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SSCT Intro to A&P C6

SSCT Intro to Anatomy & Physiology Ch. 6

Articulations joint
Hematopoiesis blood cell formation, found in red bone marrow
Red bone marrow soft connective tissue inside the hard walls of some bones
Diaphysis shaft of long bone
Medullary cavity hallow area inside the diaphysis of a bone
yellow bone marrow an inactive fatty form of marrow found in the adult skeleton
Epiphysis ends of bones, red bone marrow fills in small spaces n the spongy bone composing the epiphysis.
Articular cartilage cartilage covering the joint ends of bones
Periosteum tough, connective tissue covering the bone
Endosteum a fibrous membrane that lines the medullary cavity.
Dense Bone bone with an outer layer that is hard and dense.
Compact bone dense bone
Trabeculae needlike threads of spongy bone that surround a network of spaces
Osteons structural unit of compact bone tissue made up of concentric layers (lamellae)of hard bone matrix and bone cells (osteocytes)
concentric lamella ring of calcified matrix surrounding the haversian canal
osteocyte bone cell
lacunae space or cavity; for example lacunae in bone contain bone cells
canaliculi an extremely narrow tubular passage or channel in compact bone
periosteum tough, connective tissue covering the bone
cartilage specialized, fibrous connective tissue that has the consistency of a firm plastic or gristle like gel
Chondrocytes cartilage cell
Osteoblasts bone forming cell
Osteoclasts bone absorbing cell
Endochondral Ossification the process in which most bones are formed from cartilage models
Epiphyseal plate the cartilage plate that is between the epiphysis and the diaphysis and allows growth to occur; sometimes refered to as the growth plate
Epiphyses ends of a long bone
Diaphysis shaft on a lone bone
Axial Skeleton the bones of the head, neck, and torso
Appendicular Skeleton the bons of the upper and lower extremeties of the body
Cranium bony vault made up of eight bones that encase the brain
Middle Ear a tiny and very thin epithelium lined cavity in the temporal bone that houses the ossicles; in the middle ear, sound waves are amplified
Sinuses a space or cavity inside some of the cranial bones
Paranasal Sinuses four pairs of sinuses that have openings into the nose
Sutures immovable joint
Fontanels "soft spots" on the infants head; unossified areas in the infant skull
vertebrae bones that make up the spinal column
Thorax Chest
Chest Thorax
Scapula Shoulder Blade
Clavicle collarbone, connects the upper extremity to the axial skeleton
Olecranon Fossa a large depression on the posterior surface of the humerus
Sternoclavicular Joint the direct point of attachment between the bones of the upper extremity and the axial skeleton
Radius one of the two bones in the forearm; located on the thumb side of the forearm
Ulna one of the two forearm bones; located on the little finger side
Olecranon Process the large bony process of the ulna; commonly referred to as the tip of the elbow
Carpal pertaining to the wrist
Meta-carpal the part of the hand between the wrist and fingers
Phalanges the bones that make up the fingers and toes
Hip the joint connecting the legs to the trunk; pelvic girdle
Pelvic Girdle connects the legs to the trunk; hip bones
Coxal pelvic bone or hip bone formed by fusion of three distinct bones (ilium, ischium, and pubis) during skeletal development
Ilium distal portion of the small intestine
Ischeum one of three separate bones that forms the os coxa
Pubis joint in the midline between the two pubic bones
Femur thigh bone, which is the longest bone in the body.
Acetabulum socket in the hip bone into which the head of the femur fits
Patella small, shallow pan; the kneecap
Tibia shinbone
Fibula the slender non-weight bearing bone located on the lateral aspect of the leg.
Metatarsal Arch the arch that extends across the ball of the foot; also called the transverse arch
Tarsals Seven bones of the heel and back part of the foot; the calcaneus is the largest
Calcaneus heel bone; largest tarsal in the foot
longitudinal Arch two arches, the medial and lateral, that extends lengthwise in the foot
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Transverse Arch the arch that extends across the ball of the foot also known as the Metatarsal Arch
Metatarsal Arch the arch that extends across the ball of the foot also known as the Transverse Arch
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Synarthrosis a joint in which fibrous connective tissue joints bones and holds them together tightly; commonly called sutures
Amphiarthrosis slightly movable joint such as the joint joining the two pubic bones
Diarthroses freely movable joint
Ligaments bond or band connecting two objects; in anatomy a band of white fibrous tissue connecting bones
Articular Cartilage cartilage covering the joint ends of bones
Synovial Membrane connective tissue membrane lining the spaces between bones and joints that secretes synovial fluid
Flexion act of binding; decreasing the angle between two bones at the joint
Extension increasing the angle between two bones at a joint
Rotation movement around the longitudinal axis; for example, shaking her head "no"
Flex act of binding; decreasing the angle between two bones at the joint
Extend straighten a bend
Abduct move away from the center of midline
Adduct move toward the center or midline
Circumduct move the distal end in a circular path
Long bones humerus, fermur
short bones carpals
flat bones skull bones (ie frontal)
Irregular bones vertebrae
Long Bone Diaphysis, Medullary Cavity, Epiphysis, Articular Cartilage, Periosteum, Endosteum
Created by: dmdisme
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