscus gently add slide cover wait 15 minutes.
Why is the maintenance of fecal flotation solutions important?
Why is the correct/accurate parasite identification important to the veterinary team? It will help them formulate a plan of treatment, education for the client, and suggestions for future prevention.
The citation format most commonly in medical publications is APA (American Psychological Assoication)
When writing out the scientific genus and species names, the writer should use italics or underline
Which of the following works need citation? All work by another person or groups need citation: direct quotes, images or diagrams, paraphrasing a concept.
What is the function of BTC Library Onesearch? search key words of all materials immediately available at BTC
What should a student do if the article you need costs $25 to access? Fill out the online Interlibrary Loan Request form
When is the BTC library open? Monday-Friday
Where is the abstract placed in a research paper? Immediately after the title
What should the writer consider when choosing references to consult? The expertise of the author(s). Bias of the author or the publisher. How old is the reference.
Which of the following is an example of an electronic Database? ProQuest. Google Scholar. Pubmed.
When a student researches books, journals and websites, this is an example of utilizing? secondary research
Name the animal that is the definitive host for Dirofilaria immitis dog
A tick carrying Borrelia burgdorferi may transmit Lyme Disease to a dog after feeding for __________________. 24 hours
Adult heartworms will live in a cat for 2-3 years
Match the parasite with the correct vector or intermediate host: Trypanosoma - reduvid bug Anaplasma - tick Dirofilaria - mosquito Mycoplasma (Hemobartonella) - flea or tick
Microfilaria of Dirofilaria are in the blood in higher numbers at night compared to during the day, this is an example of _________. periodicity
Heartworm is a very common disease in Texas, that means it is _______________. endemic
If a four-month-old puppy is tested for heartworm and the test is negative, he may still have _________________. occult infection
The Direct Exam for heartworm disease is an evaluation for the presence of microfilaria
The L3 larva stage is the Dirofilaria immitis stage that is transferable from the mosquito to another host. True
Heartworm infection primarily causes heart disease in the dog and lung disease in the cat. True
The Filter Technique is a good test for evaluating the presence of heartworm in the cat. False
Ehrlichia and Anaplasma infect the red blood cells of animals. False
Racing greyhounds are at increased risk for Hemobartonellosis. False
Heartworm disease has been reported in animals in all 50 states in the USA. True
Anaplasma is a blood parasite infection that occurs in Washington state. True
Which of the following is a common test for detecting Heartworm in the dog? ELISA for antigen
Which of the following statements regarding Hemobartonellosis in cats is correct? It attaches to the surface of red blood cells. It is caused by Mycoplasma haemofelis. It can cause fatal anemia if the cat acquire Feline Leukemia virus (FeLV).
Created by: Raevyn1
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