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Habit 3

Advanced Leadership Flashcards (Habit 3)

What is Habit 3? Put First Things First
What does Habit 3 Mean? It's all about learning to prioritize and manage your time so that the most important things get done first.
What is Willpower? The strength to say yes to your most important things
What is Won't Power? The strength to say no to less important things and peer pressure
What are the two factors that make up the time quadrants? Important and Urgent
What is important? Your most important things, your first things
What is Urgent? Things that have to be done ASAP, in-your-face things
What is Quadrant 1? The Procrastinator (Urgent + Important)
Describe the Procrastinator Likes to put things off until it becomes a crisis
What are the results of living in Q1? Stress and anxiety Feeling burnt out Mediocre performance
What is Q2? The Prioritizer (Not Urgent + Important)
Describe the Prioritizer Takes a look at everything they have to do and makes sure first things get done first
What are the results of living in Q2? Control in your life Balance High Performance
What is Q3? The Yes-Man (Urgent + Not Important)
Describe the Yes-Man Trying to please people and responding to their every desire.
What are the results of living in Q3? Feeling like a follower Lack of discipline Feeling like a doormat
What is Q4? The Slacker (Not Urgent + Not Important)
Describe the Slacker This is the quadrant of waste and excess. Too much TV, too much sleep, too much gaming...
What are the results of living in Q4? Lack of responsibility Guilt Flakiness Missing out
When do urgent things become bad? When we focus on urgent things more than important things.
What are two ways to spend more time in Q2? 1. Get a planner 2. Plan weekly
What are the 3 steps to planning weekly? 1. Identify your Big Rocks 2. Block out time for your Big Rocks 3. Schedule everything else
How do you identify your Big Rocks? Think through the key roles in your life - student, friend, family member, etc. and come up with the one or two most important things you want to get done in each role.
What does block out time for Big Rocks mean? Put your big rocks on a calendar. It's like a reservation.
What prevents people from putting first things first? 1. Fear 2. Peer Pressure
What is the comfort zone? Represents the things you are familiar with It's risk-free It doesn't cause you to stretch We feel safe and secure
What is the courage zone? Everything that makes us feel challenged (aka uncomfortable) Uncertainty, pressure, change, the possibility of failure Also the place for opportunity The only place where you'll reach your full potential
What are hard moments? Conflicts between doing the right thing and doing the easier thing
Describe a small, hard moment. Occur daily. Such as getting up when your alarm goes off, controlling your temper, finishing homework. They can be the first of many little failures or little successes.
Describe a large, hard moment Occur every so often. Such as surrounding yourself with good friends, resisting negative peer pressure, bouncing back after a setback
How do we overcome peer pressure? Care more about what YOU think of you than what OTHER PEOPLE think of you.
Why is peer pressure hard to resist? We all just want to belong.
What is the common ingredient of success? Discipline. Discipline. Discipline. Putting first things first takes discipline. It takes discipline to manage your time. It takes discipline to overcome your fears. It takes discipline to be strong in the hard moments and resist peer pressure.
Created by: Sabrina_thecool
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