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Ch. 15 Feed/Protect

Veterinary Medical Terminology

Hematologic System encompasses the production of blood and the transport of blood throughout the body
Blood supplies body tissues with oxygen, nutrients (vitamins, minerals, glucose, amino acids)
Hem/o, Hemat/o meaning "blood"
Hematology the study of blood
Hematopoiesis meaning "formation of blood"
-poiesis meaning "formation"
Drawing blood common term for collecting a blood sample
Anticoagulant a substance that prevents blood clotting
EDTA Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid - an anticoagulant
Heparin a drug that is an anticoagulant
Coagulation the process of clotting
Buffy Coat a layer that forms on the interface of the erythrocytes and plasma during coagulation that is made up of leukocytes and thrombocytes
Serum the liquid portion of blood with clotting proteins removed, when blood is allowed to clot, the remaining liquid portion is serum
Plasma straw-colored fluid portion of blood that transports nutrients, hormones, and waste. contains clotting proteins, and is a COLLOID
Colloid a liquid that contains suspended particles
Clotting Proteins Fibrinogen, Prothrombin, Albumin
Fibrin/o meaning "Fibrin or threads of a clot"
Pro- meaning "before"
Thromb/o meaning "clot"
Cholesterol and Triglyceride Lipids, or fats, that circulate in blood
Erythrocyte a mature red blood cell. abbr. RBC
Eryth/o meaning "red"
-cyte meaning "cell"
Hemoglobin a blood protein that transports oxygen
Heme the non-protein, iron concentrating portion of hemoglobin
Central Pallor the central pale area of a RBC that represents the thinnest part of the biconcave disc.
Hypochromatic RBC RBC that have more central pallor then normal and have decreased hemoglobin concentration
Polychromatic RBC that have less central pallor than normal and have increased hemoglobin, and have altered cell membranes, making them appear blue
Immature Polychromatic RBC just released from bone marrow and may still have their ribosomes and mitochondria, are also larger and bluer in color
Myel/o meaning "bone marrow, and spinal chord"
Reticulocyte immature, non-nucleated erythrocyte charaterized by polychromasia
Reticulocytosis seen with regenerative anemia
Macrophage a large cell that destroys by eating (engulfing).
Macr/o meaning "large"
-phage meaning "eating"
Phagocyte meaning "a cell that eats" or a leukocyte that ingests foreign material
Hematology the study of blood
Morphology the study of form or shape
Leukocyte a white blood cell, abbr WBC
Leuk/o meaning "white"
Leucocytopoiesis the production of white blood cells
Granulocyte a cell that contains prominent grain-like structures in its cytoplasm
Agranulocyte a cell that does not contain prominent grain-like structures in its cytoplasm
Basophilic stained readily with basic, or blue, dyes in many commonly used stains such as hematoxylin and eosin, Giemsa, and Wright's
Eosinophilic stained readily with acidic, or pink dyes in many commonly used stains such as H&E, Giemsa, and Wright's
Normocytic meaning "normal cell size"
Macrocytic Meaning "larger than normal cell size"
Microcytic meaning "smaller than normal cell size"
Poikilocytosis condition of irregular cells, clinically means varied shapes of erythrocytes
Poikilo meaning "irregular"
Anisocytosis condition of unequal cell size; excessive varriation in RBC size
Normochromic normal RBC color (has area of central pallor of normal size)
Hypochromic less than normal color (has enlarged area of central pallor)
Hyperchromic more than normal color (term is not commonly used)
Polychromasia "condition of many colors" that appears as an overall blue tint of Wright-stained RBCs due to shrinking of the cell membrane; indicates slight immaturity of the erythrocyte
Rouleaux RBC's that are arranged like stacks of coins on the peripheral blood smear; may be artifact or may be normal in species such as cats and horses
Agglutination clumping of RBC's due to the presence of an antibody directed against RBC surface antigens that forms a lattice work that links them together
Lymphocyte class of "agranulocytic" leukocyte that contains a diverse set of cells including those that can directly attack specific pathogens of produce antibodies
Monocyte class of "agranulocytic" leukocyte that has a phagocytic function and participates in the inflammatory response
Neutrophil class of granulocytic leukocyte that has a phagocytic function (mainly against bacteria)
Segmented Neutrophil or Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte (PMN) mature Neutrophil
Polymorphonuclear meaning " mulitshaped nucleus"
Band Cell or Banded Neutrophil an immature PMN
Heterophils large and stain a deep orange or red, in rabbits, birds, amphibians, and reptiles
Eosinophil class of granulocytic leukocyte that detoxifies allergens and controls parasitic infections by damaging parasitic membranes
Basophil class of granulocytic leukocyte that promotes the inflammatory response and contains histamine in its cytoplasmic granules
Thrombocyte nucleated clotting cell (non-mammalian vertebrates)
Platelet anucleated clotting cell (mammalian vertebrates)
Megakaryocyte a large nucleated cell found in the bone marrow from which platelets are formed
Bone Marrow Biopsy sample of bone marrow obtained by needle aspiration for examination of cells, taken from long bones
Blood Smear blood specimen for microscopic examination in which blood is spread thinly across a microscope slide and typically stained
Ultrasound diagnostic procedure to image the structures of blood vessels and flow of blood through these vessels
Anemia blood condition of less-than-normal levels of red blood cells and/or hemoglobin
Basopenia deficiency in the number of basophils in the blood
-penia meaning "indicates a decrease in a particular type of cell"
Basophilia elevation in the number basophils in the blood
-philia is a suffix that indicates in increase in a particular type of cell
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation disorder in which the proteins that control blood clotting become abnormally active, producing clots that obstruct the blood vessels, cut off blood supply to various organs.
Dyscrasia any abnormal condition of the blood
Edema accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space
Edemateous is the adjective form of edema
Eosinophilia elevation in the number of eosinophils in the blood
erythrocytosis abnormal increase in red blood cells
-cytosis suffix meaning condition of cell but implies elevated cell numbers
exudate material that has escaped from blood vessels and is high in protein, cells, or solid materials derived from cells; are typically inflammatory in nature
hemolytic removing and destroying red blood cells
hemolytic anemia excessive RBC destruction, resulting in lower-than-normal levels of RBCs
hemolytic serum contains red blood cell components that are released when erythrocytes are damaged due to a variety of causes (such as improper specimen processing, collection, or transport) and appears pink or blood-tinged
hemolysis the breaking down of red blood cells
lysis medical term for destruction or breakdown
hemophilia hereditary condition of deficient blood coagulation
hemorrhage loss of blood (usually in a short period of time
hemostasis the act of controlling blood or bleeding
hemostat an instrument used to control bleeding
hyperemia excess blood in a part; engorgment
hyperlipidemia blood condition of abnormally high fat levels; more accurately means abnormally high fat levels caused by fat metabolism
lip/o combining form for fat
icteric serum serum that has yellow pigmentation that is suggestive of hyperbilirubinemia
left shift common term for an alteration in the distribution of leukocytes in which there are increases in banded neutrophils usually in response to severe bacterial infection
leukemia elevation in the number of malignant white blood cells; animals with leukemia have extremely elevated total leukocyte counts; may be classifies according to the concentration of neoplastic cells that are circulating in the blood
leukocytosis elevation in the number of white blood cells
leukopenia deficiency of white blood cells; also called leukocytopenia
lipemia excessive amount of fats in the blood
lipemic serum fats from blood that have settled in the serum; serum appears to be cloudy and white
lymphocytosis elevated numbers of lymphocytes in the blood
lymphopenia deficiency of the lymphocytes in the blood
modified transudate material that has cell numbers and distribution similar to transudates but the protein concentration is greater than 2.5 g/dL resulting from leakage of high protein lymph
monocytopenia deficiency of monocytes in the blood
monocytosis elevated numbers of monocytes in the blood
myelodysplasia hematologic disorder characterized clinically and morphologically by ineffective hematopoiesis that results in some form of cytopenia such as anemia, neutropenia, and/or thrombocytopenia
neutropenia deficiency in the number of neutrophils in the blood
neutrophilia elevation in the number of neutrophils in the blood
pancytopenia deficiency of all types of blood cells
phagocytosis condition of engulfing or eating cells
polycythemia condition of many cells; clinically means excessive erythrocytes
septicemia blood condition in which pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria) and their toxins are present
-emia suffix means blood condition
pathogenic means producing disease
Created by: dmweaver
Popular Veterinary sets




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