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ACE Random Review

Mainly dealing with Deviations, muscles, body in general.

Low Back Pain (LPB) - Acute Last from a few days to a few weeks and is usual mechanical in nature.
Low Back Pain - Chronic Generally defined as pain that persist for more than 3 months.
People with LBP should AVOID: (1) Unsupported forward flexion, (2) Twisting at the waist w/ feet turned, (3) Lifting both legs simultaneously when in a prone or supine position, (4) Rapid movements (twisting,forward flexion, hypertension.
People with LBP SHOULD: (full list (Pg.549)) (1) Consult physician, (2) warm up & cool down each session, (3) maintain neutral pelvic alignment & erect torso, (5) Avoid head-forward position w/chin tilted up, (6) Always BEND knees when leaning forward, lifting, lowering
LPB Basic Training Components: Cardiorespiratory training, resistance training, and basic core exercises
Concentric Muscle Contraction: (Shorten) The length of the muscles shorten while undergoing tension. (bicep curl up)
Eccentric Muscle Contraction: (Lengthen) The length of the muscle elongates, or lengths while undergoing tension. Can be voluntary or involuntary. (bicep curl down)
Isometric Muscle Contraction: (Unchanged) Length of the muscle doesn't change when undergoing tension. (holding a Bicep Curl mid way in an "L" shape)
Strain (Pg. 625) Is the overstretching or tearing of muscles or tendons. Tendons are the dense fibrous cords of tissue that connect bones to muscles. The most common locations for a muscle ____ are the hamstring muscle and the lower back.
Sprains (Pg.592) Is the overstretching or tearing of ligaments. Ligaments are the bands of tissue that connect two bones together in a joint. The most common location for a ____ is the ankle joint.
Shoulders NOT Level (Pg.162) : Muscles suspected to be Tight? Upper Trapezius, Levator Scapula, Rhomboids.
Asymmetry to midline (Pg.162) : Muscles suspected to be Tight? Lateral trunk flexors (flexed side)
Protracted (forward rounded) (Pg.162) : Serratus anterior, anterior scapulohumeral muscles, upper trapezius
Medially rotated humerus (Pg.162) : Pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi (shoulder adducturs), subscapularis
Kyphosis and depressed chest (162): Shoulder adductors, pectoralis minor, rectus abdominis, internal oblique
Shoulder Impingement Syndrome Shoulder pain caused by connective tissue (tendons) rubbing on a shoulder blade.
Type 1 Muscle Fibers (Slow- twitch) (Pg.270) Enhances a stabilizers muscle's capacity for endurance which allows joints to stabilize for prolonged periods w/o fatigue. Are typically small w/ more aerobic power.
Type 2 Muscle Fibers (Fast twitch) (Pg.270) Primarily responsible for joint movement and generating larger force. Better suited for strength & power type training. Responsible for high-force, short duration contractions, and enhancements of muscle size/definition
Lordosis (Pg.152) Increased anterior lumbar curve from neutral.
Muscles Imbalances Associated w/ Kyphosis-Lordosis Posture (Pg.151) HYPERTONIC (Shoretend ): Hip Flexors, Lumbar extensors, Anterior chest/shoulders, Latissius dorsi, Mex Extensors INHIBITED (Lengthened): Hip Extensors, External obliques, Upper-back extensors, Scapular stabilizers, Neck flexors
Muscles Imbalances Associated w/ Flat-back Posture (Pg.151) HYPERTONIC (Shortened): Rectus Abdomonis, Upper-back extensors, Neck extensors, Ankle plantar flexors INHIBITED (Lengthened): Iliacus/psosas major, internal oblique, Lumbar extensors, Neck flexors
Muscles Imbalances Associated w/ Posture (Pg.151) HYPERTONIC (Shortened): INHIBITED (Lengthened):
Kyphosis (Pg.152) Increased posterior thoracic curve from neutral.
Flat back (Pg.152) Decreased anterior lumbar curve.
Sway Back (Pg.152) Decreased anterior lumbar curve and increased posterior thoracic curve from neutral.
Scoliosis Lateral spinal curvature often accompanied by vertebral rotation.
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