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Laboratory Animals and Exotics

What order of avians are usually used in biomedical research? Galliformes (fowl); turkey, chicken, duck
What does integument mean? skin, beak, claws, feathers, and associated structures
What shape of beak do psittacines have? curved upper beak
What is the other name for uropygial gland? preen gland
What is the purpose of the preen gland? secretes material that is used by bird to waterproof their feathers
The caudal portion of the birds vertebrae is fused to form what is called the ____________________. synsacrum
What are the largest muscles in a birds body? pectorals
What bones in the bird are pneumatic bones? skull, vertebrae pelvis, sternum, ribs, humerus, and sometimes the femur
What is another name for developing feathers on a bird? blood feathers
How many air sacs do birds have? nine
Where is the syrinx found? caudal portion of the trachea
Where is the operculum found? nares
Where are bird lungs found? dorsally near the spine
Where does gas exchange take place in the bird? lungs
What body excrements come out of the cloaca? feces and urine
Which anticholinergic should never be used in birds? atropine
Preening helps with what? waterproofing
The stomach that grinds the food is called what? ventriculus
What part of the GI system in birds softens the food? crop
The anatomical order of the digestive system of the bird is what? crop, proventriculus and ventriculus
Drug dosages in birds is so minute that they are often used in a manner other than what they were intended. What is this called? extralabel use
In the roof of the mouth of birds there is an opening called what? choana
The white part of a bird's droppings is what? urates
The ulnar vein may also be called what? wing vein or basilic vein
A gavage is used for what? feed or medicate birds
What area is best to give SQ fluids in a bird? inguinal
How many ml's can you give IM to a bird in one injection? 0.3 mls
Butorphenol i good for what in birds? pain
Another name for voice box. syrinx
The distended area on the esophagus. crop
Muscles on either side of the keel. pectorals
True stomach of the bird. proventriculus
Why does the gizzard have rocks and sand in it? to grind the food
Define vent. external opening of the cloaca
What is found right inside the nose of birds? NOT BOOGERS! OPERCULUM
The avian disease that is a herpesvirus and can affect the entire flock by causing reddened prolapsed cloacas is called what? Cloacal Papillomatosis
The avian disease that is also known as parrot fever, is zoonotic, and can cause pneumonia is called what? Avian Chlamydiosis
The avian disease, Poxvirus, causes lesions to occur in what area of the body? face, eyelids, and corners of mouth and feet
The avian disease that has been seen recently in the U.S. that is caused by mosquitos which infects humans and horses is called what? West Nile Virus
If a bird presents to vet and is ataxic, anorexic, with no motility in the crop it could be what disease? Proventricular Dilatation Disease
Define gnotobiology. study of animals or other organisms raised in environments free of germs; those which contain only specifically known germs. Scientists compare gnotobiotic animals with ordinary animals whose bodies carry many germs, like bacteria, viruses and parasites.
Where are axenic animals kept? In barrier facilities because they are germ free
What are some examples of behaviors in birds? wag tail when happy, poop alot, regurgitate food for owner, hold food with feet
What stimulates a sexual reaction in birds by the owner? rubbing their backs
Where are microchips inserted in birds? pectoral muscle
Created by: spoitevint
Popular Veterinary sets




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