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Vet Vocab. & Terms

FeLV Feline Leukemia Virus
CPR Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
FIV Feline Immunodeficiency Virus
CRT Capillary Refill Time
q Every
qh Every Hour
qd Every Day
q6h Every 6 Hours
q2h Every 2 Hours
QID Four Times A Day
QOD Every Other Day
DOA Dead On Arrival
CAP Capsule
AU Auris Unitas (Both Ears)
AL Auris Sinsitra (Left Ear)
AD Auris Dexter (right ear)
Dx Diagnosis
AG Anal Glands
BID Twice Daily
BM Bowel Movement
HCT Hematocrit
PCV Packed Cell Volume
IN Intranasal
IO Intraosseus
IM Intramuscular
ID Intradermal
IP Intraperitoneal
BW Body Weight
CBC Complete Blood Count`
DLH Domestic Longhair
DSH Domestic Short Hair
HBC Hit By Car
FS Female Spayed
HW Heartworm
HWP Heartworm Preventative
PO per os (by mouth)
per os orally (by mouth)
BAR Bright, Alert, and Responsive
ad lib freely, as wanted
c with
CNS Central Nervous System
FIP Feline Infectious Peritonitis
Tab Tablet
BUN Blood Urea Nitrogen
SUSP Suspension
TX Treatment
TNT Toenail Trim
SR Sututre Removal
TPR Temperature, Pulse, Respiration
R/O Rule Out
prn as necessary
qhs quantity not sufficient
RBC Red Blood Cell
OHE Ovariohysterectomy (spay)
OS Oculus Sinister (left eye)
OD Oculus Dexter (right eye)
OU Oculus Unitas (both eyes)
MN Male Neutered
LRS Lactated Ringer's Solution
OFA Orthopedic Foundation for Animals
IV Intravenous
OE Orchidectomy (neuter)
NPO Nothing per os (nothing by mouth)
TID Three Times A Day
SID Once A Day
UNG Ointment
WBC White Blood Cell
UA Urinalysis
SQ Subcutaneous
SC Subcutaneous
Created by: ML.Johnny
Popular Veterinary sets




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