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anatomy 7

exam 7

location of left lobe of pancreas along greater curvature of stomach in deep leaf of greater omentum
location of right lobe of pancreas along descending duodenum in mesoduodenum
location of body of pancreas at cranial duodenal flexure/pylorus
location of spleen in superficial leaf of greater omentum
peritoneum that suspends abdominal organs to dorsal body wall greater omentum, mesoduodenum, mesojejunum, mesoileum, mesocolon, mesorectum
peritoneum that suspends abdominal organs to ventral body wall lesser omentum, falciform ligament, median ligament of the urinary bladder
aka dorsal mesogastrium greater omentum
aka ventral mesogastrium lesser omentum and falciform ligament
celiac a. supplies foregut
cranial mesenteric a. supplies midgut
caudal mesenteric a. supplies hindgut
left gastric a. supplies left side of stomach and terminal esophagus
splenic a. supplies spleen, left side of stomach, left lobe of pancreas, greater omentum
hepatic a. supplies liver, right side of stomach, body and right lobe of pancreas, inital portion of duodenum, greater omentum
caudal pancreaticcoduodenal a. supplies right lobe of pancreas, duodenum
mesenteric ileal a. supplies ileum
colic br. of ileocolic a. supplies initial part of ascending colon
cecal a. supplies cecum and ileum via antimesenteric ileal a.
right colic a. supplies ascending colon
middle colic a. supplies transverse colon
left colic supplies descending colon
location of right kidney retroperitoneally against sublumbar muscles from L1-L3
Location of left kidney retroperitoneally against sublimbar muscles from L2-L4,
Location of pelvic urethra internal
location of penile urethra external
muscle that surrounds pelvic urethra urethralis m.
Muscle of urinary bladder detrusor m.
pampiniform plexus formed via testicular vein. around the controted testicular artery for heat exchange.
tunica dartos fibromuscular layer of scrotal wall. formed via connective tissue and smooth muscle. extends b/w testes (scrotal septum)
scrotal septum separates testes into separate compartments
bulbospongiosus m. covers the bulb of the penis. contraction causes increased pressure in urethra
ischiocavernosus m. cover the crura. supports the erect penis
ischiourethralis m. form ring around dorsal veins of penis. contraction restricts venous return, helping maintain penile tumescence
suspensory ligament of the ovary tissue type connective tissue
suspensory ligament of the ovary location transversalis fascia near dorsal end of last rib
proper ligament of the ovary tissue type connective tissue
proper ligament of the ovary location uterine horn. continued to the inguinal canal and inguinal region by round ligament of the uterus
abdominal ostium entrance at infundibulum
tuboterine junction opening into uterine horn
mesosalpinx serous membrane. attaches to mesovarium and forms much of the wall of the ovarian bursa
internal uterine ostium uterine opening. directed dorsally
external uterine ostium vaginal opening. directed ventrally
fornix cranial most part of vagina. extends ventral to cervix. caudal portion retroperitoneal
mucosal lining of fornix longitudinal folds with smaller transverse folds. able to extend both diameter and length
external urethral orifice opening of urethra. marks vaginovestibular junction
urethral tubervle soft tissue projection from floor at external urethral orifice
vestibular bulbs erective tissue in the lateral walls
constrictor vestivbuli m. striated muscle. constricts wall of vestibule.
rima pudendi vulvar cleft
Perineal body fibromuscular complex b/w the anal canal and the urogenital tract
features torn during OHE 1.suspensory ligaments 2.mesovarium 3.mesometrium 4.round ligaments
features ligated/cut during OHE 1.ovarial a. and v. 2.uterine a. and v. 3. uterine body
caudal epigastric a. supplies caudoventral aspect of abdominal wall
external pudendal a . supplies inguinal region and superficial tissues of caudoventral abdomen
medial circumflex femoral a. supplies adjacent tissues. muscles near proximoedial thigh
superficial circumflex iliac a. supplies muscles adjacent to deep sartorius
lateral circumflex femoral a. supplies adjacent muscles b/w rectus femoris and vastus medialis. also coxal jt
saphenous a. supplies collateral circulation to pes
descending genicular a. supplies medial aspect of genual jt
cranial tibial a. supplies craniolateral m. of crus
medial saphenous v. used commonly in cats
lateral saphenous v. used commonly in dogs
superficial inguinal LN drains caudoventral abdomen, ventral perineum, medial aspect of pelvic limb.
specific drainage of superficial inguinal LN in female abdominal and inguinal mammary glands
specific drainage of superficial inguinal LN in male penis, prepuce, scrotum
popliteal LN drains distal portion of pelvic limb
clinical range of lumbosacral pexus L4-S3
Femoral n. injury inability to extend genual jt. inability to bear wt on pelvic limb
obturator n. injury inability to adduct limb. limb "slides out" on slippery surface
common fibular n. injury inability to flex tarsal jts and extend digital jt. "knuckled over". loss of sensation over dorsum of paw
tibial n. injury inability to extend tarsal jts and flex digital jt. "dropped hock". loss of sensation on plantar surface of paw
Created by: ejohnson17
Popular Veterinary sets




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