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Animal Care Unit 1 A

Understanding the signs of good and ill health in animals

What 3 checks can we use to decide whether an animal is healthy or ill? Daily visual checks, weekly physical checks, weight checks
Why is it important to observe an animal before handling it? To minimise stress to the animal
Why should we check the animal's daily record? To see whether there are any changes in behaviour and health
When is it best to observe rather than handle an animal? When it is pregnant, ill, very young, aggressive or poisonous
Small changes in an animal's daily behaviour could be early signs of what? More serious illness in the animal
Why is it important to observe an animal in a stress free state? To get a more accurate observation
Why is it important to observe an animal when it is stressed? To know what animals look like when they are stressed
Why is a visual temperament assessment important? It can tell us when an animal should not be handled for a physical check
The choice of restraining equipment for an animal can depend on what? The animal's temperament - whether it is playful, scared or aggressive for instance
What is NORMAL behaviour for a DOG/CAT? alert behaviour (looking around, responding to noise) with minimal fear
What is ALERT BEHAVIOUR? looking around, responding to noise, observing surroundings and being curious
How does a dog or a cat behave when it is ill? aggressive, fearful and/or stressed
What are signs of AGGRESSION in dogs/cats? bared teeth, growling, hissing
What are signs that a dog /cat is stressed? panting, salivating, shedding of fur, lip licking, hiding, avoiding eye contact, low body posture, sweating from paws
What is NORMAL behaviour for a RABBIT? Responds to sound and the surroundings
How does a RABBIT behave when it is ill? It withdraws from the group, is lethargic (no energy) and does not respond to noise or touch
What are the signs that a RABBIT is stressed? Enlarged eyes, tense body posture, ears laid back (flat against the body), growling, rapid breathing and flinches when touched
What is NORMAL behaviour for a GOAT? Moving around while grazing and responding to the surroundings
How does a GOAT behave when it is ill? Lethargy, withdrawal from the herd, loss of appetite and excessive noise
What are the signs that a GOAT is stressed? Increased butting, increased bleating, pawing at ground/stomping of hooves, withdrawal from herd and loss of appetite
What is NORMAL behaviour for CHICKENS? Moving around, scratching at the ground, dust bathing, feeding frequently, responsiveness to surroundings, inquisitiveness
How does a CHICKEN behave when it is ill? Lethargy, loss of appetite, excessive vocalisation and withdrawing from the flock
What are the signs that a CHICKEN is stressed? Increased vocalisation, pacing, loss of appetite, and aggression
What is NORMAL behaviour for a BEARDED DRAGON? Responsive to movement, bask under heat lamps, move about the enclosure or coil up in their hide
How do bearded dragons THERMOREGULATE? They move to a warmer area when cool and to a cooler area when too warm
How does a BEARDED DRAGON behave when it is ill? Mouth gaping open, excessive hissing and puffing up in defence
How can you tell when a BEARDED DRAGON is overheating? Its mouth is wide open
What are the signs that a BEARDED DRAGON is stressed? Loss of appetite, lower levels of activity, erratic shedding of skin, increased aggression
What visual signs tell us that an animal is in pain? Vocalisation, hunched posture, reluctance to move, slow movements, not using a limb or limping. Holding limbs or head in an unusual position or to one side.
What colour is healthy urine in DOGS, CATS and GOATS? Light straw colour
What colour is heathy urine in RABBITS? Light staw colour with red/orange tinges
If there is blood or pus in the urine, what does this tell us? That the animal has a bladder or kidney infection
What are URATES? A semi-solid product passed by CHICKENS and BEARDED DRAGONS - a combination of urine and faecal matter (poo)
How can you tell that an animal is ill just by looking at their faeces(poo)? There is blood, worm segments or foreign objects in it. The animal may have difficulty in passing the faeces (poo).
What does healthy DOG/CAT faeces (poo) look like? Well formed and cigar shaped, dark brown in colour
What does unhealthy DOG/CAT faeces (poo) look like? Changes in colour (including pale, very light brown, or green). Blood in it. Liquid or light mousse in texture.
What do the 2 types of healthy RABBIT stools (poo) look like? 1. Individual well-formed pellets - round, dry in texture and dark brown 2. Caecotrophs - smaller, sticky, round, dark brown pellets often clumped together
Why should you NOT see caecotrophs (small, sticky, round pellets) in a healthy rabbit enclosure? These are eaten by the rabbit as soon as they are passed from the anus
What are caecotrophs? Small, sticky, round faecal (poo) pellets which are passed and immediately eaten by the rabbit
What does healthy GOAT faeces (poo) look like? Small, well-rounded dark brown individual pellets
What does unhealthy GOAT faeces (poo) look like? Loose and pale in colour
What does healthy BEARDED DRAGON and CHICKEN faeces look like? It consists of two different coloured sections: white urates (or crystallised urea) and the darker section (or faeces)
What does unhealthy BEARDED DRAGON and CHICKEN faeces look like? Pale or very light brown or green with blood in it. A very liquid or light mousse texture.
How do we carry out food and water checks? Make sure the animal has eaten the food provided. Monitor the food and water intake over time.
What visual signs would suggest that the animal may need a further health check? Discharge from eyes or nose, signs of excessive scratching and bald patches/damaged scales or skin
What does a body condition score of 1 mean? Ribs, spine and pelvic bones are easily visible, obvious loss of muscle mass, no palpable fat on the chest
What does a body condition score of 2 mean? Ribs, spine and pelvic bones visible, obvious waist, minimal abdominal fat
What does a body condition score of 3 mean? Ribs, spine and pelvic bones not visible but easily palpable (felt through skin), obvious waist, little abdominal fat
What does a body condition score of 4 mean? Ribs, spine and pelvic bones are hardly palpable, waist is absent, heavy abdominal fat deposits
What does a body condition score of 5 mean? Massive fat deposits over chest, spine and abdomen, lack of waist, distended abdomen.
Created by: MmeLightfoot
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